After dinner, Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi carried the two babies to the room. As soon as they entered the door, the two babies woke up.

Wei Yuxian became even happier. She caught the two babies who had just woken up and teased them for a while. She kissed them again and again on their faces and talked a lot.

"Zhizhi, when did you call mom? Mom went to school today. Do you miss mom?"

"Shishi, did you behave well today? Did you cry? Did you miss your mother?"

"Mom misses you so much. She misses you so much when she can't see you anymore..."

She talked to the baby to herself. The two babies naturally couldn't respond to her, but even so, she could talk happily alone.

On the other side, a certain Mr. Xuan who had been left out in the cold was a little unhappy.

He looked at his obedient arms, with two children occupying the space. There was no space at all, and his obedient eyes did not fall on him at all.

Instantly, some people started to feel jealous, and they were jealous of the two children!

He crossed his hands on his chest and looked at Wei Yuxian and the two children with a slightly cold expression, thinking that Wei Yuxian would find out and come to comfort him.

But he held his hands for a while, and the people over there didn't pay attention to him, and kept looking at the two children.

Master Xuan became even more angry. He got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Here, Wei Yuxian saw Fu Xuanyi get up and enter the bathroom. She noticed something was wrong with his back, but she didn't know what was wrong, so she ignored it.

She lowered her head and continued teasing her two little babies.

After playing with the two babies for a while, for some reason, the two babies suddenly started crying. She tried to coax them to no avail, so she had to go find the nanny with the two babies in her arms.

The two nannies were very experienced. They knew at a glance that the two babies were hungry and asked Wei Yuxian to feed them milk.

After Wei Yuxian learned the reason, she took the two babies back to the room and breastfed them.

Only halfway through feeding, Fu Xuanyi came out from the bathroom. Seeing the scene on the bed, his pupils dilated slightly.

Wei Yuxian didn't expect that he would come out suddenly. She quickly turned around with her child in her arms and said with a red face, "You... you go out first and come in later."

How could Fu Xuanyi be willing to go out? Not only did he not go out, he even walked over and walked behind Wei Yuxian and asked, "Is the baby fed?"

Wei Yuxian blushed even more. She was unwilling to answer his questions. She just felt that this man was really bad!

"You, you go out first...come back in later!"

She had just fed Shishi, and Zhizhi was in her hand, and it would take a while.

If she knew that Fu Xuanyi would come out suddenly, she would definitely not choose to feed him in the room. She would run to the children's room next door!

But no one in the world would have known earlier. Now, Zhizhi is eating vigorously and will not let go.

Fu Xuanyi sat down by the bed and said, "No."

One word made Wei Yuxian anxious: "Get out quickly! I'll be fine in a while!"

How embarrassed is she to have this person here?

This man is really shameless and has a thick skin than an elephant!

There was no other way, the man didn't want to go out, so Wei Yuxian could only turn her back to the person with a red face.

In my heart, I didn’t know how many times I had scolded this person.

Bad guy! Too domineering!

I don't know how much time has passed, but Wei Yuxian feels that every minute and every second Fu Xuanyi spends here is very difficult.

Finally, knowing that the baby was full, Wei Yuxian quickly put down her clothes and took the two children out to burp the nanny. She also calmed down outside to let the redness on her face dissipate.

She sat in the baby's room, not thinking about what happened just now, and slowly calmed down.

In this room, Fu Xuanyi couldn't help but get up and look for someone outside when he saw that someone hadn't come back for so long.

Thinking that she had just come out with two babies in her arms, he first went to the baby's room to check. When he looked, he saw the person he was longing for inside.

I don’t want to go back yet.

He walked over, stood in front of her, and called, "Be good."

Wei Yuxian saw that he called him such an embarrassing name in front of the two nannies and couldn't help but give him a look.

Fu Xuanyi didn't care whether there was a nanny here or not, he said, "It's time to go back."

Wei Yuxian didn't really want to go back, but now that she went back, this man might not know what he was going to do.

In addition, she hadn't seen the baby for another day, so she only spent so much time with the baby, which was simply not enough.

But the look in this man's eyes now... was a little dangerous, as if if she didn't go back now, something bad would happen.

She admitted that she was scared, got up, and followed the man back to the room.

After returning, Fu Xuanyi did not act immediately. Instead, he thoughtfully found pajamas for her, pushed her into the bathroom, and said, "Wash."

Wei Yuxian looked at this man and had an illusion that after she was cleaned, she would be eaten by this man!

Fu Xuanyi smiled at her and walked out of the bathroom, being more considerate and not staying.

When Wei Yuxian thought of the man's dangerous look, she couldn't help but shudder and bit her lower lip. The red cloud that finally dissipated floated up again.

After taking a long bath in the bathroom, she dried her hair. By the time she walked out of the bathroom, it was already an hour later.

Outside, the man was wearing a white bathrobe, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and sitting on the bed.

When he saw her coming out, the man looked over, his those of a wolf, glowing green!

Wei Yuxian was startled, turned around and wanted to get into the bathroom, but was stopped by the man's words.

"Be good, be good."

When Wei Yuxian thought of this man's shamelessness, she stopped and her legs felt a little weak.

Fu Xuanyi threw the phone aside, got up and got out of bed, walked over, and approached step by step.

Wei Yuxian watched the person getting closer and closer, and her little heart couldn't help but tremble. She opened her big, watery eyes pitifully.

Her appearance made Fu Xuanyi's throat tighten even more. He walked over and picked her up, strode to the bed and put her on the bed.

As soon as Wei Yuxian saw his look, she knew what he wanted to do. She put her hands on the man's chest and said, "Don't... I have to go to school tomorrow..."

This man has great physical strength and refuses to stop. If it's dawn again like last time, how will she go to school tomorrow?

Fu Xuanyi narrowed his eyes and said, "You have been looking at the two little guys tonight."

What bothered him was this matter.

Wei Yuxian's eyes widened, she didn't expect the man to say such words!

So, he...he is...jealous?

Are you jealous of two children?

Wei Yuxian looked at him in disbelief and felt...this man seemed a bit...childish!

Why do you even want to eat the baby's jealousy! They are babies! It's her baby! It’s his baby too!

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