After Fu Xuanyi followed him in, an unknown amount of time passed before a baby's cry came from the delivery room. In an instant, everyone outside breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally it was born.

But they were not completely relieved because they didn't know what Wei Yuxian's situation was.

They all say that when you give birth to a child, you have to go through the gate of hell. This is true. If you don't do well, you really have to see the Lord of Hell!

I just hope that mother and son are safe.

Fu's mother looked at the door of the operating room and prayed silently in her heart, praying that God would favor the Fu family.

The Fu family finally had a new bloodline, but it was best not to have any accidents.

Time passed little by little, and no one had the intention to see how long the time had passed.

Anyway, after a long time, the door to the operating room finally opened, and two nurses came out with two children in their arms.

Later, Wei Yuxian was also pushed out and fainted due to the exertion of too much energy in giving birth.

There was always a figure beside her, following her every step of the way, and that was Fu Xuanyi.

After the child came out, he just glanced at it and then turned his attention back to Wei Yuxian.

His eyes were full of worry, and he couldn't fake it.

Compared to the two children, his obedience is the most important.

Fortunately, Guaiguai's delivery went smoothly this time, and there were no problems. It just took too much effort, otherwise...

Outside, people who had been waiting saw the operating room door finally opened and immediately swarmed up.

The nurse had a smile on her face and said, "Congratulations, mother and child are safe, they are twins!"

The children in the hands of the two nurses stopped crying and fell asleep.

Just now in the operating room, they cried loudly, which also shows that the two children are very healthy.

Wei Yuxian was carefully cared for during her pregnancy. The amount of food she ate every day was prescribed, and she also did regular exercises. Therefore, the two children were very healthy.

After Fu's mother glanced at the two children, tears suddenly filled her eyes. Then she walked to Fu Xuanyi and looked down at the sleeping Wei Yuxian.

Asked: "How is Yuxian? Nothing happened?"

Fu Xuanyi shook his head and said, "It went very smoothly."

Fu's mother wiped away her tears and said, "That's good. Push Yuxian back to the ward quickly and let her have a good rest."

When they returned to the ward, everyone was silent and silent. If they had to speak, their voices would be very low.

There were so many people in a small ward. Fu Xuanyi felt that it was not good to have too many people here, as it seemed too crowded.

Also, he didn't want so many people to look at his obedience.

So, he invited everyone out and stayed in the room, sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed, holding Wei Yuxian's little hand, waiting quietly for her to wake up.

Thank you for your hard work, my dear.

In the future, I will treat you better and give you whatever you want.

He looked at the person on the bed, his eyes filled with distress.

Wei Yuxian's face was a little pale, and even her normally bright red lips turned a little whiter, making her look very weak.

Fu Xuanyi looked at the person for a while, and couldn't help but kissed her on the forehead restrainedly and gently.

And then, and again, and again, and it's never enough.

Outside the ward, Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan spent a day in the hospital and finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the baby was delivered safely.

Then they remembered one thing, that is, they forgot to congratulate Master Xuan, but now, it was the same with Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu.

Lu Chengxiao said first: "Master, madam, congratulations! Congratulations to the Fu family on their daughter's son!"

Lin Chengyuan also said: "Congratulations, uncle and aunt! Master Xuan finally has a descendant! You two elders can rest assured!"

Father Fu said "hmm" to indicate that he had received their blessings.

Fu's mother said a little more, "Thank you. Xiaocheng, speaking of which, I would also like to thank you. If you hadn't let Ah Xuan that night... we wouldn't have known such a good child as Yu Xian."

It is impossible to add three new members to the Fu family in such a short period of time.

Lin Chengyuan waved his hand and said: "Auntie, if you want to thank me, just thank you. I was also trying to complete your mission. Let's not talk about this. It's a happy day. By the way, when will the two children be delivered? I I didn’t even see it clearly just now.”

Lu Chengxiao also expressed his interest and said, "Yes, yes, I also want to meet the young master and young lady!"

Fu's mother thought about the time when she gave birth to a child, and said, "It should be soon. It will be delivered soon."

Just as they were talking, two nurses brought the children over. Father Fu and Mother Fu each took one and said "Thank you" to the nurses.

The nurse said: "You're welcome, ma'am. The baby has just been born, so it's better to keep it as close to the mother as possible."

Fu's mother nodded, with a kind look on her face, and said, "Okay, let's take a look."

The two nurses gave a few more instructions before leaving.

In her arms, the two babies were still sleeping. They had been cleaned by the nurse, wrapped in a small quilt, and slept peacefully.

Father Fu and Mother Fu couldn't help laughing when they looked at the child in their arms.

Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan hurried forward and whispered: "Let me see, let me see."

Father Fu and Mother Fu showed them that the two children were small, a little wrinkled, and not very good-looking. But in the eyes of Father Fu and Mother Fu, these two babies were little angels!

Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan looked at each other for a while, but they couldn't tell which of the two children looked more alike. Moreover, the two children were different from what they imagined.

In their impression, children are fair and tender, with bouncy skin, and they look very cute!

But these two little angels...

Lin Chengyuan hesitated and said: "Auntie...why are they so wrinkled?"

Fu's mother laughed when she heard this and said, "Newborn children are like this, and you were also like this when you were just born."

Lin Chengyuan and Lu Chengxiao said "Ah", somewhat disbelieving. The former asked again: "Then when will it become fair and tender? Aren't all children fair and tender?"

"It will take a few days, and then the child will look better." Mother Fu said, "I think our little angel is also very good-looking now."

Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan looked at each other and said no more.

The children had seen enough. Father Fu and Mother Fu thought of what the nurse had just said and walked into the ward with the two children in their arms.

It was dark in the ward, not even the bedside lamp was turned on. It was also pitch black outside, it was night.

Father Fu and Mother Fu walked over slowly and softly with the two children in their arms, placed the two children next to Wei Yuxian, and whispered, "You should also take a look at the children."

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