I have to say that Wei Yuxian was really moved!

She was worried about what she was going to do on Friday, when Fu Xuanyi came up with this idea. Isn't this just giving her a pillow for sleepiness?

This is what she studied professionally. It would be good if she could be exposed to it earlier.

In addition, the Finance Department of the Fu Group is not something you can get into just because you want to, it requires very high academic qualifications!

After all, she took advantage.

The corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise. She could already imagine herself studying in the finance department. These were things that the school could not teach them.

But then, she thought of something again, her smile faded, and she asked, "Will my going affect their work?"

The Fu Group is a big company, and the people who work there are probably very busy, right?

Fu Xuanyi said calmly: "No."

"That's great!" Wei Yuxian became happy again.

She was so happy that she didn't notice at all that the eyes of the man next to her were a bit unusual, as if she saw a simple white rabbit falling into a trap.

With a big hand, he took the giggling person into his arms, brushed the scattered hair from her face, revealing her white and tender face.

Under the light, the person in her arms looked whiter and tenderer, and her mouth was bright red and attractive.

Wei Yuxian was so happy that she didn't care that the man took her into his arms. She felt at ease in the man's generous arms and felt extremely comfortable.

Fu Xuanyi lowered his head to look at her, his voice was low and magnetic, and asked: "How can you thank me, dear?"

Wei Yuxian also looked at him, looking at his handsome face so close that he was also exuding seductive charm.

She thought carefully about how to repay this man.

It seems that there are not many things she can do. This man lacks nothing and has everything he wants.

All she can give is...

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but her heart beat faster and she stared at his thin lips.

In an instant, the ambiguous factor ran out, and his breathing became a little rapid.

She slowly turned around and slowly approached the man, her eyes always staring at the man's lips.

As the distance got closer, Fu Xuanyi's eyes became tense when he looked at her, and the tenderness in his eyes was like water.

He was looking forward to it, his darling would take the initiative to kiss him.

Finally, Wei Yuxian kissed Fu Xuanyi, her movements were very gentle, and her eyes were closed.

It didn't touch the water like last time, but stayed on it.

She put her hands around the man's neck, trying hard to remember how the man kissed her.

Then, when imitating a man to kiss her, she gently licked the man's lips.

No more, she wouldn't dare, she was too shy.

Just like that, she wanted to end the kiss, but Fu Xuanyi didn't want it to end so soon.

After finally taking the initiative once, he had made great progress. How could he let her go so easily?

Guaiguai doesn't have to go to school tomorrow, he just needs to follow him to the company. In the company, he doesn't have the final say.

As a result, he became even more confident.

The person in his arms did not let go, deepening the kiss until his body softened and he lost the strength to resist.

Wei Yuxian's face turned even redder. As the kiss lasted for a long time, she began to lack oxygen and pushed the man gently.

Fu Xuanyi controlled the pressure until she reached the limit, then he let go, pressed his forehead against hers, and looked at her confused eyes.

He liked to see her like this, her lost expression was so beautiful.

And all of this was brought about by him. It was he who made her show such a beautiful expression.

The inner satisfaction rises sharply.

Wei Yuxian gasped for air, and it took a while before she came back to her senses. Her eyes met with the man's, and something called happiness arose spontaneously in her heart.

At this moment, she really wanted to tell this man that she liked him, but the reason she had just run away from home came back at this moment, making her hold back.

Now, I can't say these two words.

She could only secretly say in her heart that she liked him.

Fu Xuanyi stretched out his hand to caress her face, and gently pinched the white and tender flesh on her face. He couldn't put it down.

Squeezing and squeezing, the hand movements moved downward.

Wei Yuxian sensed the approaching danger, held down the man's moving hand, and said, "Last night..."

For this reason, she was still sleepy this morning, even yawning in class!

She can't come again tonight. She has to go to the company to study tomorrow. It would be embarrassing for others to see her like this!

Fu Xuanyi turned his palm over, held her tender hand in his, and said, "It's okay, be good, just this once."

He said, coaxing the innocent person in his arms.

Wei Yuxian still refused to let go, but after being coaxed by the man for a few more words, she half-heartedly agreed.

Then, the room was noisy for most of the night, and Wei Yuxian scolded the man countless times in her heart!

It was promised once, but this man failed to keep his word, again and again!

Wei Yuxian, who was about to cry but had no tears, fell asleep from exhaustion.

A good night's sleep.

The next day, Fu Xuanyi had to go to work, and Wei Yuxian also had to go with him.

Fu Xuanyi woke up on time, looked at the tired person in his arms, and wondered whether to wake her up.

After thinking for a while, he gently let go of the person in his arms, got up, covered the person with the quilt again, and then walked into the bathroom to wash up.

After washing up and coming out, he went downstairs to have breakfast, then returned to the room, sat by the bed, and asked the person on the bed to get up.

"Good boy, get up." The voice was unusually gentle.

The person on the bed didn't react, not affected by his voice at all.

Fu Xuanyi called patiently a few more times, and the man on the bed finally responded, but he just turned over and continued to sleep.

He smiled helplessly, picked the person up, lowered his head to kiss her, and forcefully kissed her awake.

Wei Yuxian was sleeping comfortably when she suddenly suffocated and woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the man's enlarged face.

Her mind was on standby for a while, and when she woke up, she said "Hmm~" very delicately.

Fu Xuanyi let go of her, very satisfied with the result, and said: "Get up."

Wei Yuxian's whole body was limp and she had no strength. She had just gotten up and was a little squeamish, so she said: "Sleepy~"

Unknowingly, I was acting coquettishly with this man.

Fu Xuanyi was very pleased with it. He rubbed her head, put one hand under her knees, picked up the princess with force, and carried her into the bathroom to wash up.

This time, Wei Yuxian was completely awake. She was afraid that she would fall, so she quickly hugged the man's neck, hoping that the man would put her down.

But when he thought that his body had no strength, he could only let the man hold him.

She asked in a soft and sticky voice: "What time is it?"

"It's almost eight o'clock." The man replied.

"Then you're going to be late for work?"

"Yeah." Fu Xuanyi said, "Working is not as important as you."

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