Fu Xuanyi took one look at the children. At this moment, taking advantage of his free time, he leaned over and looked at the two children bit by bit.

Then, the same doubts as Lu Chengxiao and Lin Chengyuan appeared.

He asked in a low voice: "Is the child... unhealthy?"

Otherwise, why would it look so wrinkled? His face was red.

Fu's mother patted him and said, "Don't talk nonsense, the child is very healthy! Newborn children are like this, and they will be fine in two or three days."

Fu Xuanyi didn't believe it. He said "Oh" and stopped asking questions.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Wei Yuxian finally had enough rest and opened her tired eyes.

Fu Xuanyi noticed her movement for the first time and said, "Wake up."

Wei Yuxian was still very weak. She slowly turned her head, looked at the man who was still wearing a suit, and said "hmm".

She knew that this man came over in a hurry while at work and didn't even change his clothes.

When she was in the delivery room, a man also came in from behind, giving her a lot of courage and letting her grit her teeth and persevere.

Now, after sleeping for so long, when I opened my eyes again, the first person I saw was him.

This feeling is so good.

She felt warm in her heart, looking at Fu Xuanyi's eyes with deep love that she didn't even know she had.

Then she thought of the child and asked, "Where is the child? Is it a boy or a girl?"

Fu Xuanyi pointed to her side and said: "Here are the twins."

"Be good, this is our child."

Wei Yuxian turned her head and wanted to see the two children, but she couldn't see clearly while lying down, so she wanted to get up to see more clearly.

But as soon as she moved, she felt some tearing in her lower body, and a pain came up.

She gave birth painlessly, so she didn't feel any discomfort at that time, but it took too much effort.

Now that the effect of the medicine has worn off, I feel a little pain down there.

"Hiss—" she hissed, looking a little painful.

Fu Xuanyi immediately became nervous, held her down and told her not to move, and said: "Don't move."

Wei Yuxian looked into his eyes and said, "Help me up. I want to see the baby."

Fu Xuanyi was afraid that she would be in pain and did not move. But after a while, when he saw her wet eyes, he couldn't help but feel soft and carefully helped her sit up.

He sat down by the bed, turned on the light in the ward, and then picked up one of the children, his movements very unfamiliar, and put it in front of Wei Yuxian for her to see.

Wei Yuxian lowered her head and looked at the little baby who was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed tightly and she was sleeping soundly.

There is also another baby who sleeps very soundly.

Wei Yuxian gently poked the baby's face, and a sweet smile appeared on her face. She didn't dislike the baby at all because he was wrinkled.

She had read about it on the Internet a long time ago. The doctor said that newborn babies are like this and they will be fine after a few days.

Looking at the two little children, a warm current flowed through Wei Yuxian's heart, and she had a very strange feeling.

This is her child, a child with the same blood as her.

Also, she is the only two people in this world who are related by blood.

Love is such a wonderful thing. Wei Yuxian liked her children very much before they were born. Now that she finally saw them, she liked them even more.

She raised her head and said, "Axuan, I want to hold the baby."

She stretched out her hand, wanting Fu Xuanyi to put the baby in her hand.

Fu Xuanyi hesitated and said, "It will hurt."

Wei Yuxian shook her head and said, "It's okay. It just hurt a little bit just now. It's much better now."

Fu Xuanyi said again: "You have no strength."

Wei Yuxian moved her arms and found that they were indeed a little soft. She was afraid that she would not be able to hold the child and drop the child, so she could only watch helplessly.

"Dong dong dong——" A gentle knock on the door sounded.

Fu Xuanyi said "come in" and the ward door was opened.

The people who came in were Fu's father, Fu's mother, and Aunt Fu, who was holding a food box in her hand.

Wei Yuxian hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and she was very hungry now. Aunt Fu came at the right time.

Fu's mother came to Wei Yuxian and asked with concern: "Yuxian, how do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Wei Yuxian was embarrassed to say that it hurt a little, so she said, "It's okay, I'm fine."

It's not very painful there, it's still bearable, and it should be fine in two days. She saw other mothers saying this.

"That's good." Mother Fu said, "Come on, let's eat something quickly. You must be hungry, right?"

Wei Yuxian touched her empty belly, said "hmm" and said, "Thank you, madam."

Wei Yuxian ate the meal in small bites. This meal was a nutritious meal specially made by the chef at home. It was light and easy to digest and tasted pretty good.

Fu Xuanyi had been hungry for about a day, so he ate with Wei Yuxian.

While they were eating, Fu's mother asked, "Have you given the child a name?"

Wei Yuxian was stunned and forgot about it. She had been busy studying in class a few days ago and didn't think of it.

She said: "I didn't think of this. Let Ah Xuan get up."

Fu's mother then looked at her son, who swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Think about it a few times."

He took out his phone and found a few names that he had thought of in his free time. Fu's mother looked at them and felt satisfied with each one.

She couldn't make up her mind and said, "Let Yuxian take a look, Yuxian, which name do you want?"

Fu Xuanyi brought the phone to her and asked her to look at the names.

Wei Yuxian looked at the names several times and came up with two names that she liked. However, she did not decide directly. Instead, she said, "Master, let's take a look at them too."

Maybe the master's opinion is different from hers.

Father Fu said, "It's up to you to decide."

The Fu family gave her the right to name their child, which was also a recognition of her.

Wei Yuxian looked at the people present. Everyone had no objections, and then said, "Then my brother's name is Shi Wen, and my sister's name is Zhixue."

These two names came from the last two lines of "Snow at Night" by Bai Juyi, and she thought they sounded very nice.

Fu's mother recited the two names on both sides and said, "Okay! Let's call them Shiwen and Zhixue! When I hear them, they are brother and sister!"

So, the names of the two babies were decided.

Now that I have decided on a big name, I need to think of a nickname so that I can call her easily.

This time, Fu's mother still asked Wei Yuxian to pick it up, saying that she picked it nicely.

Wei Yuxian racked her brains while eating, and finally came up with two nicknames when she was done eating.

It's also very simple. My brother's name is Shishi, and my sister's name is Zhizhi. They are the words in their names, which are nice to hear and easy to remember.

Mother Fu immediately clapped her hands and applauded!

"Okay! Great! That's it! From now on, our Fu family will have two more babies!"

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