Classes are held in his office! How to do this? !

That's outrageous!

How could Fu Xuanyi have such outrageous ideas?

Also, what is his purpose in doing this? Wouldn't it bother him to keep looking at him?

How did Wei Yuxian know that a certain Mr. Xuan would be annoyed by her? A certain Master Xuan wished he could see her every moment!

Fu Xuanyi had made up his mind to let her study in the office. He just wanted to watch her all the time and let her stay under his nose.

But at this moment, he did not refuse, but asked: "Where do you want to change to?"

He said this as if he was a good negotiator.

When Wei Yuxian saw the opportunity, she quickly said: "You can arrange any meeting room, as long as it's not here!"

The Fu Group is so big that there must be a lot of conference rooms. She only takes up a small one, so there should be no problem, right?

Fu Xuanyi did not agree immediately, but asked: "Why don't you want to stay here?"

Wei Yuxian looked at it with wide eyes, as if to say: Why do you tell me!

But she can't say that she doesn't want to see him all the time. Fu Xuanyi will definitely be angry, and then there will be no room for negotiation.

So, she thought of another reason: "It's not good for me to stay in your office all the time. You have to deal with work. If I go to class, it will affect you."

Fu Xuanyi said calmly: "It won't affect it."

Wei Yuxian hurriedly said: "It will happen, it will definitely happen. When the time comes when we are so loud in class and we are still in the same office, you will definitely be affected.

Ah Xuan, I am thinking about you too. You are working so hard, and it will be even harder if you are distracted. "

If he hadn't known Guaiguai's true thoughts, Fu Xuanyi would have really thought that Guaiguai was thinking about him.

Maybe Guaiguai is really thinking about him, but more importantly, Guaiguai is doing it for himself.

He said: "I am very serious when I work. You are also some distance from me, so it will not affect me."

Fortunately, his office is big enough, so it won't affect him much if he takes classes there.

That little noise is nothing compared to being able to see Guaiguai all the time.

By then, if he wants to be intimate with Guaiguai, it will be very convenient.

He found that he was increasingly unable to be obedient.

Wei Yuxian opened her mouth, her face turned red, and she couldn't think of any reason to refute the man.

Then, she could only give another reason: "Well... Teacher Liu is an outsider after all. It's not good to be in your office all the time."

Fu Xuanyi stared into her eyes and curled his lips: "Are you jealous, dear?"

Don't want an outsider to look at him all the time and be so possessive?

Wei Yuxian's head exploded! Seeing that the meaning of his words was misinterpreted by the man, he quickly explained: "No! No!

I just... what I mean is, Teacher Liu is an outsider, and there are so many secrets in your office, you can't let Teacher Liu stay here all the time!

Also, I am also an outsider and I have been staying in your office. Are you so relieved? If I see something I shouldn't see, if I'm being malicious, you're doomed! "

When Fu Xuanyi heard her say the word outsider, he became unhappy, stood up, and walked towards her.

Wei Yuxian felt inexplicably frightened when she saw him suddenly getting up and walking towards her, and asked, "You...what are you doing?"

She thought about what she had just said, and it seemed that none of them were wrong, right?

The man was getting closer and closer, and Wei Yuxian could only step back, but after taking only two steps, her back hit the table, and she had no choice but to retreat.

Fu Xuanyi stretched out his big hand, trapped the person in his arms, lowered his head, and said solemnly: "You are not an outsider."

Wei Yuxian was startled, thinking what he was going to do. His face was so serious, but he didn't expect that he just said this.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said a vague "hmm". In fact, I don't agree with what he said.

She is indeed an outsider.

In Wei Yuxian's heart, she thought so.

She didn't want to stay on this topic and continued what she had just said, "Then you are not afraid that I have ulterior motives? Are you also not afraid that Teacher Liu has ulterior motives?

Although Teacher Liu is the teacher you personally found, you can't trust her so much, right?

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Know people, know faces, but don't know their hearts. "

Fu Xuanyi still stared into her eyes without any intention of retreating, and asked: "Can you do it?"

Will you betray me? Do you have ulterior motives for me?

Wei Yuxian's answer was of course no. Fu Xuanyi was so kind to her, and the Fu family was so kind to her. How could she do anything to disgrace the Fu family?

Besides, the child in her belly will also be part of the Fu family in the future. How could she harm her own child?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

She shook her head and said, "No."

"Isn't that enough?" Fu Xuanyi straightened up and opened the distance between them.

If possible, he wanted to maintain the same posture as before and be very close to his darling.

But he noticed that Guaiguai kept retreating, and his upper body was almost touching the table. This position was very difficult.

So, he straightened up, not wanting to make Guaiguai too hard.

Carrying twins is already hard on the waist and abdomen, and this position will place an even greater burden on the waist and abdomen.

Wei Yuxian was able to straighten up and put her hands on her waist to help her waist share some of the burden.

She said: "I mean if... well, don't talk about me, let's talk about Teacher Liu. You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. You should know this better than me."

Especially those with Fu Xuanyi's status understand this truth better.

Because there are too many people around them, true and false, false and true, those with smiles on their faces are not necessarily good, and those with fierce faces are not necessarily bad.

Fu Xuanyi thought carefully and said, "What you said makes sense."

Wei Yuxian's eyes lit up: "So, hurry up and arrange another conference room for us!"

Seeing how happy she was, Fu Xuanyi put a smile on his face and said, "No."

Wei Yuxian wants to go crazy! She has been talking about co-writing for so long, but Fu Xuanyi is still not shaken at all!

How on earth was he going to let her move out and take classes? !

Wei Yuxian glared at the man in front of her with resentment and asked, "Then tell me, why do you insist on me staying in the office for class?"

She would like to hear Fu Xuanyi's reasons!

Why does she have to stay in the office?

When Fu Xuanyi heard her question, he smiled, very fondly, and said, "Because I want to see you all the time."

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