The car drove smoothly, and it was very quiet inside. No one spoke. Except for Lu Chengxiao who was driving, everyone else was playing with their mobile phones.

A-Li and A-Kong wanted to chat, but they stopped thinking when they saw the lady sleeping in the back seat.

They didn’t know what Madam was doing last night, but she was already sleepy at this point, and they also saw Madam yawning during class just now.

Suddenly, the two of them thought of something, looked at each other, and laughed secretly.

Madam is so tired, it must be because of Master Xuan~

I really didn’t expect it. Mr. Xuan is so awesome. He knew that Madam had a class the next morning, but he still acted like this...

As if they had discovered some great secret, the two of them looked at each other with aunty smiles.

It didn't take long to get from school to home. The car soon drove into Fu's house and stopped.

But the people in the car were hesitating whether to wake up the lady in the back seat of the car.

Madam is sleeping so soundly, and has no intention of waking up. If she doesn't wake anyone up, she doesn't know how long she will sleep.

Otherwise, it's better to wake up my wife. Sleeping in the car is always uncomfortable, not as good as in bed.

So, A Li gently poked Wei Yuxian's shoulder and whispered: "Madam."

The sound is as quiet as a mosquito.

Lu Chengxiao: "..."

What's the difference between this and not calling?

Seeing that there was no response, A Li repeated the operation just now. The result was of course obvious. Wei Yuxian had no reaction at all.

Lu Chengxiao couldn't stand it anymore and shouted in a normal voice: "Madam, we're home."

Just like that, Wei Yuxian woke up, looked outside the car in a daze, and realized that she was home. She rubbed her eyes, opened the door and got out of the car.

A Li: I just don’t want to scare my wife.

After sending Wei Yuxian home, their mission was completed and they could leave Wei Yuxian and return to the base.

However, the base is some distance away from here, and it would be inconvenient to come back if we go back, so the four of them also stayed in the Fu Mansion, but not in the main villa.

Wei Yuxian took her schoolbag and walked in. Once inside, she handed her schoolbag to Aunt Fu and then went back to her room to sleep.

In the living room, the second elder went straight to the room as soon as he saw her coming back. He looked tired and couldn't help but said: "Axuan is so shameless. I wonder if Yuxian has to go to class today!"

Father Fu echoed: "That's right!"

Here, Wei Yuxian returned to the room, fell asleep on the bed, and slept until lunch time, which was considered a comfortable sleep.

As soon as she wakes up, she has to breastfeed the two children. After feeding, it is her turn to eat.

Just like that, her wonderful weekend life was about to begin.

After eating, she held Zhizhi and walked in the living room, thinking about what she would do tomorrow.

You can't spend three days squatting at home, it's too boring, and sleeping too much is not good either.

Always in the old lady's arms, the two of them sat on the sofa and watched Wei Yuxian walking to eat.

After thinking for a long time, Wei Yuxian didn't come up with it, and Zhizhi fell asleep in her arms.

Afraid of shaking the baby awake again, she carried Zhizhi back to her room and put her on the small wooden bed to sleep.

The old lady also carried the sleeping Shishi into her room and put him to sleep with Zhizhi.

She couldn't think of what to do at the moment, so Wei Yuxian decided not to waste time thinking about it. She took out her homework and planned to finish it first so that she could have fun in the remaining three days.

She just attended one class, and the teacher didn't assign much homework, and it took her less than an hour to complete it.

She relaxed her muscles on the chair, yawned, and went to take a nap.

She got up in the afternoon and read for a while. It was almost dinner time, and Fu Xuanyi came back at this time.

This time, she fed her two children before eating dinner.

After dinner, Wei Yuxian took the two children to the corner of the living room and started playing with them.

The corner of the living room has been specially transformed into a small children's playground, surrounded by a small fence, covered with soft cushions, and filled with many soft plush toys.

The two children are more than three months old now, and will be four months in half a month. Now, they have learned to stand up.

It's not enough for sitting, let alone climbing. It needs to be bigger.

Wei Yuxian sat on the soft cushion, encouraging the two babies to turn over and cheering them on!

The old lady watched for a while and then joined in, enjoying watching the two babies turn over.

Fu Xuanyi couldn't help but smile as he looked at the warm scene over there.

It didn't take long for the two babies to get tired of playing and fell asleep on the mat at an amazing speed.

Wei Yuxian was a little dumbfounded. She carried the sleeping children into the room and asked them to sleep well.

When she returned to her room, she was sweating a little, took a shower, sat down on the bed, and started watching videos.

Fu Xuanyi then went into the bathroom to take a shower. When he came out, he sat next to Wei Yuxian and asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

Wei Yuxian casually scrolled to the next parenting knowledge video and said, "I haven't decided yet. I'm wondering whether I should take the baby out to play."

It’s been so long since the baby was born that he rarely goes outside. The main reason is that the baby is too young and I’m afraid something might happen if he takes it out.

In addition, the family is well taken care of, so there is no need to take the baby out.

"This matter is not urgent." Fu Xuanyi said, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Wei Yuxian put down her phone and said, "You really can't be in a hurry. You have to go to work tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah." Fu Xuanyi said, staring straight at her.

Wei Yuxian felt that his eyes were a bit unusual, as if he was planning something under these beautiful eyes.

She scratched her head and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The man said softly: "It's nothing, I just have an idea."

Wei Yuxian: "..."

She opened and closed her mouth without saying anything.

I always feel that this man's ideas are not much better.

But she didn't know what this man was thinking.

Fu Xuanyi was very patient and looked at her without saying anything, as if he was competing with her to see who could speak first.

Finally, Wei Yuxian couldn't hold her breath and asked, "What do you think?"

Fu Xuanyi curled his lips and said, "Come to the company with me tomorrow."

Wei Yuxian's eyes widened slightly and she asked, "Why do I go to the company with you? I don't have anything to do when I go there."

He said: "I plan to arrange for you to practice it yourself."

"Practice what?"

"Go to the company's finance department to have a look and learn from it."

Wei Yuxian's major is money management, and her future employment direction is also in this field. If she wants to bring people to the company, this is the best reason.

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