After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 129 You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!

Because of what the man just said, Wei Yuxian was always in a good and sweet mood, like a sweet woman in love.

She yawned and said, "Axuan, I'm sleepy." Her voice was soft and waxy.

Fu Xuanyi turned off the light, hugged the person and said, "Go to sleep."

Wei Yuxian leaned in the man's arms, smelled the good smell of the man, and slowly fell asleep.

A good night's dream, even the dream is sweet.

When Wei Yuxian woke up the next day, Fu Xuanyi was no longer around. He had gone to work.

Wei Yuxian stared blankly at the ceiling for a while, and couldn't help but think of what happened last night. She felt so embarrassed when she thought that this man was still trying to grab food from Shi Shizhi.

She pulled up the quilt and covered it under her eyes, leaving only the area above her eyes exposed. She was secretly shy for a while.

Then, she forced herself to put away those embarrassing scenes, took a deep breath, the redness on her face disappeared, and got up to wash up.

Entering the bathroom, she squeezed out toothpaste and started brushing her teeth, and then looked at herself in the mirror.

You won’t know until you see it, but you will be shocked when you see it!

What are the red marks on her neck? !

She stopped brushing her teeth, went to the mirror, and opened her eyes wide to see what was on it!

As she touched it with her hand, she wondered if it might have been bitten by a mosquito.

But it doesn’t look like much. Besides, where would mosquitoes appear in their room?

Although it is summer and there are many mosquitoes, there are absolutely no mosquitoes in their room!

Fu Xuanyi's room is carefully cleaned every day, and it is kept clean. There are also people who come to kill mosquitoes. This kind of thing will not happen.

Therefore, the red marks on her neck are definitely not caused by mosquito bites!

Suddenly, she felt that this mark looked familiar. She seemed to have seen it somewhere...

She was thinking hard while brushing her teeth. Suddenly, she remembered where she had seen this thing!

Isn't it just on her neck?

In the past, when Fu Xuanyi kissed her neck, there would be this thing on her neck the next day!

Last night, Fu Xuanyi nibbled on her neck for a long time. She still felt a little pain, but she didn't take it seriously.

did not expect……

After thinking about where this thing came from, Wei Yuxian's face turned red.

When she thought that Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu were downstairs and that she would go downstairs later, she blushed so much!

This, this, this... how can she meet people like this!

How could she appear in front of the master and the old lady?

Then she felt that Fu Xuanyi must have done it on purpose! Deliberately leaving something so obvious and in this position!

He...he is really not ashamed at all!

In this position, how can she block it? It's summer, so you can't wear scarves or high-collared clothes.

Wei Yuxian felt that she was too embarrassed to see anyone. She did not dare to appear in front of the master and the old lady until these red marks disappeared.

But this doesn't mean she doesn't have to see him if she doesn't want to see him. She still has to go downstairs to eat and do some activities.

So, after washing up, she wandered around the room for a while, cheering herself up in her heart, and finally plucked up the courage to go downstairs.

When I walked downstairs, I saw that the master and the old lady were indeed sitting on the sofa downstairs, each holding a baby, looking at them with smiles on their faces.

When Wei Yuxian went downstairs, she was spotted by the sharp-eyed old lady. The latter smiled and said, "Yuxian, are you up? Come and take a look. Shishi Zhizhi is also awake. She just fed her milk and is a little energetic."

She asked Wei Yuxian to come over quickly and interact with the babies, talk and so on, to enhance the relationship between mother and child.

Otherwise, the babies will have to sleep again later.

Wei Yuxian covered one side of her neck, not daring to walk over, and said, "Old madam, I'm going to have breakfast first and come back later."

The old lady didn't notice anything strange. She thought she was hungry and said, "Okay, if you're hungry, go quickly. Don't starve yourself."

Now, Yuxian's body is the most important thing.

After hearing this, Wei Yuxian walked to the dining table to have breakfast as if she had received an imperial edict.

After breakfast, the two children had fallen asleep and slept peacefully. Wei Yuxian wanted to hug the children, but she didn't want to appear in front of the old lady and have the old lady see the thing on her neck.

What would the master and the old lady think of her if they saw her?

Do you think she is a bad person?

In short, she just didn't want to appear in front of her elders with such an image.

But Shishi and Zhizhi are now in the hands of the second elder. Even if the two children fall asleep, the second elder is not willing to let go.

Like her, she really missed having two children.

After all, it was the bloodline that the Fu family had acquired with great difficulty, so how could it not be rare?

The old lady really didn’t expect that she would be able to hold two grandchildren in her lifetime!

Her son's performance over the years had really prepared her to never have a grandchild in her lifetime.

Fortunately, God still favored the Fu family and gave them two little angels.

With these two children, the old lady is very satisfied and has no regrets in her lifetime.

Wei Yuxian sat at the dining table for a while, enlightening herself in her mind.

It's okay, Wei Yuxian, it's okay. The master and the old lady are both experienced, and they are very considerate. They will definitely not say anything. Relax, don't think of the master and the old lady as being so feudal.

The last time, when Fu Xuanyi carried him downstairs, the master and the old lady didn't say anything, right?

After enlightening herself in this way, Wei Yuxian's heart became calmer. She stood up and walked over pretending to be nonchalant.

While walking, I also paid attention to the expressions of the master and the old lady.

But until she sat down next to the old lady, the old lady's expression did not change at all, it was still the same as before.

He didn't ask aloud why her neck was like this.

For this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the old lady doesn't ask, it will be fine.

It is also proved by the facts that the master and the old lady are not feudal people.

Fu's mother noticed the marks on her neck, but she had been there and knew what was going on. She also knew that Yuxian was thin-skinned, so she treated it as if she hadn't seen it.

Otherwise, this child might make a big blush.

After seeing someone sitting down next to her, she whispered: "Yuxian, look at it, you know how much like you do with that little nose and those little eyes."

However, Wei Yuxian didn't see how Zhizhi looked like her. The child was still young so she couldn't tell. When the child grows up in the future, she would be able to tell who she looked like.

But no matter who they look like, Wei Yuxian won't care too much, she will still like her children very much.

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