After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 117 What is the surprise you are talking about?

Wei Yuxian was really bored at home. She couldn't understand many of the books in Fu Xuanyi's study, and she could only read half of the books in the course.

I feel a little nostalgic for my school days.

There were two reasons why she dropped out of school, one was because of Ding Nana and the other three, and the other was because morning sickness was too severe and studying took too much energy.

Now, without Nana and Ding, her morning sickness has passed, and her life seems to be going smoothly. She has become bored after staying at home all day.

So she thought about whether she could ask the old lady to help her find a tutor so that she could study at home and not waste this great time.

After having this idea, Wei Yuxian told the old lady that day.

"Old madam, can you help me find a tutor? I'm too bored at home and want to find something to do."

She also has another idea, which is to study her freshman year courses at home now, and wait until she goes to school to see if she can keep up.

If she could keep up, she would be able to successfully enter her sophomore year without having to spend an extra year as a freshman.

It's April now, and there are still more than five months before she goes to school. She can't spend these five months bored every day, right?

The old lady was worried about her health and asked, "Can you bear it? Now that you are a month old, you have to be more careful."

Wei Yuxian felt that she had no problem at all and that there was no problem at all in her studies.

"I know the old lady, I know my own body well, I can learn from it." She said, "I promise you, I will never force myself."

The old lady thought about it and felt that it was not a solution for her to be so bored at home every day. Maybe she could just study.

Also, Yuxian can't just study the content in the textbook, but also needs to learn some etiquette, tea ceremony and the like.

These are good for her. Knowing more will also increase her confidence.

She could arrange for Yuxian to be a teacher. Just when she was about to agree, she suddenly thought of something and said, "Yes, but I don't know any trustworthy teachers. You can ask Ah Xuan to help you find it.”

These days, Fu's mother has finally figured out that her son is very fond of Yuxian, but Yuxian has never expressed his opinion.

She doesn't say she likes Ah Xuan, nor does she say she doesn't like Ah Xuan. She usually behaves very restrainedly, and it's hard to tell whether she is interested in Ah Xuan.

And most of their usual intimate behaviors were forced by Ah Xuan. She knew that her son was a domineering person, but she didn't know what Yu Xian was thinking.

She really wanted Yuxian to become the legitimate daughter-in-law of the Fu family, not just a name-dropper.

If Yuxian hadn't officially turned twenty yet, she would have wanted them to get their marriage certificate first.

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian could only say "Okay" with regret, not doubting the authenticity of Fu's mother's words at all.

First of all, Mrs. Fu is an old lady of the Fu family. It goes without saying that she has connections. With just a wave of her hand, there are many people serving her.

The second thing is that even if Fu's mother really doesn't know anyone with talent in this field, as long as she leaves this matter to her subordinates, they will definitely do it properly for her.

She also wanted Yuxian and Axuando to communicate and communicate, and maybe they would be able to communicate their feelings.

Fu's mother was very good at making calculations, but it was a pity that the person who was calculated was not found out that he was calculated.

That night, she told Fu Xuanyi about it.

Fu Xuanyi took a while to answer her: "I will arrange this matter."

When Wei Yuxian saw that he had agreed, she was so happy that she nodded her head twice with bright eyes!

She thought that Fu Xuanyi would have to put forward some excessive conditions before agreeing to her this time. Unexpectedly, he agreed so readily without any conditions!

That's good, she doesn't have to blush so much that she hides under the quilt.

But in my heart, I feel a little bit regretful. What's going on?

She took a brief look at the man. His handsome face seemed to be getting more and more handsome as she looked at him. Is it because his mature aura became more obvious as he got older?

It is said that mature men are very attractive, and now Wei Yuxian feels the same way.

Just when Wei Yuxian thought that Fu Xuanyi was so kind and didn't ask for anything, the reverse happened.

Fu Xuanyi's movements were still very fast, and the person he found for Wei Yuxian was also very reliable. Compared with her university teacher, he was not bad.

On the third day after Wei Yuxian mentioned this matter to him, Wei Yuxian was woken up early in the morning by the man next to her.

She looked at the neatly dressed man in a daze, and before her brain was fully turned on, she said "huh?" in confusion.

Her hair was messed up from sleeping, and several stupid hairs stood up, which was very cute.

Fu Xuanyi rubbed her dull hair down, hugged her and got up, saying: "Get up, there is a surprise today."

Wei Yuxian foolishly thought that there was really a surprise today!

She didn't care that it was Fu Xuanyi who was carrying her to wash up now, wondering what the surprise would be.

Could it be that Fu Xuanyi found a good teacher for her?

Hehehe, Wei Yuxian couldn't help but feel happy when she thought of this possibility.

After washing, she was held by Fu Xuanyi's little hand and walked downstairs to have breakfast. She couldn't bear to ask Fu Xuanyi what the surprise was.

After finishing breakfast, she was pulled into the car by Fu Xuanyi and followed him to the company.

Wei Yuxian: "???"

Didn't you say you wanted to surprise her?

Didn't this surprise include finding a teacher for her?

Wei Yuxian was confused and finally asked: "What is the surprise you are talking about?"

Fu Xuanyi didn't hide anything from her, and said, "The teacher you want has been found."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and thought that would be great, the surprise was just as she expected.

She just didn't know where they were going now, so she thought Fu Xuanyi would arrange for her to study at home.

Is it possible that that teacher still has a special place for teaching now?

Thinking about it this way, Wei Yuxian felt that this possibility was very high.

However, she always felt like something was missing.

I looked around in the car, then looked at my hands, there was nothing...

Less than half a minute later, she remembered that something was missing!

She anxiously took Fu Xuanyi's hand and said, "Fu Xuanyi, I don't have a book or pen, how can I go to class?"

Fu Xuanyi patted her little hand to reassure her and said, "Take it, it's in the car."

When they were just having breakfast, he asked Aunt Fu to pack up the things and bring them to the car in advance.

Wei Yuxian looked for them in the car, but couldn't find them anywhere. It wasn't until Fu Xuanyi brought the things in front of her that she breathed a sigh of relief.

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