The unexpected love words made Wei Yuxian blush a little and stopped talking.

After entering the bathroom, the man put her on the clean sink, touched the back of her head lovingly, and squeezed toothpaste for her.

Wei Yuxian reached out to grab the hair at the back and smoothed out the man's messy hair.

After straightening it out, the man squeezed out the toothpaste and placed it in front of her.

Wei Yuxian took it and started brushing her teeth slowly. She couldn't move any faster even if she wanted to. Her hands were weak and limp.

The man didn't urge her to move faster, he looked at her with a doting look on his face, and thought her slow movements were very pleasing to the eye.

Wei Yuxian was constantly stared at by the man, and her mouth was full of foam. This look was not good-looking, and she was a little embarrassed.

She held her toothbrush in her mouth and said, "How about you go to work first, and I will ask the driver to take me to the company later."

Fu Xuanyi shook his head slightly and said, "I'm late anyway."

It doesn't matter if it's a little later. The most important thing is that his baby is behaving well.

Seeing that he refused to go to work, Wei Yuxian could only make another excuse and said, "Then you go out for breakfast first."

In short, don't look at her here, it's embarrassing.

Fu Xuanyi reached out and poked her face and said, "Eat."

At this time, Wei Yuxian had no reason to let this man out, so she could only continue to brush her teeth slowly under the man's gaze.

After almost ten minutes, Wei Yuxian finished washing. She reached for the towel and wiped her face. She rubbed it up and down several times until her face was clean.

The cute movements made Fu Xuanyi couldn't help but smile.

After putting the towel away, Wei Yuxian saw the inexplicable smile on Fu Xuanyi's face and thought it was because there was still foam on her face that she hadn't wiped clean. She looked in the mirror and saw nothing.

Ask him: "Why are you laughing?"

The man shook his head gently and said, "It's nothing."

Wei Yuxian said something incomprehensible in her heart again, and wanted to get off the sink.

Fu Xuanyi put his hands on the sink and placed Wei Yuxian in his arms.

Wei Yuxian is petite, at least compared to Fu Xuanyi. Even if she is sitting on the sink, she is still half a head shorter than the man.

Fu Xuanyi is nearly 1.9 meters tall, and Wei Yuxian is just over 1.6 meters tall. They are relatively superior among girls, but in front of Fu Xuanyi, they are really not good enough.

Wei Yuxian was startled by the man's sudden approach and his embrace of her, and she leaned back like a frightened little rabbit.

With his eyes wide open, he stuttered and asked, "W-what are you doing?"

With a smile in his eyes, the man put his hand on her back, brought her back, approached her, and pecked the corner of her lips gently.

Wei Yuxian looked around, obviously shy, looking here and there but not at the man in front of her.

She gently pushed the man's chest with her hands, trying to push him away so that she could get off the sink.

But the man grabbed her hand, put it on his neck, hugged it, and then picked up her legs and put them on his waist.

Said in her ear: "Clamp."

Somehow, Wei Yuxian always felt that the man's words had another meaning.

This position was too intimate. She was not stupid and knew that the man wanted to carry her out like this.

But why is this so embarrassing? If the master and the old lady saw it, even though they wouldn't say anything, it would still be bad.

She is too thin-skinned to do such a thing.

She refused, put down her thin legs again, lowered her head and said dullly: "No, it's not good to be seen."

Fu Xuanyi knew that she was thin-skinned, so he chuckled and said in her ear: "I'm just going to change clothes."

Wei Yuxian was still wearing pajamas and had to change before going out.

Only then did she remember that there was such a thing. She said "Oh" and the man picked up the two thin legs again and placed them on his strong waist.

This time, without the man having to say anything, Wei Yuxian blushed and clamped hard, accepting this shameful hug.

She pushed herself closer to the man and whispered: "Let's go..."

So, so shy—

Fu Xuanyi put his hands on her hips to support her, with a slight smile on his lips, and he was in an extremely good mood.

This was the first time for Wei Yuxian to be held in such a hug, with her face pressed against the man's chest, listening to the man's powerful heartbeat.

Thump thump, thump thump, the man's heartbeat was very regular, but her heartbeat became chaotic.

Fu Xuanyi carried her all the way into the cloakroom, put her on the soft sofa, and got up to find clothes for her.

I found a white skirt, which was very simple and suitable for Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian asked him to go out and she wanted to change clothes. The man thought for a while and went out to give this shameless little white rabbit some private space.

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, quickly changed her clothes and walked out.

Outside, Fu Xuanyi looked at the white skirt on her body and nodded with satisfaction.

He stepped forward and wanted to pick him up, but Wei Yuxian stepped back and said, "I can walk by myself."

Her body was still a little weak and she didn't have much strength, especially her waist, which was extremely soft, and her thighs felt like they were trembling.

But she didn't want this man to hug her anymore. It was okay in the room, no one could see her, but it was not possible outside, where there were not only the masters and ladies, but also servants.

Fu Xuanyi picked up the princess forcefully and said softly, "No one will see it."

But Wei Yuxian didn't believe it. At this time, except for the two babies, everyone else in the family was up. There must be someone in the living room!

She struggled slightly: "Put me down, put me down, put me down quickly..."

I didn't dare to struggle too much, for fear that I would fall and fall on my back.

That must be very painful!

Fu Xuanyi pressed her hard and said, "Believe me, there is really no one."

Seeing that the man would not let her go, Wei Yuxian gave up and plunged into the man's chest, treating herself like an ostrich, hiding her ears and stealing her bells.

This little appearance is as cute as it is cute. Fu Xuanyi wants to kiss her hard on the face.

Walking all the way down, just as Fu Xuanyi said, there was no one there, but Wei Yuxian buried herself and didn't see anyone.

I thought the living room was full of servants.

Fu Xuanyi held her all the way through the living room and came to the entrance. He helped her change her shoes and then carried her into the car. Only then did she finally raise her head.

It's safe, it's safe now.

However, she hasn't had breakfast yet and is very hungry.

This man actually didn't give her breakfast and let her go to the company hungry.

Just thinking about it makes me feel so wronged.

Before she could think about it for long, a glass of milk suddenly appeared in front of her, still steaming.

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