In order to escape safely, he did not hesitate to push Wei Mu out.

As long as you can avoid this physical pain, you can push this stinky woman out.

In his heart, he was a little resentful of Wei Mu.

If this stupid woman hadn't done such a thing, how could their family be like this?

When Wei's mother saw her man, she suddenly became disheartened. She thought about the years she had spent in the Wei family, working as a slave for the three of them, but now she was treated like this by him!

So she immediately said: "Do you think you are innocent! Most of the things I have done to Yuxian over the years have been your fault, right? You are the one behind it! You are the most poisonous one!

Yes, it was my fault that I replaced Yuxian, but the life Yuxian has lived these years was not caused by you! "

When Father Wei saw that this woman dared to talk to him so loudly, the anger in his heart rose!

"You bitch, how dare you talk to me like that! You have to go to heaven! Wait until you get out and see if I don't kill you!"

Wei's mother was fearless. Compared with Lu Chengxiao's people, Wei's father was just a paper tiger!

"Come on! Come on!"

The two of them started fighting each other, and neither of them gave way to the other. For a moment, the factory was full of the two people scolding each other, making it very noisy.

Wei Yuxian felt that their voices were unpleasant and harsh, so she shouted: "Shut up!"

The two were frightened by her voice, stopped scolding, and looked at her cautiously.

To be more precise, she looked at the dagger in her hand carefully, for fear that the dagger would suddenly fall.

Wei Yuxian held the dagger for a while. It was okay at first, but after a while, her arm started to get sore.

She knew she couldn't drag it out any longer and had to fight quickly while she still had the strength!

She won't let these two people go! No matter how much they argue.

They are all guilty!

Well, first of all, what she wants to punish is the man in front of her.

Her hand holding the dagger was trembling slightly. Looking at the man's fearful face, she hesitated and couldn't put her hand down.

It was also the first time for her to do such a thing, and she couldn't overcome the grudge in her heart for a while.

Seeing her hesitation, Fu Xuanyi's hands were trembling, so he walked forward silently, hugged her small hand with his big hands, took her with him, and stabbed her hard!

"Ah——" A miserable cry echoed in the factory.

It belongs to Father Wei.

Wei Yuxian stared blankly at her own hands, Fu Xuanyi's hands, and then at Wei's father's chest where it was stabbed, and it was stabbed deeply!

Blood flowed!

Seeing the blood slowly pouring out, she felt scared in her heart.

Her body and hands were shaking even more violently, and she wanted to retreat.

At this moment, the man behind him said in a pleasant voice: "Don't be afraid, you did it."

Wei Yuxian calmed down after hearing this and thought, yes, she did it, there is nothing to be afraid of, she cannot retreat when facing her enemy!

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, letting out the cowardice in his heart.

Her body stopped trembling, and her eyes became more fierce. Fu Xuanyi let go of his hand, took the dagger and stabbed it hard!

Not a trace of hesitation!

She said: "The knife just now was for my father, and the knife now is for my mother!"

He pulled out the dagger, and some blood came out with it, splattering on Wei Yuxian's body.

The strong smell of blood lingered on the tip of her nose, making Wei Yuxian feel nauseous and want to vomit.

Father Wei almost fainted from the pain. He received two blows on his hand, each blow was so hard that he barely missed it!

If not treated in time, his hand will be destroyed!

Wei Yuxian was afraid that she would die, so she came to Wei's mother again and received the same treatment as Wei's father just now!

"This knife is for myself! This knife is for my parents!"

After doing this, Wei Yuxian broke out in a cold sweat and had a lot of blood splattered on her body.

She seemed to have lost all her strength. She didn't even pull out the dagger. She took two steps back and retreated into Fu Xuanyi's arms. She was breathing heavily and her face became even paler.

Her courage was exhausted and she managed to do it.

The painful cries of those two people were in his ears, and the smell of their blood was on the tip of his nose. Nothing could stimulate a person more than this.

Wei Yuxian suddenly felt nauseated. She couldn't stand the strong smell of blood, so she covered her mouth and bent over to retch.

When Fu Xuanyi saw this, he quickly picked him up and walked outside to leave this bloody place.

Lin Chengyuan also followed out with a worried look on his face, and Lu Chengxiao also followed out after getting his dagger back.

When she came outside, the smell of blood subsided suddenly, and Wei Yuxian felt much better. As for the smell of blood on her body, it was still bearable.

She curled up in Fu Xuanyi's arms like a fragile princess who was seriously ill, holding Fu Xuanyi's clothes tightly with one hand, as if grasping a life-saving straw.

Looking at the man's beautiful jawline, he said: "Axuan... I'm still not brave enough..."

The man looked down at her, with nothing in his eyes except her, and said, "My dear, you are very brave."

It is difficult for ordinary people to overcome these things, but he did it obediently, and she was brave.

Wei Yuxian shook her head, tears falling from her eyes in fear, and she hugged Fu Xuanyi tighter, seeking his protection.

After getting in the car, Fu Xuanyi put her on his lap, gently caressed her back, and said: "It's okay, dear, you did it, don't be afraid, they are the ones who should be afraid."

Wei Yuxian didn't know whether she was comforted or not. She said "hmm" twice and buried her head deeply in his arms.

"Axuan, I'm so cold..."

The cold body was shaking.

Fu Xuanyi opened his clothes, wrapped the person in it, and held the person tightly.

Wei Yuxian still said she was cold, so she found her hands around the man's waist, wrapped them around him, and hugged him.

Lin Chengyuan and Lu Chengxiao, who were getting on the bus from behind, saw something was wrong with her condition. The former said, "Master Xuan, does sister-in-law have a fever?"

After all, his family runs a hospital, so he has some experience, but not much.

Fu Xuanyi dug out her little face and saw that she was sweating coldly, her eyes were closed, and she kept talking about being cold.

It's like talking unconsciously.

His heart tightened, and he reached out to touch her forehead. It was hot!

She was frightened, frightened by what just happened.

These days, her body has been in a fragile situation, and she just forced herself to do something like that...

"Go to the hospital!" He said solemnly, hugging the person in his arms even more forcefully.

Lu Chengxiao drove quickly and rushed to the nearest hospital as quickly as possible.

Lin Chengyuan dug and dug in the car, dug out a blanket, and covered the two of them.

Wei Yuxian had already passed out, and the situation was more serious than they imagined!

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