After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 108 You white-eyed wolf, the Wei family has raised you in vain!

"Yuxian... Yuxian..." Mother Wei cried and called Wei Yuxian's name, as if she had seen a savior!

Wei Yuxian looked at her coldly without saying a word to see what she wanted to say.

When Wei's father next to Wei's mother heard her shouting like this, he endured the pain and raised his head and saw Wei Yuxian.

He looked at the "daughter" in front of him with cloudy eyes. He had not seen this daughter since she went to Kyoto to go to college. Now that he saw her again, he almost didn't recognize her!

The person in front of her has changed a lot. She has become much rounder and has some flesh on her face, not too much, not too little, just right. The clothes on her body are also very different from before.

My whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes!

She is more beautiful now, and her temperament is different from before. She no longer looks like she is ready to be bullied.

How could she have changed so much in just half a year?

His cloudy eyes turned to look at the man next to her. This is a handsome-looking man who looks dangerous!

How could Wei Yuxian hook up with such a man?

Father Wei had no time to think too much, so he looked at Wei Yuxian again, but met her cold eyes. For some reason, seeing her eyes like this, he couldn't help but shudder!

This change is too obvious. This "daughter" is no longer the same daughter as before.

At this moment, Wei's father still didn't know that Wei Yuxian was not his biological daughter. Wei's mother had not told him, and no one with knowledge had told him either.

So he still thinks that Wei Yuxian is his biological daughter.

He also couldn't understand why Wei Yuxian could be so cruel and do such a thing to their family!

He now knew that everything that happened to his family was the work of the man behind Wei Yuxian, and he knew nothing about the others.

He was very confused. Although her family was not very kind to her, she wouldn't take revenge on her family like this, right?

After all, they are a family! The same blood is flowing on the body!

Not to mention, he worked so hard to raise her to such a big age, but she didn't want to repay her, but she still treated her family like this!

When Father Wei thought of this, he lost his temper towards Wei Yuxian.

In their village, which family didn't treat their daughter like this?

In the village, are there still few girls getting married in their teens? She should be thankful that he didn't marry her off early!

In Father Wei's view, women are men's vassals, beings that can be sold to their sons to save money for their wives.

The concept of favoring boys over girls has been deeply ingrained in his mind!

Wei's mother endured the pain in her body and took a deep breath to stop the tears from falling so she could speak the complete words and said, "Yuxian, Mom didn't mean it. Can you please let Mom go?"

"After all, mom has raised you for so many years. Just because she has raised you for so many years, can you let her go?"

Mother Wei finished speaking such a long paragraph in one breath, and the wounds on her body hurt terribly. As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly took a breath and tried to relieve the pain on her body.

Father Wei beside her also said at this moment: "Wei Yuxian, I am your father! How could you treat me like this? I really didn't expect you to be such a white-eyed wolf. Our Wei family has really raised you in vain all these years!"

Has our Wei family treated you badly over the years? We provide you with food, shelter, and schooling! Is this how you repay me?

I'm your dad! Do you want to be stabbed in the back by the people in the village? "

What he said was arrogant and arrogant, as if Wei Yuxian was all wrong.

And at this moment, he also used his identity as an elder to suppress Wei Yuxian, hoping to make Wei Yuxian afraid and let him go quickly.

After Wei Yuxian heard these words, she just sneered, as if she had heard some big joke!

She said: "You know how the Wei family has treated me over the years! They provide me with food and shelter. Yes, I eat your leftovers. Most of the time, I don't have enough to eat. And Come on, the small balcony where I live is in really good condition!

As for sending me to school...before junior high school, if the government hadn't come to your doorstep, would you have let me finish primary school! And high school, did you pay any part of my tuition and living expenses?

If it weren’t for the support of my teachers and my own part-time job to make money, would I have been able to finish high school?

How many times have you gone to my high school to cause trouble? How dare you say this again!

Finally, are you sure...are you really my father? "

Every word, the tone is so cold! Especially the last sentence, like ice particles, pierced into Father Wei's heart!

When Wei's mother heard her husband's words, cold sweat broke out on her head, and she was sweating for her husband in her heart!

She wanted to stop him and stop him from overestimating his abilities and saying such words at this time.

But what she just said had exhausted all her energy, and now she could only make a sound as small as a mosquito, unable to stop Father Wei at all!

Now when she heard what Wei Yuxian said again, her heart skipped a beat and she thought: It's over, everything is over!

Wei's father was also very confused about the meaning of Wei Yuxian's words, especially the last sentence. She said, are you really my father?

What does she mean? What does it mean that he is really her father?

He is not her father who is!

Could it be that...this stinky bitch stole someone behind his back?

Thinking of this, Wei's father felt his head turn green. He turned to look at Wei's mother, his eyes full of anger!

However, this conclusion has not yet been confirmed, and he only suspects it.

He looked at Wei Yuxian and asked, "What do you mean, if I'm not your father, who else is your father?"

Wei Yuxian looked at Wei's mother and saw that this woman lowered her head with a guilty conscience. She did not dare to look at anyone and tried to reduce her presence as much as possible.

But is this useful? It's of no use at all!

She said: "It seems she hasn't told you yet. Nineteen years ago, the girl you gave birth to died within a few days, but this woman held the dead baby in her arms in order not to be gossiped about... Got me!"

After speaking, she paused, and the sadness in her heart welled up again. Her eyes became redder, her nose became sore, and tears began to gather in her eyes.

But she was trying hard not to show any cowardice in front of them!

She must be strong in front of her enemies! You must be stronger than them!

Fu Xuanyi looked at the people around him distressedly, moved his position slightly, stood half behind her, and half held the person in his arms, giving her more support.

He seemed to be saying silently: Don't be afraid, I am behind you.

Wei Yuxian said in her heart that she was lying if she didn't feel touched. The sourness in her nose became even more obvious. She gritted her teeth and held back her tears.

Fu Xuanyi also gave her great courage, allowing her to stand firm!

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