After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 120 The Fu family is finally getting a new member!

A man's smile is beautiful, and his voice is also beautiful. With these two blessings, a man's charm is simply overwhelming!

Wei Yuxian's heartbeat also accelerated abnormally!

She was intoxicated by the man's beautiful smile, and by the man's magnetic yet hoarse voice, and was stunned.

It wasn't until the man reached out and pinched her face that she came to her senses and turned her head to avoid the man's big hand.

He took two steps to the side and lowered his head, not daring to look at the man again.

She found that she was becoming more and more strange recently, always unconsciously immersed in Fu Xuanyi's beauty!

What's more, my face will feel hot for no reason, and even my heartbeat will become very abnormal!

She thought about it carefully and had a guess in her mind: Could this be love?

The thought shocked her! Then, quickly stop this dangerous idea!

She cleared her throat covertly and said: "You, don't...don't say such things..." her tone was weak.

Fu Xuanyi knowingly asked: "What are you talking about?"

Why did Wei Yuxian have the nerve to say it? I just think this man is so bad!

In the past, when this man didn't like to talk, she thought this man was taciturn, but who would have thought that now, this man is becoming more and more talkative.

She changed the topic again and asked, "Do you have to teach me in the office?"

Is there no other way?

Fu Xuanyi replied to her with certainty: "Yes."

At this point, Wei Yuxian knew that there was no chance of changing her class place.

So I could only accept this arrangement obediently and take classes in Fu Xuanyi's office with the teacher.

After they discussed it, Guan Jinyou brought Teacher Liu in again and started class immediately without wasting time.

Fu Xuanyi sat on his boss's chair and glanced over there from time to time. After seeing the person he wanted to see, he continued to work with satisfaction and full of energy!

Here, Teacher Liu is explaining the contents of the textbook to Wei Yuxian in a moderate voice. He puts the obscure and difficult contents in the textbook into easy-to-understand terms so that Wei Yuxian can understand them in just a few clicks.

In fact, Teacher Liu is also very stressed. After all, this is in Master Xuan's office, and the person she is teaching is still Master Xuan's wife.

Yesterday, when Assistant Guan found her, she actually didn't want to take this job, but unfortunately, they gave her too much.

When she learned that the person she wanted to teach was Master Xuan's wife, and that the teaching location was in Master Xuan's office, she had already signed the contract, and she didn't even want to go back on it!

If you want to regret it, you have to pay a hundred times your salary! This is what is written in the contract.

As a small-time worker, she couldn't afford so much compensation, so she had no choice but to accept the offer.

She regretted why she signed the contract without asking clearly about the situation.

If she hadn't signed the contract, she would never have come!

But now, there's no point in regretting, it's too late.

Their voices were not too loud, and just like Fu Xuanyi said, they did not affect him much.

Wei Yuxian listened carefully to the lecture, and soon she forgot about the existence of Fu Xuanyi over there and was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

The teacher taught well, and she listened well. She even felt that this teacher taught better than her teacher in college!

Maybe this is the benefit of one-to-one time. If you have any questions, you can ask them directly and the teacher can solve them immediately.

When you do something seriously, time passes very quickly. Soon, a morning passes.

Wei Yuxian only realized that it was already lunch time when Teacher Liu said get out of class was over.

She reluctantly sent the teacher out of the office and packed up the books. After a while, Assistant Guan brought lunch in.

Wei Yuxian's lunch was delivered by the Fu Mansion, and he also sent one to Fu Xuanyi.

Because Wei Yuxian wanted to eat nutritious meals, she couldn't eat in the company cafeteria or eat takeaways from outside, so Fu's mother had some food delivered to her.

She and Fu Xuanyi sat face to face for lunch, and the latter asked her: "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Wei Yuxian knew that he was asking whether he was satisfied with Teacher Liu. She recalled Teacher Liu's status in class today and said, "Very satisfied. I think Teacher Liu is as knowledgeable as she appears on the surface."

It can be seen from Teacher Liu's conversation that she is a talented person. Anyway, she likes Teacher Liu's scholarly quality, which makes people feel comfortable and admired.

"As long as you're satisfied."


In the following days, Wei Yuxian started to come to the company with Fu Xuanyi every day except for rest days. Fu Xuanyi went to work and she went to class.

She also resisted taking classes in the office from the beginning and became a habit.

Because when she is studying, it is difficult for her to be distracted by other things.

There was one bad thing, that is, during lunch or recess, Fu Xuanyi would hold her on his lap and move her hands and mouth.

Yes, use your mouth, literally.

Every time, he kissed her until her face turned red.

Bad man! So bad!

In this way, Wei Yuxian studied for more than two months and learned a lot of knowledge. The teachers also changed several times to teach different knowledge.

In addition to learning textbook knowledge, under the instruction of the old lady, she also learned a variety of etiquette and culture, and her heart became fuller.

These are very useful to her!

Before, she never thought that she could learn these things, and she never thought that etiquette culture could be so rich and colorful.

She only thinks about reading and doesn't have much time to understand these things.

Therefore, she was very grateful to the old lady and Fu Xuanyi for arranging this for her.

Spring has passed quietly, people have taken off their coats and put on cool short sleeves. Summer is here too.

In mid-June, Wei Yuxian's due date was approaching, and her belly was so big that she couldn't believe it.

Because they were twins, their belly was very big and heavy, and her waist couldn't bear it, so she had to buy a belly support belt to reduce the burden.

I have to say that this is a good thing. After using it, Wei Yuxian obviously felt a lot more relaxed.

Since her due date was approaching, Wei Yuxian also stopped attending classes to concentrate on raising her fetus and waiting for the babies to arrive.

Fu Xuanyi no longer dared to let her go to the company every day and let her do what she wanted to do.

In the Fu Mansion, all the servants were even more alert and kept an eye on Madam at all times, fearing that Madam would suddenly give birth!

Fu's mother is also very concerned about Wei Yuxian's health. Since she moved to Fu's house years ago, she has not moved away and stayed here to take care of Wei Yuxian.

Now, after so many years of looking forward to it, the Fu family is finally going to have a new member!

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