After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 141 Don’t you know that Wei Yuxian is Master Xuan’s fiancée? !

When everyone saw a car parked at the entrance of the teaching building, they couldn't help but feel a little curious. When they saw the brand of the car, they couldn't help but be surprised!

This car! Very not cheap!

Any car of this brand will cost millions!

Which teacher is this rich? Everyone thought like this and even slowed down their pace.

In their impression, few people can drive directly to the teaching building.

In addition to school teachers, there are also young ladies from wealthy families.

However, they have never seen a car of this brand before!

They swore that this was definitely the most impressive car they had ever seen!

When Wei Yuxian got out of the car, everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe that the person who got out of the car was such a beautiful person!

Wei Yuxian is good-looking, with a soft and cute appearance, so cute.

In addition, her clothes were extraordinary and her temperament had changed a lot from last year, so she looked like a young lady from a big family.

Everyone was speculating as to which family's eldest daughter was actually driving such a nice car to school.

They have struggled all their lives to buy this car, but they may not even be able to afford it.

Soon, someone discovered that the person who came was Wei Yuxian. This person was Wei Yuxian's classmate.

So, she quickly said to her friends: "This is Wei Yuxian! It's the Wei Yuxian who took a year off from school!"

"Ah? Is she Wei Yuxian? Didn't that previous post say..."

"Oh, that post? It's all fake. How could Wei Yuxian be kept by someone? She is Master Xuan's fiancée!"

"Then what happened to that post back then?"

"It seems like you are only half-way surfing. That post was posted by Ding Nana. You know it, right? Ding Nana has always disliked Wei Yuxian, so she posted that post to spread rumors.

Later, she clarified, apologized, and posted, but you didn’t see it? "

The friend looked confused and said, "I really don't know this! And you just said that Wei Yuxian is Master Xuan's... fiancée?! Is she the Master Xuan that I know?"

Girl: "Besides that Mr. Xuan, who else in Kyoto dares to call me this name?"

The friend covered his mouth and asked in a low voice: "Really? I didn't even know that Master Xuan had a fiancée! Didn't he say that Master Xuan was an ascetic Buddhist? Why did he suddenly have a fiancée!"

Girl: "This matter has to start a few days ago... Oops, we're almost late. Let's talk as we walk. Just a few days ago, Master Xuan suddenly hosted a banquet for all the wealthy families in Kyoto, saying that he wanted to attend the wedding for his children. The 100-day banquet..."

Soon, more and more people recognized Wei Yuxian, and they walked into the classroom and discussed.

Wei Yuxian heard their discussions, but most of them were not malicious. They were just curious about her. She breathed a sigh of relief and said to the four people behind her: "Let's go."

As long as they have no ill intentions, they can discuss it if they want to. After a few days, no one will talk about it.

She just didn't expect that Fu Xuanyi would deal with the original post. At that time, she cried just thinking about it and didn't even think about how to deal with the post.

Fortunately, with this man here, he will help me handle it properly.

From now on, when she acts, she must think more about it, and she must not let her control fall into the hands of others. When she handles things, she must also think more about other consequences.

In the future, we can't be so careless, and we can't just think about nothing when we have Fu Xuanyi.

People still have to rely on themselves.

After watching her walk into the teaching building, nothing happened, and Fu Xuanyi drove out of the school.

With Lu Chengxiao and others here, there shouldn't be any problems.

For the sake of convenience, he specially invited two girls to come over.

He considered everything that Wei Yuxian didn't consider, just so that his darling would not be hurt again.

Here, Wei Yuxian took the elevator to the classroom with a few unfamiliar classmates. Lu Chengxiao and the four of them had been silently protecting her by her side, preventing outsiders from getting close to her.

After entering the classroom, class started in two minutes. She glanced at the back rows of the classroom. They were all filled with people, and only the front rows had empty seats.

In the past, Wei Yuxian would have chosen to sit in the first row without hesitation, because that place was the farthest away from Ding Nana and others.

But now, Ding Nana and others are no longer there, and they have been punished accordingly, so Wei Yuxian chose... the second row.

Okay, stay closest to the teacher.

The students at the back saw someone actually sitting down in front, and they were a little curious about who this bold person was. When they looked over, they saw Wei Yuxian.

The classmates were a little shocked that Wei Yuxian did not repeat the grade, but continued to stay in their class.

At the same time, the news that Wei Yuxian was marrying into a wealthy family quickly spread throughout the class!

In an instant, the eyes of some classmates who looked down on her in the past changed.

There are even some people who are ready to go up and talk to her, and want to have a good relationship with her so that they can do things in the future.

She is Master Xuan’s fiancée! Master Xuan!

Who is Master Xuan? The most powerful head of the Fu family in Kyoto! Even the leaders of the country have to give Master Xuan some sympathy when they meet him!

If they can establish a relationship with the Fu family, then they don't have to worry about their future.

No one wants to give up such an opportunity.

Several people were already ready to make a move, but they did not dare to take action so quickly because there were four people sitting next to Wei Yuxian.

These four people, I don't know why, they look a little dangerous. They don't look like ordinary people, but they look like they are specifically following Wei Yuxian to protect her.

When Wei Yuxian saw everyone's reactions, she could probably make some guesses. After all, things were different now.

She ignored it, took out her books, and waited for the teacher to come to class.

After a while, the teacher walked into the classroom, and the whispers in the classroom stopped.

Wei Yuxian knew that when she came to school this time, she would be very different from a year ago, because her identity had become different.

Outside, she is Fu Xuanyi's public fiancée. Anyone who pays a little attention to financial news will know.

As for this identity, she did not refute it and silently hung on to it.

She was said to be a little selfish, but she admitted it, because she really liked Fu Xuanyi. She wanted to be with Fu Xuanyi and also wanted to be with the baby.

She wants her two babies to grow up happily in a complete family.

There is nothing wrong with this identity. At least with this identity, no one will dare to bully her, right?

Of course, she was not proud of this status, nor did she feel superior to others.

To her, this identity is just a title, and she still has to walk well in the future.

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