Now that she already knew everything, there was no need to hide it anymore.

She said softly: "You are right, that's what it is."

Qin Junling laughed mockingly and looked at her as if he were looking at a clown.

Wei Yuxian could naturally see her eyes clearly, they were so dazzling.

She is confident.

But what's the use of being confident?

Wei Yuxian overcame the fear in her heart, relaxed her tense shoulders, leaned on the chair, and said, "Sometimes, good luck is also a skill. I didn't expect that I got pregnant at first. Miss Qin said, Yes or no?"

Qin Junling was shocked by her transformation. This woman could become like this in such a short period of time!

The hand on the chair handle used a little more force, and the usual smile on his face disappeared.

"Miss Wei is really sharp-tongued and sharp-tongued."

"Not as good as Miss Qin. Not only can she speak, but she is also very unconscious." She looked at Fu Xuanyi's chair through Qin Junling.

Qin Junling was a smart man and knew what she was talking about, and said: "With my relationship with Ah Xuan, what does it matter if I sit in his chair? Or is it that Miss Wei is jealous and cannot tolerate any sand?"

What a big hat has been put on her!

Wei Yuxian's expression remained unchanged, and she said, "I'm just reminding Miss Qin, why are you so jealous? Miss Qin, please don't slap plates on people randomly."

Qin Junling was speechless. She lost this round.

Wei Yuxian secretly took the next round and breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. At this time, she discovered that it seemed that it was not that difficult to become stronger.

The most important thing is to overcome the fear in your heart and take that step bravely!

She continued to look at her, not panicking at all.

What about the eldest lady of the Qin family? So what if it's excellent? What can she do to her?

Now she is no longer alone. Behind her, she has Fu Xuanyi supporting her!

If someone bullies you, bully him back!

Qin Junling lowered his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist. It was almost time. He got up from Fu Xuanyi's chair and stood aside.

The smile returned to her face and she asked: "Why is Miss Wei free to come here today? Don't you have to go to school?"

She asked just like that, just like that, what happened just now was put aside, as if nothing happened.

Wei Yuxian thought to herself, this woman turned against her faster than flipping through a book. Just now she was in tit-for-tat with her, and now she's acting like a good sister.

Is she a face-changing master?

She wanted to treat her like a sister, but Wei Yuxian didn't want to deal with her anymore, saying, "This is my private matter. It's not convenient to tell Miss Qin."

Qin Junling still smiled and said, "Axian, I was just joking with you, I had no other intention."

Her words made Wei Yuxian laugh angrily!

joke? Who is a good person joking like this? !

Making fun of other people's pain points, are you sure it's just a joke?

Qin Junling is such a thick-skinned person!

Wei Yuxian didn't say anything, but called Fu Xuanyi's assistant on the internal phone.

Qin Junling looked at her movements and asked, "What does Miss Wei want to do?"

Wei Yuxian smirked and said, "It's okay, I just want to ask something."

Soon, within a minute, the assistant came in and called: "Mr. Qin, madam."

Put Wei Yuxian in the back and call her.

Wei Yuxian and Qin Junling both listened, and the smile on Qin Junling's face became even brighter.

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath and asked, "When will Ah Xuan come back?"

It's not a problem to have people in the office all the time.

The assistant glanced at his watch and said, "Mr. Fu has finished the meeting and will probably be back soon."

Wei Yuxian recalled that Qin Junling had just gotten up from Fu Xuanyi's chair, and had glanced at his watch before getting up.

It turned out that she got up from the chair because she knew that A Xuan was coming back. She thought that she had become self-conscious, but she didn't expect that this was the reason.

"Okay, then you go out first." After she said that, the assistant went out.

Once again, only Wei Yuxian and Qin Junling were left in the office.

Neither of them spoke, one stood and the other sat, looking at different corners of the office.

About two minutes later, Fu Xuanyi opened the door and walked in, followed by Guan Jinyou.

As soon as they entered the door, the two saw the scene in the office. The two women seemed to be confronting each other.

Guan Jinyou was stunned for a moment and whispered: "Mr. Fu, I didn't expect the assistant to bring people into the office."

Fu Xuanyi knew that Qin Junling was coming over today, but he didn't expect that this woman would appear in his office and be in the same room with his darling.

This woman is so rich, I don't know if his obedience has been bullied.

Thinking like this, a hint of danger flashed in his eyes.

When Qin Junling saw Fu Xuanyi come in, he smiled and called, "Axuan."

That attitude seemed like she had a good relationship with Fu Xuanyi.

Wei Yuxian remained silent and continued to sit.

Fu Xuanyi walked over to Wei Yuxian, glanced at Qin Junling lightly, and called out without emotion: "Miss Qin."

The smile on Qin Junling's face suddenly became brighter and he said: "Axuan, I brought a project here this time, the one I told you last time."

Fu Xuanyi didn't look at her and ordered Guan Jinyou behind him: "Take Miss Qin to the conference room."

Guan Jinyou could sense that Mr. Fu was not in a good mood. After saying "Okay", he said to Qin Junling: "Mr. Qin, please come with me."

Fu Xuanyi has already issued an order to expel guests, and Qin Junling can't even think about leaving.

She looked a little stiff and said, "Then I'll go to the conference room and wait for you."

Fu Xuanyi said nothing and didn't even look at her.

Guan Jinyou led the people out, and the office returned to silence.

Fu Xuanyi looked at the person sitting on the chair, lowered his head and asked, "When did you wake up?"

Wei Yuxian was not in a good mood, but she knew she couldn't take her anger out on this man and said, "I just woke up."

Fu Xuanyi stretched out his hand to touch her face and asked, "Did she bully you?"

Wei Yuxian thought about it for a moment, bullying was not something that could be called into question. There was always going on between them, and no one took advantage.

However, it seemed that she was hurt more. After all, the woman brought up the thing she least wanted to mention.

Although she had become brave just now, it was still not enough. It was insignificant to that woman.

She thought about it and said, "She said some unpleasant things."

Fu Xuanyi rubbed his thumb on her lips. Wei Yuxian looked up at him, stared into his eyes, smiled, and said, "It's okay, I fought back."

"Well done." The man said, lowering his head and pecked her on the lips as a reward.

Wei Yuxian took the man's hand off to prevent him from ravaging her face again, and said, "You go to the conference room first. Business is important."

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