Wei Yuxian said confidently: "They are my babies. I haven't seen them for a day and I miss them very much."

Fu Xuanyi stared into her eyes and asked, "What about me?"

So you don't even give me a look?

A certain Mr. Xuan was so jealous that he even made his two children jealous.

Wei Yuxian frowned slightly, looked at him accusingly, and said, "After school today, didn't I chat with you all the way back? Also, after the child goes to bed, aren't we the only ones left?"

He just stared at the time she spent with the child.

She continued: "Look, when I came back, the children were sleeping. I just played with them for a while. In total, I didn't spend as much time with the children as I did with you."

She tried to reason with the man.

But the jealous man didn't want to reason at all and said, "I don't care."

Very confident!

Wei Yuxian is going to be very angry with him! She looked at him accusingly and said nothing, as if to say: You are so domineering!

No, no, no, this man is very domineering!

Fu Xuanyi lowered his head to kiss her and bit her lips. Whenever she struggled, he would apply more force. Wei Yuxian felt pain and did not dare to struggle anymore.

The man bit her lips inch by inch, biting her delicate lips until they trembled, crying for mercy.

All the strength in Wei Yuxian's body was removed, and she lay limply on the bed. All her sense and everything else had left home.

The man's kiss was very domineering, so tough that he did not allow her to refuse at all.

She sank in, sank into the man's domineering kiss. Gradually, her body became hot and uncomfortable.

This was a very unfamiliar feeling that she rarely felt, but she didn't know how to relieve it, so she could only let her body get hotter and hotter.

Fu Xuanyi noticed the changes in her body. She was hotter and more active than before, so he knew that she was in love.

Some surprise, it turns out that his obedience also needs him, not just him who needs her.

He ended the kiss and looked down at the person under him, his eyes unable to focus. This look was very seductive.

He also thought that tomorrow is Thursday and Guaiguai only has one class. If tonight...then Guaiguai won't be so hard tomorrow.

He will be more restrained and won't overwork Guaiguai.

Thinking of this, he gently stroked Wei Yuxian's face with his hand and asked, "Is it hot?"

Wei Yuxian nodded confusedly and said, "...it feels uncomfortable."

She looked at him with wet eyes, wanting to ask him what was wrong with her and why she had this strange feeling.

But her mind hasn't woken up yet, and she's still stuck in the feeling Fu Xuanyi gave her just now.

Fu Xuanyi didn't want to let his family suffer, so he lowered his head and started tonight's wonderful journey.

Wei Yuxian felt very unreal this night, because this feeling was so wonderful.

She also knew why she became so strange.

If she feels like this again in the future, she will know why.

But, so shy.

Because of this man, not only did he do those shy things, he also... once again competed with the two babies for food!

When she saw that touch on the man's mouth, her brain exploded!

I wiped it on his mouth several times before wiping it clean, but the feeling of shyness was still there.

Later, in order to avoid being shy, she simply started to pretend to be dead and let the man hold her to clean her. After coming out, she fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

The next day, she had class in the first period in the morning, and Fu Xuanyi also had to go to work in the company, so they all got up early.

When she woke up, she saw some red scratches on the man's chest, as well as one or two tooth marks.

Seeing this, she remembered last night again. This man was so ashamed!

So she quickly got up and ran into the bathroom.

Before entering the bathroom, she turned around and glanced at the man over there, and happened to see the man's back, which had more scratches!

When I thought that these were all done by myself, I didn't dare to look any further and slipped into the bathroom.

Fu Xuanyi got up slowly and followed her steps and walked in.

Squeezing toothpaste next to her, he said, "Come back to bed after class."

Wei Yuxian yawned appropriately, nodded her head, and said, "I understand."

In fact, Fu Xuanyi didn't last long last night, only two or three times, and he was very restrained. Otherwise, she wouldn't even have to go to school today.

However, she still went to bed a little later. She was a little sleepy and not in such good spirits.

On the other hand, the man next to her went to bed later than her last night and spent more energy than she did. Why didn't he look tired at all?

His face was glowing red, and those who didn't know thought he had taken some magic pill to maintain such a good condition.

Wei Yuxian felt very strange. Recalling the previous times, it seemed to be like this. She looked like she had been sucked out, while Fu Xuanyi looked full of energy.

Unfair, so unfair!

After washing up, they went downstairs to have breakfast. Wei Yuxian also had to prepare some food for the two babies.

Because there was only one class today and she would be back soon, she didn't prepare much and waited for the children to eat fresh food after she came back.

So soon, she came out of the baby's room.

It's time to go to school.

Fu Xuanyi sent her there, followed by a car, Lu Chengxiao and the others.

Along the way, Wei Yuxian had no energy and was drowsy. Seeing that she was so tired, Fu Xuanyi asked her to sleep for a while and call her again when she got to school.

After Wei Yuxian heard this, she slept for a while in the car, but she felt like she had not slept for long when she was woken up by the man.

She opened her eyes and glanced outside. The car had already arrived at the teaching building where she was waiting for class.

"Are we here?" She was still a little confused and her voice was soft.

Fu Xuanyi couldn't help but rub her head, mess up her hair, and said, "Well, we're here."

Wei Yuxian woke up a lot. She was still sleepy and hadn't slept enough, but she was more energetic than before. She unbuckled her seatbelt and said, "I'm going to class."

Just when she was about to get out of the car, the man grabbed her hand, pulled her back, and kissed her on the lips.

Before she could react, the man ended the kiss and said with a smile in his eyes: "Go ahead."

Wei Yuxian said "Oh" in confusion and got out of the car in a daze.

This look makes people want to bully her. But when she thought that she would have to go to class later and couldn't bully people too harshly, she stopped thinking.

Behind them, Lu Chengxiao and others parked the car and came behind Wei Yuxian. Each of them was carrying a schoolbag and looked a bit like a student.

At this moment, when eight people were rushing to class early in the morning, there were many people attending class in this teaching building.

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