Wei Yuxian had a natural birth. The birth went smoothly and there were no physical problems. The two babies were also very healthy. After staying in the hospital for another three days, they were discharged and went home to recuperate.

Although it is much more convenient in the hospital, the care is ultimately inferior to that at home. In addition, people who give birth naturally can be discharged from the hospital in two or three days.

After returning home, Wei Yuxian was treated like a golden pimple.

Fu Xuanyi also stayed with her in the hospital for three days before going to work in the company. If possible, he would even like to spend more time with Wei Yuxian.

However, he couldn't be absent for too long in the company, so he had to go to work every day, but every day, he would leave work half an hour early, just to come back quickly to see the person he missed.

Within three days, Wei Yuxian felt much better and began her official confinement period.

The two babies have also become better-looking. The one is white and tender, the one with small eyes and nose is very cute!

Wei Yuxian liked Shishi and Zhizhi very much. She would look at them every day, hold them in her arms and kiss them on the face from time to time.

Fu's father and Fu's mother are reluctant to leave here anymore, and the Fu family's old house is now empty.

Their grandchildren are all here, how could they be willing to leave?

In the evening, Fu Xuanyi, who had been working at the company all day, got off work early, drove as fast as he could, and returned home as quickly as possible.

As soon as he entered the door, he asked: "Where is Madam?"

Aunt Fu said with a smile on her face: "The madam and the young master are in the room, and the old lady is also up there."

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm", changed his shoes, washed his hands, and went to Wei Yuxian's room.

The steps were a little hurried, wanting to see his obedience as soon as possible.

He opened the door and walked in. Sure enough, he saw the person he missed most in the room, and his mother and two children were also inside.

When Wei Yuxian saw the person coming back, she turned her head, a smile appeared on her face, and shouted: "Axuan."

"Yeah." He walked in, called "Mom" and sat down next to Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian was chatting with the old lady in the room, while Shishi and Zhizhi were sleeping in their own small beds.

The two little guys were still holding hands together, a subconscious move.

Wei Yuxian never wanted to be separated from her two children for a moment. She wanted to see them every moment, even if they fell asleep.

Maybe it’s because she just became a mother, and she really doesn’t want to leave her two babies!

If it weren't for the fear of rolling over and crushing the two babies when she went to bed at night, she would have wanted to put the babies into bed and sleep together!

Fu Xuanyi took Wei Yuxian's hand into his own, played with it carefully, and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable today?"

Wei Yuxian shook her head, without pulling her hand back, and said, "I don't feel uncomfortable anymore. Everything is fine."

"That's good." Fu Xuanyi said, "Is the baby good?"

Wei Yuxian recalled the situation of the babies today and said, "Zhizhi cried five times, cried four times from time to time, and slept most of the time."

"Are you tired?"

"I'm not tired. I don't look at them all the time. I take a nap." She replied one by one.

Seeing them getting along so peacefully, Fu's mother was very pleased and said, "Don't worry, A-Xuan, can you still make Yuxian tired at home? We are watching."

"Thank you for your hard work, Mom."

After sitting in the room for a while, it was dinner time, and the two babies still hadn't woken up. They slept for more than twenty hours a day.

When I wake up, I drink milk and then go back to sleep.

They waited until the two nannies came in to look after the children, then went downstairs to eat. After dinner, Wei Yuxian walked slowly in the living room for about ten minutes before going back to the room.

After going to see the two babies again, Fu Xuanyi followed her footsteps and returned to the room.

As soon as she returned, Wei Yuxian heard the cries of the two babies, who had woken up. She quickly walked over, held Zhizhi in her arms, and gently shook her arms to comfort her.

"Don't cry if you know it, don't cry if you don't cry, mom is here..." She said soothing words while shaking her arms.

Fu Xuanyi also took Shishi from the nanny's hand, hugging him with unfamiliar movements, imitating Wei Yuxian's movements and shaking his arms to comfort the child.

Compared with the first time, Fu Xuanyi's movements are much more skillful. The small one in his arm makes Fu Xuanyi look very tall.

At this time, the nanny who was watching Wei Yuxian coaxing the child said: "Master Xuan, madam, the young master is hungry and it's time to breastfeed."

Wei Yuxian smiled at the two nannies and said, "I understand, auntie, you can go out first."

"Okay, madam, if anything happens, just call us and we'll be at the door." After saying that, the two nannies walked out.

In the room, only Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi were left, as well as Shishi Zhizhi, who kept crying.

Wei Yuxian hugged Zhizhi and sat down on the bed. She looked at the man, bit her lower lip and said, "Put Shishi down and go out... I'm going to feed them."

She was a little embarrassed to say the last sentence.

Fu Xuanyi put Shishi on the bed next to Wei Yuxian and said, "I won't look at it."

Instead of walking out of the room, he walked to the chair over there and sat down, with his back to the person. His strong back seemed to tell Wei Yuxian: I really won't watch.

Wei Yuxian bit her lower lip again and said nothing, tacitly agreeing to sit there.

She first fed Zhizhi in her arms. As soon as Zhizhi had food, he immediately stopped crying and concentrated on eating.

Shi Shi was still crying, so Wei Yuxian could only stretch out one hand, pat him gently, and said: "Shi Shi, wait a moment, it will be fine in a while, wait until sister finishes eating..."

As she said that, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the man to see what his reaction was.

When she saw that the man's back was still as firm and unchanged, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she breastfed two children in front of Fu Xuanyi.

In the past two days, she had been at staggered times and no one had encountered her.

Doctors say that it is best for newborn babies to breastfeed, because breast milk contains many things that formula milk does not, and the baby can absorb and adapt to it better.

Therefore, Wei Yuxian listened to the doctor's advice and chose to breastfeed.

After Zhizhi had eaten enough, the time changed. The former was put on the bed. He stopped crying and did not sleep for a while. He was rarely awake.

After Shishi got food, he stopped crying and wolfed down his food even more fiercely than Zhizhi just now.

While Wei Yuxian was breastfeeding, she paid attention to Fu Xuanyi's movements, fearing that he would suddenly turn around.

Fortunately, the man kept his promise and never turned around after saying not to look, which also made Wei Yuxian breathe a sigh of relief.

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