After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 131 How could she not like and be attached to her unique tenderness?

"You have to attend the child's 100-day banquet." After he finished speaking, he looked into her eyes.

Wei Yuxian also looked at him, looking at his face to see if he was joking, but the man's expression showed no joking at all.

The child's 100-day banquet should indeed be treated to a drink. In fact, it should be treated once during the full moon banquet. But the child was still too young at that time, and Wei Yuxian didn't really want to do it, so it was not done.

What does this man mean by bringing up this hundred-day banquet and asking her to attend it in person?

With the strength of the Fu family, the people invited must be prominent figures in Kyoto.

This can be regarded as the Fu family's official disclosure of the existence of their two children and Wei Yuxian.

Do you want to give her an identity?

Thinking of this, Wei Yuxian couldn't help but be stunned when she looked at Fu Xuanyi. She stared at the person blankly, not knowing what to say.

She didn't know how much weight she had in Fu Xuanyi's heart, nor how long Fu Xuanyi would last in his relationship.

But now, when Fu Xuanyi said such words, she was still very surprised.

At least, this man wanted to give her a status, didn't he?

She is the biological mother of the young master and young lady of the Fu family. This status is enough for her to have enough food and clothing for the rest of her life.

Fu Xuanyi saw with his own eyes that the people around him became dull and adorable, so he reached out his hand and rubbed her head.

"Have you thought about it clearly?" Do you want to agree to his conditions?

After Wei Yuxian heard this, she came back to her senses and felt that she had thought too far, and said, "I want to think about it for a while."

If she attends the 100-day banquet, everyone will know that she is Toki and Chichi's biological mother and will officially appear in Kyoto's upper class society.

This was something she had never imagined.

If she had been in the past, she would have refused without even thinking about it, because the world of the rich is very complicated, and she just wanted to live a simple life.

But now that she fell in love with the man in front of her, she began to hesitate.

Because she also wanted to be with this man, she wanted to be worthy of him.

After thinking for a while, she said softly: "Okay, I promise you."

When she said this, Wei Yuxian felt a little in a trance, feeling very unreal, all of this was like a dream.

She never thought that she would reach this point with Fu Xuanyi.

I still remember the first time I saw this man, it was in a bar room. The man’s face was cold, he didn’t say a few words, and he was like a big ice cube!

The second time they met, it was in the hospital. She was about to have an abortion. The man suddenly appeared with a cold face and told her that she owed him 80 billion.

Who would have thought that one day, she would fall in love with this cold man, and this cold man would also do those heart-warming things.

Fate is such a wonderful thing.

Love is an even more wonderful thing.

It makes people no longer like themselves.

As soon as she finished speaking, her lips were kissed by the man. His movements were so gentle, as if he was afraid that she would be hurt.

How could she not like and be attached to this tenderness that belongs exclusively to her?

Ask who else in this world would be so kind to her?

Besides Fu Xuanyi, who else?

After thinking about it carefully, I couldn't think of a second person.

Soon, she no longer had the intention to think about this anymore, because her mind was unknowingly placed on this kiss, and her thoughts gradually became blurred, and she was in the clouds.

The two of them were so fascinated by the kiss that they didn't realize that at the top of the stairs, Mr. Fu and the old lady were watching them with relish.

The old lady looked at it for a while and didn't feel ashamed. After all, she had seen such things often. With a kind smile on her face, she turned and went upstairs.

There is no room for them in this living room now.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Fu followed him upstairs, followed by two nannies, who were holding Shishi and Zhizhi in their arms.

The old lady originally planned to go out for a walk with her two children and breathe fresh air. She didn't expect to see such a scene when she got downstairs, so she had to cancel the plan.

This is because plans cannot keep up with changes.

But the old lady was not happy at all. Seeing that the relationship between the two was so good made her even happier!

As for taking the little ones out for a walk, there is no rush on this day, there will be plenty of time in the future.

Wei Yuxian had no idea that Fu's father and Fu's mother had been here. If she knew, she would probably blush and hide in her room, not coming out to see anyone for several days!

The air became thinner and thinner, and the temperature on her body became hotter and hotter. She couldn't breathe for a while.

I don't know how long it took before the man let go of her lips. They were red, delicate and a little swollen.

Wei Yuxian's face was also flushed, and she breathed in the fresh air, her chest rising and falling a little.

She snuggled in the man's arms, like a bird clinging to a human, so petite, so lovable.

Fu Xuanyi felt that it was not enough and wanted to go further and ask for more.

God knows how long it has been since he last ate meat!

He is not a monk and cannot look at the person he loves without any desire or desire.

On the contrary, he wanted to be with her all the time! Be intimate with her!

His big hands wandered around the hem of her clothes, looking for opportunities.

Wei Yuxian hadn't come back to her senses yet, but she also noticed that the big hand was about to move.

Almost immediately, she knew what the man wanted to do, and quickly pressed the man's big hand and took it aside.

As soon as she took it away, the man put his hand back to its original position, and opened the hem of her clothes at the same position.

Wei Yuxian was startled and hurriedly grabbed his hand again. While grabbing it, she said, "No!"

There are three reasons. One is that I am still in the living room and someone will pass by at any time. It would be bad if I was seen.

The second reason is that she has only given birth for two months and her body has recovered a lot, but it is not enough!

The third reason is that it is daytime, not even broad daylight!

She was so shy at night, let alone during the day, that she would die of shame!

Fu Xuanyi said: "Okay, be good."

Wei Yuxian held his hand tightly, preventing him from moving, and said, "No! It's still in the living room!"

Fu Xuanyi picked her up and uttered three words: "Go back to the room."

I mean, if it's not possible in the living room, then it can be done in the room.

Wei Yuxian was afraid that she would fall, so she quickly hugged the man's neck and whispered in his ear: "No way! It's still daytime! Also, I just gave birth to a baby..."

In the latter sentence, Wei Yuxian's voice became even softer.

Totally shy!

After giving so many reasons, the last word is three words: No!

Fu Xuanyi carried him all the way back to the bedroom, put him on the bed, got up and said, "It's okay during the day. The doctor said that it will be okay after two months."

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