A week before the due date, Wei Yuxian moved into the hospital for fear of any accidents.

The hospital we went to was of course Lin Chengyuan's hospital. As Fu Xuanyi's good brother, Lin Chengyuan naturally did not charge any fees and also provided the best ward.

After arriving at the hospital, I did not lie or sit on the bed every day. Instead, I performed some labor-inducing activities every day based on the doctor's advice.

Wei Yuxian moved into the hospital and needed someone to take care of her, so Aunt Fu and a few servants came with her.

Fu's father and Fu's mother were also admitted to the hospital and stayed with Wei Yuxian every day.

Even Fu Xuanyi comes to the hospital to stay with people after get off work every day.

Wei Yuxian looked down at her belly. It was so swollen that even if she was wearing short sleeves, her feet could not be seen. They were completely covered by her belly.

Also, as the birth was approaching, she became nervous.

Because when she usually watches videos, she learns a lot about pregnant women’s childbirth knowledge, such as side incisions, lochia, and sagging skin.

Anyway, it sounded very scary, especially the side cut, which made Wei Yuxian feel terrified.

There are also some pregnant women who will develop stretch marks, which look terrible. The strips of stretch marks circle on the belly, as if the skin has been maliciously injured.

She was very lucky that she didn't have any stretch marks, and she didn't know if it was because she insisted on applying pregnancy oil every day.

However, she also said that stretch marks are determined by a person's physical constitution. If that person's constitution is prone to stretch marks, then applying pregnancy oil will not be of much use.

Now it seems that she is not in a good shape to have stretch marks.

The day before the due date, Wei Yuxian was even more nervous. She didn't know whether the baby would come out on time or whether it would be delayed or something.

She would touch her belly from time to time to see how the baby was doing. She would even ask the baby softly: "When are you willing to come out?"

Naturally, no one responded to her.

Fu's mother, who had been by her side, could see her nervousness. After all, this was Yuxian's first child and she had little experience.

In addition, she is a little girl, has not experienced much, and does not yet have the ability and psychology to be a mother.

She patted her hand and reassured her: "Yuxian, don't be nervous. The doctor is here. If there is a situation, the doctor can arrive in time."

Wei Yuxian was still nervous, taking deep breaths and saying, "I just feel a little scared when I think about people saying that giving birth is not easy."

Fu's mother is someone who has been through it and knows what the situation is like. Everyone's birth situation is different. Some people have it easy, while others have difficulty.

When she gave birth to Ah Xuan, it was more difficult because she was quite old at the time and Ah Xuan was big, so he had to suffer a lot.

At that time, some root causes of diseases were also left behind, and they were recovered after taking good care of them over the years.

Giving birth is indeed an emotionally draining event.

She said: "Everyone's situation is different. Maybe your delivery will be smoother. Don't be nervous and relax."

Wei Yuxian took a sip of water to moisten her dry mouth and said, "I have no experience, and it's twins. I heard that twins will be more difficult to give birth to."

Fu's mother comforted her again, and she became less nervous.

Now, they don't know whether the child in their belly is a boy or a girl, or whether they are twins.

With the current level of development of hospitals, it is possible to know the gender, although this is illegal.

But there are always some people who will use various means to find out the gender of the fetus.

But the Fu family doesn't pay attention to this. For them, it doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl. What's important is that this is the blood of the Fu family!

And, whether it’s a boy or a girl, they will love them and give them everything they have!

In the afternoon, Wei Yuxian woke up from a nap, feeling a little hungry, and ate the fruit that Aunt Fu had cut for her.

While he was eating, Lin Chengyuan came in with a bag of things, with a big smile on his face. For those who didn't know, he thought he was about to give birth to his child.

However, he was indeed happy that Master Xuan had a child, even happier than having a child himself!

Who told Master Xuan to start a single line of inheritance?

In more serious cases, the heir may be exterminated!

Fortunately, God favored Mr. Xuan and gave him two children at once!

He put the things on the bedside table and called: "Uncle, aunt, sister-in-law."

Fu's father and mother responded to him, and Wei Yuxian also smiled at him and said "hmm".

Fu's mother saw him coming in with a bag of things, the packaging was quite exquisite, and asked, "What did you bring?"

Lin Chengyuan picked up the bag again, took out the contents, and opened the package. There were two longevity locks made of pure gold inside.

There is a word "福" on the lock, and there are three small bells hanging below. The small one looks very cute.

He said: "This is for the children in my sister-in-law's belly, one for each of them."

He conveniently put the two longevity locks on Wei Yuxian's hands and said, "Sister-in-law, see if you are satisfied with it. If you are not satisfied, I will have someone change it."

Wei Yuxian took the two heavy longevity locks, weighed them, and guessed that the two longevity locks were solid.

She didn't really want to take it, because the price of these two things was definitely not cheap, they were solid, the design was so exquisite, and the workmanship was very fine.

But this was Lin Chengyuan's kindness, and it was given to his two children. She couldn't refuse it, so she could only turn her attention to Fu's mother.

Ask for help.

Fu's mother said: "Keep it, it's Xiao Cheng's sincere thought."

Lin Chengyuan also said: "Yes, sister-in-law, just keep it. I am giving it to the child, not to you. At worst, when I have a child, you can return the gift to me."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian could only accept it, solemnly put the two longevity locks back into the box, covered them, and protected them well.

Lin Chengyuan stayed here for a while, delivered the things, chatted for a while, and then went to the dean's office to chat with the dean.

When it was time to prepare for dinner, Fu Xuanyi came over from work. As soon as he came to the ward, he kissed Wei Yuxian on the forehead, completely ignoring that his father and mother were still there.

Wei Yuxian gave him an angry look, blushed slightly, and looked at the old lady and Mr. Fu to see what their expressions were.

Unexpectedly, the two old people knew this and had already turned their heads to the side, pretending to look at the scenery.

Wei Yuxian also breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Fu Xuanyi again, as if to say: Don't do this next time.

Fu Xuanyi smiled slightly and replied with his eyes: Okay, I'll do it next time.

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