Wei Yuxian was being held by Fu Xuanyi's little hand. Under the attention of so many people, she just wanted to dig a hole and crawl in!

She wanted to pull the man back into the elevator, waiting for everyone to leave before getting out, but the man looked indifferent, as if he didn't see any employees, and pulled her forward.

Wei Yuxian once again realized what it means to live without love.

She lowered her head like an ostrich, her face turned red, and her heartbeat was so fast that it exploded!

If she can't drag the man back into the elevator, then she can walk faster and leave this place of right and wrong, right?

So, she walked a little faster and walked in front of the man. Her small hand was still holding the man's big hand, mainly because she couldn't let go.

She wanted to walk fast, but the man didn't want to, as if he was deliberately showing off to the employees.

It seems to be saying: Look, this is my wife! And my kids!

Wei Yuxian was anxious to death, but the man was still very leisurely, as if he was taking a walk!

At this time, the employees finally came to their senses and gave their blessings to Mr. Fu.

Then there was a loud voice: "Hello, Mr. Fu! Hello, madam!"

Fu Xuanyi wanted this effect. Looking at the person in front of him who didn't dare to raise his head, he thought that her face might be as red as a tomato.

The corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly, revealing a beautiful smile.

He said "hmm" to the employees, with obvious joy in his voice.

The employees have been around for a long time, but how have they ever seen Mr. Fu like this? What a stinker!

They really wanted to record this scene with their mobile phones, but when they thought of Mr. Fu's face that was as good as a refrigerator, they held back.

Don't dare to commit suicide.

Seeing that Mr. Fu and his wife were about to walk out of the company door, an employee quickly and cleverly shouted: "Goodbye, Mr. Fu! Goodbye, madam!"

Hearing this, other employees also shouted.

Fu Xuanyi was satisfied with the name they called Madam, and was in a good mood. He looked back and glanced at the first person who called out, who was a female employee.

Remember her face and give her a bonus.

After finally getting into the car, Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the man behind her with some resentment, turned her head to the side, and sulked.

He did it on purpose! He just walked so slowly on purpose!

As for what he was thinking, Wei Yuxian didn't want to know. From now on, she would ignore him!

It was not her original intention to bring the cake here, and she had to be kept in the company by him for so long, so forget it, he walked so slowly on purpose!

Even though I know I am thin-skinned, I still do this.

He hates it!

Fu Xuanyi got into the car and asked the driver to drive. He then turned to look at the sulking Guaiguai next to him, his mouth slightly pouting, feeling extremely aggrieved.

He leaned over, sat closer, and called out in a low and magnetic voice: "Good boy."

This sound can bewitch someone to death.

Wei Yuxian didn't have time to care about how nice his voice was and how deceptive he was, she was angry!

If you tell me to ignore him, ignore him!

Fu Xuanyi took her little hand, put it in his palm and rubbed it gently, as if to apologize to her, and called out again: "Good boy."

This time, the voice was so sweet that it was so sweet.

Wei Yuxian wanted to pull her hand back, but the man was very strong and she couldn't pull it back easily. She could only feel angry while his hand was being rubbed comfortably.

So angry.

Fu Xuanyi rubbed his hands enough, but when he felt it was not enough, he put her on his lap again, pulled her head over to look at him, and said with a smile: "If I get angry again, I'll kiss you."

Wei Yuxian couldn't believe what her ears heard!

This man! This man actually does it!

He didn't even give her the right to be angry!

Wei Yuxian's eyes were wide open, filled with disbelief, as if she had heard something earth-shattering!

Seeing that she was really cute, Fu Xuanyi couldn't bear it any longer. He lowered his head and kissed her lips while she was still shocked.

Wei Yuxian was even more shocked. She really didn't expect the man to come!

She stretched out her hand to push and put it against the man's chest, but she felt a good muscle and it felt really good.

But now is not the time to think about this. The most important thing now is - push this man away!

Wei Yuxian pushed and pushed hard, using all her strength, but the result was the same as before, a complete defeat.

There was never a single time when she could push someone away.

Accepting the man's passionate kiss resignedly, Wei Yuxian also found some fun.

The feeling of kissing is actually very good, but Wei Yuxian is too shy and has never been able to accept it.

In addition, they are in the car now, and there is a driver in front of them.

Although, when the driver realized something was wrong, he raised the fender.

If you want to drive without any distractions, you have to raise the fender. This is the consciousness of a working man.

Wei Yuxian was kissed all the way back, all the way!

When she got off the bus, her legs were weak and she had to be supported by Fu Xuanyi to walk.

My face was so red that I could bleed, and my legs had never felt so weak in my life!

As soon as they entered the door, the old lady was waiting for them to come back at the door!

As soon as they saw the two people coming back, one of them was helped into the door. Looking at her slightly swollen lips, the old lady who came over immediately understood what happened.

Covering his mouth and smiling openly, he thought to himself, this move is really good.

Wei Yuxian straightened her back, shyly called "Old Madam" and didn't dare to look at anyone again.

The smile on the old lady's face became even brighter, she said "Hmm" and said, "You're back. How was your stay at Ah Xuan's company?"

Wei Yuxian forced a smile and said, "It's not bad."

No! Actually it’s not good at all! Super boring! And he was threatened by Fu Xuanyi!

She is so miserable!

But Wei Yuxian couldn't complain to the old lady. After all, the old lady was looking at her with an expression on her face.

After changing her shoes and going in to wash her hands and eat, Wei Yuxian's little face was still rosy and very cute.

Fu's mother stopped teasing her and asked her to eat more, it was the time when she needed nutrition.

In the blink of an eye, in April, the weather has warmed up a lot, and you can go out just wearing a thin coat.

These days, Wei Yuxian stays at home most of the time. The old lady and Fu Xuanyi occasionally take her out for a walk and buy her some necessities.

Life at home was also boring. She had not been in the kitchen since the last time she made a cake.

Because she didn't want to be put into the car by the old lady again and sent to Fu Xuanyi!

Therefore, even though the chefs tempted her in the kitchen every day, she refused to step into the kitchen!

Her belly is also seven months old, and the twins' belly is bigger and heavier, which makes her feel extremely inconvenient.

Some symptoms of pregnancy also appeared on her, such as frequent urination, swollen feet, backache, etc.

With her big belly, it became extremely inconvenient to bend down. It took a lot of effort for her to even put on her socks. Seeing this, Fu Xuanyi knelt down and put on her socks.

Wei Yuxian was flattered and shook her head repeatedly, saying that she could not afford Master Xuan's high-level service.

But how could she change Fu Xuanyi's decision? She could only blush and turn aside, not looking at the man in front of her.

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