When she raised her head, she saw that Fu Xuanyi had put a glass of milk in front of her.

Looking at this car again, it is different from the one Fu Xuanyi usually rides in. This car is more spacious and there is a table on the back seat.

On the table, there is a steaming breakfast.

She looked at the car with some surprise. It was more than a little spacious.

And looking at the interior of this car, it's almost the same as the previous car. Come to think of it, it's also very expensive.

She always thought that Fu Xuanyi only had one car. After all, she had never seen Fu Xuanyi in another car for so long.

She took the milk and took a sip, leaving a milky white ring on her lips. Fu Xuanyi's eyes darkened when he saw it, and he took out a tissue and wiped her mouth carefully.

Wei Yuxian raised her head slightly and couldn't help but close her eyes, enjoying the man's service.

After swallowing the milk, she asked, "How many cars do you have?"

Fu Xuanyi thought for a moment, threw the tissue on his hand into the trash can in the car, and said, "A lot."

He didn't even remember how many there were. Anyway, when he saw something he liked, he bought it and took it home.

There are only a few that he drives regularly and are comfortable to sit in. Most of the others sit in the garage gathering dust.

Or sometimes, a friend will give one or two cars as a gift if he likes one.

Wei Yuxian couldn't imagine how much he meant "a lot", so she took another sip of milk and asked, "How much is a lot?"

Fu Xuanyi shook his head: "I don't know."

When Wei Yuxian heard his answer, she knew that there must be a lot of them, if not a hundred, then there were ten.

There are so many cars. As Fu Xuanyi, the cars he drives are all high-end and classy. How much does it cost?

She simply couldn't imagine how rich this man was.

Fu Xuanyi thought she was interested in the car and said, "I'll take you to see it tonight."

Wei Yuxian looked at him with big eyes. After she realized what she was doing, she waved her hands and said, "No, no need. I just said it casually. I didn't want to read it."

She was just curious about how many cars he owned.

Fu Xuanyi chuckled, took the cup she had finished drinking milk from, and asked her to eat something else.

Wei Yuxian ate her breakfast. She ate all the breakfast and cleared all the breakfast on the table. Her stomach was full.

The car drove into the underground parking lot, got out of the car, and Fu Xuanyi pulled Wei Yuxian into the CEO elevator, which could avoid everyone in the company.

Wei Yuxian felt much better at the thought of not being surrounded by a crowd of people.

Recalling the first time she came to the company, she stood stupidly at the door blowing the cold air, and then was surrounded by a bunch of employees. She was dead at that time.

Now it's okay, I can just take the CEO elevator without anyone seeing me.

When she got to the office, Wei Yuxian was already very familiar with the office. This was also due to the fact that Fu Xuanyi had let her take classes in the office, so she didn't even think she was familiar with it.

As soon as she entered the office, she smelled the familiar smell. Counting the time, she hadn't been to the company for several days.

I haven’t been here since preparations for production started.

There is still a little bit of nostalgia.

She sat down on the sofa and looked over there. The man was sitting on the boss's chair and started working non-stop.

She asked: "When should I go to the finance department?"

Fu Xuanyi didn't even raise his head and said, "We'll go there later. It's a bit busy over there right now."

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian could only say "Oh" and sat boredly on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

While playing, she started to feel sleepy. I didn't sleep much last night, and I woke up so early in the morning, and I just had breakfast, so I was even more sleepy.

She yawned and looked up at the man over there, who was immersed in work.

So, she lay on the sofa and played with her mobile phone, yawning while playing.

After a while, she fell asleep on the sofa, her phone still on.

She couldn't stand it anymore. She really couldn't stand it anymore.

The environment in the office is very good and quiet, making it a very good sleeping environment.

Over there, Fu Xuanyi didn't hear any more movement on the sofa. When he looked up, he happened to see the sleeping person.

Her eyes immediately softened, she stood up gently, walked over, took off her phone, picked her up and walked into the small room in the office.

Inside, the environment is quieter and more suitable for sleeping.

He put her on the bed, turned on the air conditioner and covered her with a quilt. He looked at her sleeping face for a while, kissed her forehead, and then left the small room.

After touching the bed, Wei Yuxian slept more comfortably. She turned over and fell into a deep sleep.

She didn't know how long she slept, but Wei Yuxian slept until she was full before she woke up and stretched out on the bed.

Her mind was still awake, and she didn't realize that she had moved to another place to sleep.

She opened her eyes and looked at the dim environment. It was extremely suitable for sleeping. The bed under her was also very wide. She would not fall down even if she rolled around a few times.

Suddenly, she reacted!

Why? bed? !

The memory in her mind came back. She fell asleep on the sofa, but now she was in bed when she woke up!

She looked around the room and felt it looked familiar. She recalled it and breathed a sigh of relief when she remembered that this was a small room in Fu Xuanyi's office.

Needless to say, it must have been Fu Xuanyi who brought her in.

She stretched again, woke up all the muscles in her body, turned on the bedside lamp, and looked for her phone.

The phone was placed on the bedside table. She took it over and looked at the time, and her eyes widened instantly!

What! It’s almost eleven o’clock now!

She came to the company at around eight o'clock and fell asleep not long after she arrived. Let's assume that she started sleeping at nine o'clock until now. I almost slept for two hours!

Ahhhh! At this point, would it be appropriate for her to go to the Finance Department?

She quickly stood up, patted her skirt, arranged it a little, picked up her phone, turned off the light and walked out of the room.

Before he even walked out, he called out "Axuan——"

No one responded to her outside. When she walked out, she saw that Fu Xuanyi was not in the office, and she didn't know where he went.

But there was a woman sitting on his office chair.

The woman on the chair turned her head when she heard her voice, revealing a familiar face.

Wei Yuxian saw the woman on the chair at a glance. She had a familiar aura and aggressive appearance. Who else could she be besides Qin Junling?

She stopped and stood at the door of the small room, staring blankly at Qin Junling.

Qin Junling also looked at her, not avoiding her at all, and still sitting on Fu Xuanyi's chair, looking leisurely and contented, as if she was the hostess of this office.

Wei Yuxian's appearance was something Qin Junling didn't expect. She didn't expect that this woman was actually here, and in a small room.

She squinted her eyes, a hint of danger flashed in her eyes, but it was hidden by her in just a moment.

With the same smile on her face, she said, "Axuan went to a meeting."

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