Holding the things in her arms, she looked out the window. The more she looked, the more familiar the scenery outside the window felt, as if she had walked this road.

Familiar and strange at the same time.

As the destination got closer, Wei Yuxian saw the big characters Fu Group.

Wei Yuxian: "..."

She finally knew why the road looked so familiar.

Fu Xuanyi pulled her out of the car, took her book into his hands, and said, "Let's go."

Wei Yuxian grabbed him and asked, "Didn't you say you would take me to class? What are you doing here?"

Her mind was filled with doubts and confusion, hoping that the man could give her an answer.

Fu Xuanyi's expression did not change and he said: "Yes, I will take you to class. The teacher is inside."

Wei Yuxian: "!!!"

She suspected that the man was lying to her! It's fine, why is the teacher in there? What is he doing in there?

She opened her eyes wide: "You are lying to me, right?"

But the man's expression was so sincere and he said, "I didn't lie to you."

Wei Yuxian looked at his expression, and after a few seconds, she saw no trace of lying on it, so she could only believe that what the man said was true.

It seems that what Fu Xuanyi said is true.

However, why did the teacher teach her in the Fu Group?

...I think it was Fu Xuanyi who arranged it.

Only then did Wei Yuxian know why Fu Xuanyi agreed so readily that night without raising any conditions!

Now it seems that he has thought about it a long time ago, so he didn’t mention any conditions!

Fortunately she was so happy that night!

It turns out that they are all waiting for her here!

She had brought all the books, and it was the class she had been looking forward to. She still couldn't give up, so Wei Yuxian could only follow him into the company.

There is no doubt that the president and employees go to work at the same time.

Therefore, the employees who rushed to work once again saw the president holding the little hand of the president's wife coming to work!

Everyone slowed down unconsciously, and when Fu Xuanyi and Wei Yuxian passed by them, they shouted: "Hello, Mr. Fu! Hello, madam!"

This time, they finally saw clearly what the president’s wife looked like!

Same as last time, still so soft and cute! Just looking at it makes me want to bully him severely!

It's a pity that this is the president's wife, so they can only think about it, if they really do this, Master Xuan will not kill them!

Wei Yuxian blushed when she was called "Hello, Madam". She also responded to the other employees. After entering the elevator, she was finally liberated!

Still the same as last time.

This is the second time she has come to Fu Xuanyi's company, and the employees are so enthusiastic!

I hope they won't be so enthusiastic next time. It's best to see yourself as if you didn't see them.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to bear being called like this every day.

Fu Xuanyi looked at the people around him, his little face turned red again, he was such a shy little white rabbit.

All the way to the president's office, she sat inside and asked, "Which office is the teacher in? Will you take me there? Or should I ask Assistant Guan Te to take me there?"

Fu Xuanyi pressed her on his boss's chair and sat there like last time. He said, "The teacher is not here yet. He will arrive later. Please sit down for a while."

After Wei Yuxian heard this, she could only sit calmly, supporting her chin with one hand, and watched Fu Xuanyi handle the work with some boredom.

While Fu Xuanyi was dealing with work, he took some time out from time to time to look at the people around him. He was very efficient at handling work.

About half an hour later, there was a knock on the office door, and Assistant Guan brought someone in. She was a middle-aged woman who looked quite bookish.

Wei Yuxian only took one look and knew that this was the teacher who was here to teach her!

Her eyes lit up and she said to the man next to her: "The teacher is here!"

Now that the teacher is here, she doesn't have to stay in front of Fu Xuanyi all the time! Can you be unhappy?

Fu Xuanyi said lightly "Yes" and asked Guan Jinyou to bring the person over.

After receiving the instruction, Guan Jinyou came over with his teacher and said: "Mr. Fu, madam, this is Teacher Liu."

Teacher Liu also said hello to the two of them and introduced himself.

Wei Yuxian happily stood up and shook hands with Teacher Liu and said, "Hello, Teacher Liu, my name is Wei Yuxian. I will trouble you a lot in the coming days."

Teacher Liu smiled lightly and said, "You're welcome, madam."

"Teacher, just call me by my name. There is no need to call me... this title."

Wei Yuxian admires the teaching profession very much, and she also has great respect for good teachers who are highly respected and ethical.

Teacher Liu smiled again and said nothing, not knowing whether to agree or not.

Wei Yuxian didn't pay attention to this. She only wanted to go to class quickly. She took her textbook and said to Fu Xuanyi with a smile: "Axuan, I will go to class with the teacher. See you at noon."

She said goodbye to the man happily, but she didn't notice the smile in the man's eyes.

Fu Xuanyi didn't speak. He held his chin with one hand and looked at her with a lazy attitude.

At this time, Guan Jinyou said: "Madam, you and Teacher Liu are teaching at the table in front."

He made a "please" gesture with his hand and guided the two of them to go to class over there.

Wei Yuxian followed Guan Jinyou's hand and saw a brand new desk in a corner of the office. It was white and had some cute cartoon stickers on it.

The smile froze on her face. She was stunned for a moment and looked at Guan Jinyou: "Assistant Guan, didn't you kid me?"

Guan Jinyou quickly said "I don't dare".

This was arranged by Master Xuan, not by him.

Wei Yuxian received two critical strikes in just one hour!

The first time was when I learned that I was going to take classes at the Fu Group, and the second time is now.

She originally thought that taking classes at the Fu Group was shocking enough, but she didn't expect that Fu Xuanyi actually had an operation that shocked her even more!

Classes in his office! He can also arrange it!

Then wouldn't she have been right under his nose? !

no! Absolutely not!

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath, tried her best to keep a smile on her face, and said to Teacher Liu, "Teacher, please wait a moment, I have something to deal with."

Teacher Liu was very considerate and a flexible teacher, and said, "It's okay, madam, please take your time and deal with it."

Wei Yuxian didn't even bother to correct her title, and said to Guan Jinyou: "Assistant Guan, please take Teacher Liu out for a while."

Guan Jinyou understood that his wife wanted to whisper something to Mr. Xuan, so he said "ok" in reply and took Teacher Liu out of the office.

The office became quiet, and only Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi were left.

Wei Yuxian took another deep breath, turned around, faced the man, and asked, "Is this the class you arranged for me?"

Fu Xuanyi leaned back on the chair and said "hmm".

Wei Yuxian walked over to the table and said, "No, I want to change places!"

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