Father Wei looked at Wei Yuxian's face in disbelief, trying to detect signs of lying on her face.

But after looking at it for a long time, I didn't see that her face was so determined!

He could only turn his attention to Wei Mu and ask her for confirmation. He wanted to hear what this woman would say!

The person his Wei family has raised for so many years is actually an outsider!

At this moment, Wei's mother felt so guilty that she didn't dare to raise her head, let alone answer Wei's father.

Wei's father didn't have a good face towards Wei's mother, and asked loudly: "Smelly bitch, is what this money-loser said true? Did you really give birth to a dead person?"

He didn't notice his caliber and called Wei Yuxian that title.

Fu Xuanyi stared at Father Wei with a sharp look, and glanced lightly at the younger brother beside him.

The younger brother was always paying attention to the movements of his Master Xuan, and immediately received the signal from Master Xuan's eyes. When he came to Father Wei, he gave him two big slaps in the face!

"Crack!" "Crack!"

The two slaps were very loud and clear in the empty factory.

Father Wei was stunned and had no idea why he was beaten again. He looked at the younger brother who was beating him in confusion, and his mouth moved. Before he could say anything, he was slapped twice again. !

The little brother used the strongest force, without any mercy, just use as much force as you need!

The force was so strong that his hands were numb!

But he didn't say anything, but glanced at his Master Xuan. After seeing Master Xuan's satisfied eyes, he stopped his hand and stepped aside.

The corners of Wei's father's mouth were smashed and a trace of blood flowed out. He looked very embarrassed.

This time, he was even more confused. He didn't even care about Wei's mother and went to see Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi.

After seeing this terrifying man's eyes become even colder, he suddenly thought of something!

He thought of the title he had just given, Wei Yuxian!

In the past, everyone at home called her this, so he subconsciously called her this just now!

But who would have thought that just by calling him the wrong name, he would be treated like this!

This man is too terrifying!

And his protection of money-losing goods is also outrageous!

This loser has found a good backer...

When Father Wei thought of those slaps just now, he looked at Fu Xuanyi's terrifying eyes and looked back with some fear.

I don’t dare to touch a man’s reverse scales again.

Wei Yuxian felt happy when she saw Wei's father being beaten, and said, "You don't have to doubt it, there is no need for me to deceive you with such a thing... What should the Wei family owe me in return?"

Her tone changed and became harsh!

If you look closely, you can see that she has a bit of Fu Xuanyi's shadow.

Yes, she is learning, learning from Fu Xuanyi's aura, and learning from his aura of calmness and self-power!

This man is the most intimidating person she has ever seen!

And there is only one Fu Xuanyi around her who can learn from.

Father Wei looked at Wei Yuxian. He didn't dare to say anything casually at this moment. At least he had to think carefully before speaking.

His lips were trembling, and the place where he had just been beaten was still very painful, and he said: "Wei Yuxian, our Wei family has raised you for so many years. Your life has been raised by our Wei family, so just take care of you." Don’t worry about this love, okay?”

This stubborn man still hasn’t figured out where the focus of this matter lies!

He just felt that he had raised Wei Yuxian, so Wei Yuxian should repay them in turn! Instead of tying them up like beasts like now.

Wei Yuxian was so angry that he trembled and said, "If my parents were still alive, if I hadn't been replaced, why would I need you to raise me! My parents would have raised me well!"

Father Wei still didn't come to his senses: "That's the truth, but it's not me who replaces you. Besides, if our family hadn't raised you all these years, you would have died long ago."

Wei Yuxian felt that his words were really hateful!

No matter how much I tell him, I can't explain it clearly. This man is so arrogant!

If you make a mistake, you will never find the reason in yourself, but put the mistake on others! I'm safe and sound!

Yes, he was right, the person who replaced him was not him, but were the injuries he had done to him over the years all fake?

A man like him is not worthy of being a father!

Lu Chengxiao on the side couldn't stand it any longer, so he stepped forward and said, "Madam, how about I cut out his tongue? This man can't speak, and it's useless to keep his tongue."

When Father Wei heard what this man said, he finally felt frightened. He closed his mouth tightly and stared at him with a look of horror!

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips tightly and turned a little pale. After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind and said, "No, I will do it myself!"

She wants to avenge her parents personally!

Upon hearing this, Lu Chengxiao looked at Fu Xuanyi and sought his opinion.

Fu Xuanyi did not answer him immediately, but lowered his head to look at the person in his arms. His face turned pale and his body even trembled a little, but her eyes were so firm.

He touched her little face and asked her to stop being so tense and relax, and said, "Be good, don't force yourself."

Wei Yuxian shook her head gently and said: "I didn't force it... I want to avenge my parents personally!"

Fu Xuanyi said nothing more and gave Lu Chengxiao a clear answer.

Lu Chengxiao took out a dagger from his arms, put it in his hands, and presented it to Wei Yuxian.

"Madam, please." He said with a slightly excited tone.

Lin Chengyuan also walked up and said, "Sister-in-law, you can come. If you can't do it, I can do it for you."

Wei Yuxian bit her lower lip and took the dagger. The cold touch made her tremble. It was the first time she touched such a dangerous thing.

She took a deep breath, held the dagger tightly, signaled the man behind her to let go of her, and walked towards Father Wei and Mother Wei step by step.

She stared at the man in front of her who was trembling with fear, and raised her hands high!

Father Wei was extremely frightened. The dagger looked extremely sharp. With one strike, his skin would peel off even if he died!

"Yu, Yuxian... let's talk it over if we have something to say... Dad was wrong, Dad shouldn't have..."

"You are not my dad!" Wei Yuxian interrupted, "You are not qualified to compare with my dad!"

Her parents are good, unlike the two people in front of her, who are demons in human skin!

Father Wei also realized that he had said something wrong and quickly corrected himself: "I was wrong Yuxian, I really know I was wrong, I am a bastard, I am a beast, I shouldn't have treated you like that before..."

It's all this woman's fault. If you want to vent your hatred, just go to her. I really don't know anything, Yuxian..."

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