After the kiss ended, it was almost time to get off work. Wei Yuxian was so angry that she refused to look at the man next to her, and even quickened her pace to walk forward.

She wants to go home! Go home immediately!

She can't stay in this crappy company for a moment!

She was very happy to come to the company to learn things, but this man was always thinking about those things!

Just now, after he let go of himself, his eyes looked extremely dangerous! Feeling the movement underneath me again, this man actually...!

Forget it, he still wants to be in the company!

So Wei Yuxian ran away as fast as she could!

Fu Xuanyi took his clothes and followed him. His eyes were still a little dangerous. He looked at the person in front of him and narrowed his eyes.

He admitted that it was his fault just now and he shouldn't have reacted at that time, but this was something he couldn't control.

No wonder, his obedience was so alluring, making him think about her all the time.

All the way to the underground parking lot, Wei Yuxian was furious without even looking at the people around her.

Fu Xuanyi knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to talk to the people around him and just followed silently.

After getting in the car, Wei Yuxian kept looking out the window and ignored the people around her.

Back home, at dinner time, Fu's father and Fu's mother were waiting for them to eat together at the dining table.

Wei Yuxian washed her hands and sat down next to the old lady instead of sitting with Fu Xuanyi.

The little awkwardness between the two was discovered by the sharp-eyed old lady. She looked at Fu Xuanyi and asked with her eyes: What's going on?

Fu Xuanyi gave her a helpless look and lowered his head to eat.

The old lady glanced at her son with some disgust, then withdrew her gaze, thinking that she would talk to Yuxian later to see what happened.

This is the first time that these two children have been so awkward, and it can be seen at a glance.

The old lady thought in her heart, needless to say, it must be Ah Xuan who made Yuxian unhappy.

Yuxian is so well-behaved and obedient, so different from this brat who can make people angry to death.

Therefore, it must be the fault of the brat Ah Xuan!

Soon, after dinner, Wei Yuxian went to the babies' room without even looking at the man to see if the babies woke up and wanted to be fed.

Fu Xuanyi did not follow him up, but returned to the room.

If he followed, Guai Guai might become even more angry.

Alas, his darling is so easily shy that even a kiss would turn his face red for a long time.

In the baby's room, the two babies fell asleep an hour ago and showed no signs of waking up.

Wei Yuxian stayed beside the two babies, watching them sleep peacefully, and her heart gradually calmed down.

The two babies are very well-behaved when they sleep. Even if they don't sleep, they are very well-behaved and rarely cry. They only cry a few times unless they wet their pants or are hungry.

The more she looked at the two babies, the gentler Wei Yuxian's eyes became until the anger in her heart completely disappeared.

Her baby is indeed a little expert at healing everything. After just looking at it for a while, all the anger in her heart was gone.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand and poked each of the babies' faces. They felt so good, like soft jelly.

Unable to hold back a smile, she turned around and asked the nanny behind her how the two babies were doing today.

The nanny explained the situation in detail, including how much milk the two babies drank and how many times they changed diapers.

Just as he was talking, the door to the room opened. Wei Yuxian looked over and saw that the old lady walked in.

The old lady asked the two nannies to retreat, leaving only her, Wei Yuxian and the two babies in the room.

Wei Yuxian called out: "Old Madam."

Mother Fu said softly "Hey" and sat down on the chair in the room. Then she pointed to the chair next to her and looked at Wei Yuxian.

The meaning was obvious, let Wei Yuxian sit down next to her, she had something to say to her.

Wei Yuxian left the baby, came to the old lady and sat down with a little doubt, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The old lady did not beat around the bush and asked straight to the point: "Are you having trouble with A-Xuan?"

Wei Yuxian's expression paused for a moment, and the hand on her lower abdomen twisted uncomfortably. After looking at each other with the old lady, she lowered her head and said "hmm".

The old lady's tone did not change, and she asked again: "Can you tell me? Did A Xuan bully you?"

Wei Yuxian didn't really want to tell the old lady. After all, this was a matter between her and Fu Xuanyi, and she was a little embarrassed to say it.

They had a quarrel because of those things, how dare she say it.

Seeing her hesitation, the old lady did not force her to speak, but asked other questions: "How was your stay at the company today? Did you learn anything?"

When it came to this, Wei Yuxian was able to answer. She raised her head and said with a slight smile: "I learned a lot."

"That's good." The old lady also smiled at her.

Wei Yuxian looked at the old lady in front of her and remembered that the old lady was as good to her as her own mother, and she couldn't help but feel soft in her heart.

Thinking of the old lady's question just now, she took a deep breath and said, "Actually, the main reason why I have trouble with Ah Xuan is because...A Xuan...he always thinks about those...unfair things..."

She said one sentence intermittently several times before finishing it.

When she said the next few words, a slight blush appeared on her face, and her little face was so red, it was very cute.

Seeing that she was willing to take the initiative to speak out, the old lady also knew that she was thin-skinned, so she said: "Yuxian, in fact, those things are not as shameful as you think. It is human nature. As long as you are a normal person, you will have desires." of.

You don’t need to feel shy every time you talk about these things. It’s nothing. We have to look at it normally and look directly at our desires instead of treating it as something shameful. "

Wei Yuxian came from a small place and didn't have much exposure to such knowledge. In her mind, these things were shy. In that small place, everyone thought so.

That's why she has such a shy personality, she can blush for a long time just by being kissed.

Now, the old lady told her that there is no need to feel shy about these things, but to look at them with normal eyes...

For a while, Wei Yuxian couldn't do it yet.

She didn't speak, just nodded her head twice, like a shy little bunny.

When Fu's mother saw this, she knew that she had listened. This has to be a process, it can't be done overnight, you have to give Yuxian time.

She talked about something else: "Yuxian, do you want to know what kind of person A Xuan was before?"

Wei Yuxian looked up at the old lady and was stunned. After a while, she nodded again and whispered the word "think" softly.

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