Lu Chengxiao followed the navigation system and drove all the way to the nearest hospital, which took only more than ten minutes.

After entering the hospital, it was just a matter of registering for medical treatment. After struggling for half an hour, Wei Yuxian lay on the hospital bed, her face pale and her lips drained of color.

Because she is pregnant, many medicines cannot be used. In addition, this hospital is a small hospital, so it is even more afraid to prescribe medicine casually.

Therefore, doctors only recommend using physical methods to cool down first to see if the temperature can be lowered. If it really cannot be lowered, medication should be considered.

Fu Xuanyi kicked everyone out, used the ice pack brought from the hospital, and placed it on Wei Yuxian's forehead, armpits and groin, and then wiped her body with warm water.

Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan were sitting on chairs outside, looking sad.

The latter looked at the ceiling boredly. After a while, he took out his mobile phone and called the old lady.

The old lady has to know about such a big thing. Besides, with the old lady here, it will be easier to take care of her sister-in-law.

When the old lady arrived here, it was already more than an hour later. She was accompanied by Father Fu, Aunt Fu and several servants.

When she brought Aunt Fu and the servant in, Fu Xuanyi had just finished wiping Wei Yuxian's body. This was the second time he wiped her body with warm water and changed the ice pack.

His movements in taking care of Wei Yuxian were very unfamiliar, like a child learning to walk, with a staggering gait.

But there is always a process for everything, and people are not born doing the same thing.

Seeing his mother coming, he raised his head and called out: "Mom." Then he lowered his head and looked at the person on the bed.

Mother Fu walked up worriedly and asked, "How's it going? Why do you have such a fever?"

Fu Xuanyi just took Wei Yuxian's temperature. The temperature has gone down a bit. Physical cooling is useful.

He said: "Better. What happened in the morning scared her."

Hearing this, Fu's mother sighed, sat down by the bed, and reached out to touch Wei Yuxian's face.

Her face was glowing with an abnormal red color, and there was a sickly red color in her paleness. She was so small lying on the bed, and it made people feel distressed just to look at her.

"Poor child." Mother Fu murmured.

The room fell silent again, and no one spoke. Aunt Fu took a few servants and found a place to sit down in the corner, ready to be called upon at any time.

When it was time to wipe the body next time, Aunt Fu wanted to step forward to help, but Fu Xuanyi refused and asked them all to leave the ward, and even the old lady could not stay.

Seeing that he insisted on doing it herself, Fu's mother said nothing and walked out of the room with Aunt Fu and the servant.

Outside, several grown men hurriedly asked: "How's it going?"

Fu's mother said: "Everything is fine. The temperature is cooling down. It won't take long before it returns to normal."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay. If something happened to this Jin Qiaoda, the ten lives of those two people wouldn't be enough to compensate!

Everyone sat down on the chairs again and waited quietly.

In the ward, Fu Xuanyi changed the ice pack for Wei Yuxian and wiped his body with warm water. His movements were not as unfamiliar as the first time.

The sky gradually darkened, the wind outside the window became stronger, and it began to rain in spring.

The drizzle moistens everything.

At night, the temperature dropped a lot. After one day, Wei Yuxian's body temperature finally dropped. Even after removing the ice pack, she never woke up.

She was trapped in a nightmare and wanted to wake up, but couldn't.

She was crying in her dream, but in reality, she was also crying uneasily and her body was very cold.

Fu Xuanyi added a quilt to her, but it was still not enough, so he had to take off his coat and lie on the bed to keep her warm.

There is no floor heating or heating here in the south, so the indoor temperature is a bit colder.

But it’s mid-March now, and the cold is almost over.

The ward was dark, with no lights on. Fu's mother walked in with food, turned on the warm yellow bedside lamp, and whispered to Fu Xuanyi on the bed: "Axuan, get up and eat something, you haven't eaten all day. "

As long as Wei Yuxian was in coma, Fu Xuanyi guarded her, not letting any water in.

Even a man made of iron cannot bear it.

Fu Xuanyi glanced at his mother, hugged the person in his arms tightly, and said only two words: "Wait for her."

Wait until she wakes up.

He has no appetite now, and when he sees the weak look of the person in his arms, he loses all mood.

Few people can change what he decided, not even Fu's mother. She could only sigh, sit down and wait with him.

Another hour later, the person who had been silent in his arms finally woke up.

Wei Yuxian's consciousness gradually returned, and she finally escaped from the terrible dream. Then she discovered that her physical condition was very bad!

My whole body felt weak, as if I had done some strenuous exercise.

And her stomach was also very uncomfortable, empty and in urgent need of food!

After opening her eyes, the first person she saw was Fu Xuanyi. This man was looking away with a straight face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Axuan..." She shouted in a low voice with a hoarse voice.

She didn't know how long she had been unconscious, but looking at the sky outside, it seemed that she had been unconscious for a long time.

Fu Xuanyi, you should be worried...

Fu Xuanyi lowered his head, touched her face and said, "Wake up."

Wei Yuxian's body was still very weak. She nodded slowly and said, "I'm hungry."

Without saying a word, Fu Xuanyi hugged the person and sat up, letting the person sit peacefully in his arms and glanced at his mother.

Fu's mother immediately understood what he meant, picked up the thermos bucket on the bedside table, took out a bowl of porridge, opened the table on the hospital bed, and put it on top to make it easier for Fu Xuanyi to move.

Fu Xuanyi picked up the spoon and fed it to her.

Wei Yuxian felt very embarrassed, even if she was in someone else's arms, she still had to be fed.

She shook her head and said, "I'll do it myself."

Then, she raised her hand to get the spoon, but she overestimated herself. Her hands were so soft that it was difficult to even lift them, let alone pick up the spoon.

He had no choice but to accept Fu Xuanyi's feeding.

I was extremely shy about eating this meal.

However, my heart is also extremely warm. When you are at your most vulnerable, someone is willing to be kind to you and take care of yourself in this way, which really warms your heart.

The person who brought her all this was Fu Xuanyi, a man who looked cold on the outside but was very delicate in his heart.

After Wei Yuxian had eaten, she regained some strength and asked, "How long have I slept?"

Fu Xuanyi ate the rest of her porridge and said, "One day."

Wei Yuxian could also guess the time, so she just sighed and said, "I'm still too weak."

After saying that, she wanted to get out of Fu Xuanyi's arms because she saw that the old lady had been looking at them. She was thin-skinned and couldn't bear it.

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