But it is undeniable that Fu Xuanyi gave her a lot.

For example, a good life, happiness, and the identity of a young lady were all given to her by this man.

Without this man, she might still be just a poor student running around for living expenses.

Therefore, fate is a very wonderful thing. You never know what unpredictable things will happen tomorrow.

Without further ado, let's go back to class.

Returning to a classroom with so many people after a long absence, Wei Yuxian listened to the teacher's voice on the podium and felt that the atmosphere was great.

She listened to the class attentively, turning to whatever page the teacher was talking about, and rarely lost focus.

On the other hand, the four people sitting next to her, Lu Chengxiao, had a book on the table, but their thoughts were wandering to outer space.

Lu Chengxiao was even more excited. Like the classmates in the back row, he took out his mobile phone to play with it.

The teacher on the stage just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

After going to college, I rely more on my own consciousness. The teacher can take care of it once, but cannot take care of it every time. Some people will play with their mobile phones no matter what.

A-Li and A-Kong were sitting next to Wei Yuxian, one on the left and one on the right. They also felt very bored and couldn't listen to the lesson at all.

Originally, they were not good at studying, and they were well trained in the base. Suddenly one day, they were called by the second master to protect his wife.

In fact, when they heard that they could protect Madam at first, they were quite happy and very willing to come to Madam's side.

But the second master didn’t tell them that they still had to go to class like his wife!

Such a boring thing like class is not suitable for them at all!

They might as well use this time to exercise more and make themselves stronger.

However, the task was taken over, and the two of them could no longer regret it.

The only advantage of this mission is that you can get up close and personal with Madam.

The last time Madam went to the base, they happened to go on a mission outside. They didn't see anyone and could only listen to the people in the base describing what Madam was like.

They all said that Madam is very cute, soft and cute, making people want to Rua when they look at her.

Then, they met the madam. It was just as they said, the madam was super cute!

This is the class...it's really boring! ! !

A-Li and A-Kong looked at each other and saw the word "unfortunate" in each other's eyes.

Looking at their wife again, she was listening to the class with great interest. I remember from my notes that she was smooth and not boring at all.

Maybe, this is the gap between people.

Some people just like to study, and some people, for example, feel like they are dying as soon as they come to class.

Wei Yuxian had no idea how difficult it was for the people around her. Anyway, she felt very good. The teacher taught well and the atmosphere in the class was also very good.

Sure enough, it feels different without the person I hate in the classroom.

A class lasts ninety minutes, with a ten-minute break in between. For those who listen carefully, time passes very quickly.

Finally, the bell rang again, and Lu Chengxiao and others were about to wilt.

As soon as they heard the bell ringing, several people immediately became energetic. They happily put their books into their schoolbags and looked at Wei Yuxian with bright eyes.

Wei Yuxian couldn't help laughing when she looked at these eyes that were as bright as light bulbs.

He picked up his schoolbag and was just about to put it on his back when A Li took it over. The latter said, "Madam, I'll just come."

Wei Yuxian didn't fight her, and said, "Thank you, let's go back."

Akong couldn't help but cheered, watching Wei Yuxian walking in front and following closely behind her.

In the classroom, few students walked out of the classroom, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Wei Yuxian in front of them.

Wei Yuxian now is completely different from Wei Yuxian a year ago!

A year ago, Wei Yuxian was very timid, had no self-confidence, and had a very low self-esteem.

But now, she is full of confidence, and her temperament has changed greatly, as if she has become a different person.

Several classmates wanted to go up and say hello to Wei Yuxian. Even if it wasn't for profit, they could at least leave a good impression in front of her.

But as soon as they saw the four people following her, they backed down.

Now, we still don’t know what Wei Yuxian has become and whether she will be easy to get along with. If her personality changes drastically after marrying into a wealthy family, they will still be the ones who will be embarrassed.

Therefore, they planned to observe her for a while, and if Wei Yuxian's personality was easy to get along with, they would then deal with her.

Wei Yuxian walked out of the classroom smoothly without any hindrance. After walking out, she yawned and shed some tears in her eyes.

In fact, she was also tired, and her eyes were a little sleepy during class, but her enthusiasm for learning kept her going.

She didn't get enough sleep last night and got up early to go to class this morning. Now, she just wanted to lie in bed and catch up on her sleep.

Taking the elevator to the first floor, the sun was shining brightly outside. Before leaving the teaching building, Lu Chengxiao said, "Madam, please wait here for a while while I drive the car to the door."

Wei Yuxian wanted to follow, but felt that the sunshine was nothing, so she said, "It's okay, I'll walk there with you."

Lu Chengxiao insisted: "Madam, you'd better stay here. It's air-conditioned and you won't be exposed to the sun. It only takes me two minutes to drive out."

The other three people also had the same idea. They remained silent and looked at her with big eyes, especially A Kong, who was the youngest. It seemed that if Wei Yuxian disagreed, she would cry.

Wei Yuxian could only agree to wait here and said, "Okay, I'll wait here."

With a smile on his face, Lu Chengxiao took the car keys and walked out. Two minutes later, he drove out and parked in front of the teaching building.

However, there is still a distance of several meters from the door to the car, and this section of the road will be exposed to the sun.

Wei Yuxian thought it was nothing to be exposed to the sun for a few seconds. Unexpectedly, before she walked out, A Kong took out a folding fan from her schoolbag, opened it, and said to her: "Let's go, madam."

She looked at the big folding fan, smiled helplessly, walked in, and said, "I'm not someone who can't see the sun, it's just a few seconds."

But Akong said very strictly: "Madam, you can't do it, you can't do it at all. Master Xuan told us to take good care of you."

"That's not how to take care of me."

But the little girl accepted death and said: "That's it, that's it."

Wei Yuxian's mouth twitched, she said nothing, and got into the car. After sitting down, she yawned again, leaned against the car and closed her eyes. She wanted to close her eyes and relax for a while, but unexpectedly, she fell asleep like this.

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