Fu Xuanyi held her tightly with one hand, not letting her leave, and ate the meal quickly with the other hand.

After not eating for a day, his body couldn't bear it. Now that he saw someone waking up, his stomach also protested.

He said in her ear: "Guiguai is already great."

Wei Yuxian wanted to break away from the man's arms, but she was no match for him when she was not sick, and now that she was sick, she was even less likely to be a match for him.

She struggled to break free several times, but she still couldn't. She looked at the old lady on the side, and the old lady actually looked at them with a smile.

Wei Yuxian wanted to leave the man's arms even more. She whispered to him, "Let me go."

Fu Xuanyi refused and had been hugging him for a whole day, so he was reluctant to let go.

Wei Yuxian felt bad all over. She had a fever and was sweating all over. She was a little sticky. She didn't know how Fu Xuanyi managed not to dislike her.

Fu's mother saw that she seemed to be a little redundant here, so she gave Fu Xuanyi a few words, said a few words to Wei Yuxian, and then walked out of the ward, leaving space for them.

Fu Xuanyi was extremely satisfied when he saw this.

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the old lady going out. At least, she wouldn't be so embarrassed anymore.

After all, the old lady is an elder. It is better for the younger generation to stay calm in front of their elders.

But this man doesn't care about that, he just does whatever he wants, he's so overbearing!

She stayed in his arms until he finished the porridge. Fu Xuanyi's big hands were like pliers on her waist, unable to move her at all.

She turned her head slightly, looked at the man, and asked, "What will you do with them later?"

It is self-evident who they are referring to.

Except for Wei's father and Wei's mother, there is no one else.

Fu Xuanyi threw the question back to her: "How do you want to deal with it?"

Wei Yuxian bit her lower lip and thought for a while, then said: "Anyway, don't make it easy for them."

"Okay, I promise you." The man said lightly, deciding the future of the Wei family.

Wei Yuxian sometimes thinks that what she is doing is too cruel, but when she thinks of her biological parents, she feels that it is not cruel at all!

After all, no matter what she did, she couldn't get her parents' lives back.

Thinking of this, she felt depressed again, sighed, and thought wildly in her mind.

Seeing this, Fu Xuanyi touched her hair and asked, "Do you want to take a shower?"

Wei Yuxian nodded, discarded all the bad thoughts, and enlightened herself in her heart that people must always look forward and cannot remain immersed in sadness.

She must live a more exciting life in the future so as not to waste the life her parents gave her.

So Wei Yuxian, live a happier life!

She got up, took a set of clothes, and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Fu Xuanyi wanted to go in and help her wash, but she refused with a blushing face and quickly closed the bathroom door.

If Fu Xuanyi helps her wash it, she won't have a good night's sleep tonight!

It took about half an hour for her to finish taking a bath, but she didn't dare to wash her hair for fear of getting a fever again later.

After she came out, she yawned. She had obviously slept all day, but she was still sleepy now.

Maybe it was because of her illness. This fever had depleted her energy, and now she had to make up for it.

Fu Xuanyi asked her to go to bed first, and he went to take a bath. When he came out, he saw that the person on the bed was already asleep, and his movements became gentle unconsciously.

He lay down next to the villain, hugged him, and fell asleep.

Have a good night's sleep.

The next day, Wei Yuxian had no recurrence of fever and could be discharged from the hospital.

Instead of returning to the rented villa, they took a private plane back to Kyoto.

It was another day of running around and she was tired. It took Wei Yuxian several days to recover completely.

One day, the sun was just right, and she was sitting on the tatami on the balcony, enjoying a sunbath, which was very comfortable.

He lowered his head and looked at his growing belly. Inside, there were two brand new lives.

She was thankful that her two babies had experienced so many things with her and were still so strong without any problems.

His eyes couldn't help but become much gentler, full of love.

Baby, I will love you very much. She said this in her heart.

The two babies seemed to sense their mother's love and kicked their mother's belly twice to show that they understood.

Wei Yuxian touched the place where she was kicked, and the smile on her face became more obvious.

Her mood has been slowly adjusting recently, and her life is moving in a positive direction.

It's just that she was too bored when she was at home, except reading books.

One day, she went into the kitchen and saw the chefs making some cute little desserts. She took a look and thought, weren't these the cute little things she usually eats?

Almost immediately, she became interested in this thing!

Girls are almost irresistible to cute things!

Wei Yuxian immediately said that she would learn to make some small desserts with the chef.

The chef was so frightened that he didn't dare to let the hostess go to the kitchen in person, not to mention that the hostess was still pregnant, but the treasure of the Fu family was golden bumps!

If something happens in the kitchen, none of his ten heads will be enough for Master Xuan to vent his hatred!

But he couldn't refuse the hostess, so he had to ask the old lady for help.

When the old lady came to the kitchen, she initially disagreed with Wei Yuxian entering the kitchen, but then she thought of something and agreed again.

Wei Yuxian didn't care why the old lady suddenly agreed, and she happily started making desserts.

She has a background in cooking, and she is pretty good at making desserts, not to mention there are several top chefs around her to guide her.

After working all morning, she finally made several cute little animal-shaped cakes, which she loved so much!

After lunch, she held a cat-shaped mousse in front of the old lady like a treasure, and said with crooked eyes: "Old lady, you can try the cake I made, it is low-sugar, you can eat it too! "

Her expression at the moment was like that of a child, with stars in her eyes.

The old lady usually had the habit of having dessert after meals, so she took the kitten over without saying a word.

Wei Yuxian's smile became even brighter, and she held another one to Father Fu with a look of anticipation on her face.

Father Fu didn't like this sweet thing, but looking at his daughter-in-law's big eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, so he accepted it.

Wei Yuxian herself also took a panda-shaped one and started eating it.

"Old lady, how does it taste?" she asked while eating.

Fu's mother smiled and said, "It's delicious. Is this the first time Yuxian makes mousse?"

Wei Yuxian nodded twice and said a cute "hmm".

Fu's mother praised her without hesitation: "Yuxian is awesome! It tastes as good as what the chef makes!"

Father Fu also uttered two words: "It's delicious."

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