She asked the old lady in a low voice: "Have they drank milk?"

The old lady said: "I just drank it, teased them for a while, and then fell asleep again."

There is frozen breast milk in the refrigerator. When the child wants to drink it and Wei Yuxian is not free, she drinks the breast milk in the refrigerator.

Wei Yuxian would put some in every day so that the nanny could easily take them out to warm milk for feeding.

She gave a soft "hmm" and looked at Zhizhi in the old lady's arms. The little guy had just eaten and burped. He played with his grandma for a while and slept soundly.

She added: "I want to carry them into the room, and I will read in the room."

The old lady didn't have any objections. She just said: "Don't be in a hurry, Yuxian. You are not fully recovered yet. If you don't rush to read, reading will make you nervous."

Wei Yuxian knew that the old lady was caring about her, so she smiled at the old lady and said, "It's okay, old madam. I know the rules and won't look at you for too long. I'm bored at home too, so I might as well read more books to pass the time. The time is also good.”

Fu's mother couldn't help her, so she could only say: "Then you should be careful and rest when you are tired. Don't be brave. We are not in a hurry at this time."

Wei Yuxian felt warm in her heart and said, "Okay, I promise you."

When she took it from Father Fu, she walked upstairs with the old lady holding Zhizhi.

Shishizhi was put on their exclusive wooden bed and fell asleep quietly.

The old lady stayed in the room for a while, gave Wei Yuxian a few words, and then walked out.

In the room, Wei Yuxian took out the book, put it on the table and read it. I read a book for a while and then looked at the child on the wooden bed. Time passed like this minute by minute.


In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed since Wei Yuxian gave birth. Wei Yuxian felt much better, so she asked Fu Xuanyi to continue arranging lessons for her.

Her plan is to pass the school's assessment when school starts in September, keep up with the original pace, and go to her sophomore year, so that she doesn't have to waste another year.

With private one-on-one tutoring, Wei Yuxian's learning progress was very fast. In addition, she was quite smart. If she couldn't understand something after one try, she could get it through two or three times.

Therefore, it only took her three months to learn the knowledge of her freshman year.

Not only that, she also learned a lot of knowledge and etiquette beyond textbooks.

During this time, Wei Yuxian not only had to learn knowledge, but also had to do postpartum repairs and take care of her body.

Every day is lived to the fullest.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to September. Two months had passed since Wei Yuxian gave birth. The two babies were also two months old. They were white, tender and beautiful!

In a few days, the university will start school. If Wei Yuxian wants to go to school, she needs Fu Xuanyi's permission.

She worked so hard these days just to prepare for school.

However, she was not sure what Fu Xuanyi was thinking and whether he would let her go to school.

So, on this day, when Fu Xuanyi was resting and the weather was very beautiful, Wei Yuxian told him about this matter.

She looked at the man in front of her who was wearing home clothes. He was rarely wearing a suit. He looked much younger and more like an ordinary person.

She said: "Axuan, school is about to start."

She didn't say the next words, knowing that Fu Xuanyi would understand what she wanted to say.

Fu Xuanyi pulled him to sit down on the sofa and said "hmm".

Wei Yuxian looked forward to his next words and looked at him expectantly.

But the man just said yes and said nothing again.

Wei Yuxian was very anxious. Seeing his reaction, she was afraid that he would stop studying for her, so she quickly said: "I'm thinking of going to my sophomore year after school starts. I've learned everything I need to know about my freshman year."

Fu Xuanyi looked at her, stretched out his hand, and pinched her little face. It was soft and tender and felt good to the touch.

He pinched it for the first time and wanted to pinch it a second time. With this thought in mind, he did so.

So, I pinched her face several times, feeling extremely satisfied.

Wei Yuxian saw that his mind was not on her words, but only on pinching her face, so she quickly reached out and grabbed the man's squeezing hand.

He said angrily: "Stop pinching me."

Only then did Fu Xuanyi stop and answered her: "Okay, I'll go tell the principal."

As long as he says a word, his girl will study in the university if she wants to.

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But I still have to take the exam. I will go to my sophomore year after passing the exam."

Fu Xuanyi looked at her dotingly and said, "It's up to you."

Wei Yuxian was completely happy, with a nice smile on her face and said, "Thank you, Ah Xuan!"

You are such a good person!

Often just when Wei Yuxian thinks so, Fu Xuanyi will reveal his true colors.

Sure enough, the man said again: "My dear, you have to go to school."

Wei Yuxian was happy and replied: "Yeah, I'm going to school. I haven't been to school for a long time, so I'm a little nervous."

The man looked at him and said nonchalantly: "Guaiguai is going to school. I have less time to see Guaiguai."

Only then did Wei Yuxian realize that there was something wrong in the man's words.

Fu Xuanyi said so many words for no reason. He must not have just said it casually. He must have other intentions!

Could it be that he wants to put forward any conditions? Or do you want to do something to take advantage of her?

When she thought about this man's many criminal records, Wei Yuxian became even more determined that it was not easy for a man to say this!

She took the initiative and asked, "Do you want to make any other conditions?"

Fu Xuanyi looked at her with admiration, as if to say: You finally have the idea.

Wei Yuxian: "..."

She took a deep breath, wrung her hands together, and said, "You talk first."

She would see if she could accept it. If she really couldn't accept it, she would ask the old lady!

The old lady is soft-hearted and treats her so well, so she will definitely let her go to school!

Fu Xuanyi grabbed her little hand, played with it, and said: "I have two conditions..."

As soon as the words came out, Wei Yuxian's eyes widened!

What! This time there are still two conditions!

Wasn’t it just a condition the first few times? Why has the price increased now?

She opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and continued to listen to the man's next words.

Fu Xuanyi continued: "First of all, the first condition, dear, your body is not fully recovered yet, I don't worry, you will not go to school again one month after school starts."

Wei Yuxian frowned slightly after hearing this. She thought about it in her heart. After weighing it for a while, she felt that this condition was not too much. Fu Xuanyi also wanted to do it for her own good.

So I nodded and accepted the condition.

Next, there is the second condition.

Fu Xuanyi spoke slowly: "The second condition is..." He paused for a while before continuing.

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