After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 149 When I think of that woman sitting in this chair, I feel uncomfortable all over

Fu Xuanyi looked at her seriously and said, "Not as important as you."

It was this sentence again. This morning she asked him to go to work first, and he also said this sentence.

I have to say, this sentence is actually quite heart-warming and makes Wei Yuxian feel that she is really important.

In an instant, the bad mood disappeared. Nothing about Qin Junling and Miss Qin matter anymore.

She is just an insignificant person, there is no need to feel bad for such a person.

She is very good, and she is very good-looking. These are not important. What is important is that Fu Xuanyi does not like her.

After so many years, if Fu Xuanyi liked her, he would have been with her long ago.

Therefore, Qin Junling did not pose a threat and there was no need for her to worry.

Wei Yuxian was worried that Fu Xuanyi's relationship didn't last long enough, and she was afraid that he might change his mind at any time.

As everyone knows, Fu Xuanyi is also afraid that she will fall in love with someone else.

After all, the outside world is too tempting, and there are countless people with evil intentions, making it difficult to guard against.

He could only guard his obedience more closely and prevent her from having the chance to fall in love with someone else.

A slight smile appeared on Wei Yuxian's face and she said, "I understand, go and discuss business quickly."

Fu Xuanyi kissed her on the corner of the lips again, and then said: "Wait until I come back, be good."

Wei Yuxian nodded obediently and said "hmm", looking as obedient as she could.

Fu Xuanyi suspected that she looked like this on purpose because she didn't want him to leave the office.

This expression makes people want to bully her so much, "bully" her hard!

He took a deep breath, pinched her cheek, and walked out of the office.

Wei Yuxian was left alone again. She glanced around the huge office and took out her mobile phone out of boredom.

After playing for a while, I remembered that I had forgotten to mention to Fu Xuanyi about going to the Finance Department.

I looked at the time and saw that it was a little after eleven o'clock. It was almost time to eat. It seemed that I wouldn't learn anything if I went now, so I'd better wait until the afternoon.

After she figured it out, she started playing with her phone again.

After playing for a while, I felt that playing with my mobile phone was a bit boring. I didn’t know what to play, so I put it down and looked up.

I saw Fu Xuanyi's chair.

Thinking back, Qin Junling had sat in this chair before, but she didn't know how long she had sat there.

After staring at the chair quietly for a while, she suddenly stood up and walked over to Fu Xuanyi's chair. As she approached, she smelled a scent of perfume.

Needless to say, it was left by that woman Qin Junling, and Ah Xuan didn't smell like this.

I was complaining in my mind, how much perfume does this woman wear? Why does it leave such a strong smell?

She hesitated, put her hand on the handle of the chair, pursed her lips, and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, she twisted around in the chair, trying to take care of every corner.

She only did this for one reason: she didn't like the chair.

Because Qin Junling had sat on it before, she didn't like this chair. It also had such a strong smell of perfume, which made her even more displeased.

After "rolling" on the chair for a while, Wei Yuxian made sure that every corner of the chair had been taken care of by herself, and stood up, like a small animal that had marked its territory.

She looked down at the chair and could still vaguely smell the scent of perfume. Instantly, her face drooped.

She felt that her body had become dirty. She originally wanted to mark her territory, but she didn't expect that it made her feel dirty.

She quickly turned on the air purification system in the office to remove all the unwanted smells!

After about ten minutes, Wei Yuxian felt that the air in the office was much fresher, and the annoying smell was finally gone.

She returned to where she was sitting with satisfaction, and looked at the chair opposite, but she still felt a little awkward.

The thought of that woman sitting on it made me feel uncomfortable all over.

She obviously doesn't have mysophobia, so why would she have such an idea?

Wei Yuxian couldn't understand, so she simply stopped thinking about it and started watching videos to distract herself.

In the conference room, Qin Junling did not come alone. She also brought the company's team with her to really discuss business with Fu Xuanyi.

But when she came, she went to Fu Xuanyi's office by herself, and the rest of the people stayed in the conference room, waiting for Fu Xuanyi to finish the meeting.

Fu Xuanyi also called several important employees to attend the meeting. He sat at the front and listened to Qin Junling's introduction of the project.

After about forty minutes, the meeting ended. Fu Xuanyi said that this project can be followed up, but whether we will cooperate in the end depends on subsequent development.

There are many companies that want to cooperate with Fu Group, and everyone is vying to cooperate with Fu Group. However, the cake is only so big. If you want to eat it, you have to come up with something that attracts Fu Xuanyi.

The meeting ended and it was already dinner time. Fu Xuanyi got up, packed his suit and walked out.

Qin Junling called "Axuan", quickly packed his things and followed.

Fu Xuanyi stopped, looked at her, and asked with his eyes: Is something wrong?

Qin Junling flipped up his hair and tucked the loose hair behind his ears. He smiled and said, "It's dinner time. I've made a reservation at Zuihongxuan. Can we go have a meal together?"

Fu Xuanyi only gave her two cold words: "No time."

After saying that, he was about to turn around and leave. When Qin Junling saw this, he quickly reached out to pull her away and said, "Axuan, we haven't had dinner together for a long time, so please treat me as a favor."

Fu Xuanyi turned around, looked at her hand holding his clothes, his eyes became colder, and said: "Let go."

Qin Junling was startled by his cold eyes, and let go of him with a trembling hand.

Fu Xuanyi left without saying a word, leaving Qin Junling behind.

He just said that he was not free, but it was a pity that this woman could not understand human speech.

His Guaiguai is still waiting for him in the office. How can he have time to have dinner with her?

Qin Junling froze on the spot, watching Fu Xuanyi's back walking further and further away without any hesitation.

Thinking of the woman in the office, she put her hands down and clenched them tightly into fists.

I don’t know what’s good about that woman, she actually fascinated Ah Xuan like that!

Isn't it just that I was lucky enough to give birth to two children for Ah Xuan? What's there to be proud of? He actually dared to confront her just now!

Thinking of this, Qin Junling felt a surge of anger in his chest, and his face turned terrifyingly dark.

Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the conference room with a calm face.

Here, Wei Yuxian played with her mobile phone in the office for a long time before finally waiting for the man to come back from the meeting.

She was hungry.

As soon as he returned to the office, Fu Xuanyi asked: "Are you hungry?"

Of course Wei Yuxian nodded and said, "I'm so hungry."

He pulled the person up and walked to the other side of the table. Just as he was about to sit down on the chair, he was stopped by the person next to him.

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