After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 154 Fu Xuanyi has been cold and cold since he was a child

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room, and Aunt Fu's voice came from outside: "Old madam, can I go in?"

Fu's mother said "Okay" to the outside, and then the door was opened, and Aunt Fu walked in with several photo albums in her hand.

As soon as Wei Yuxian saw the photo album in Aunt Fu's hand, her curiosity was piqued and she stretched her neck to look at it.

When the old lady saw this, a smile appeared on her lips, it was for Wei Yuxian.

She has always loved Yuxian.

Aunt Fu came to the two of them, put the photo album on the table, and said to the old lady: "Old lady, I have brought everything here, so I will go down first."

Fu's mother nodded and let her go down.

Aunt Fu is a sensible person and knows that the old lady wants to talk to her alone at this moment. It is not appropriate for her to stay here as an outsider.

After Aunt Fu walked out of the room, Wei Yuxian reached for the photo album on the table and took one to look at first.

As soon as I opened it, I saw a baby wrapped in a diaper, with a pacifier in his mouth, eyes wide open, looking at the camera with a confused expression.

Seeing this photo, Wei Yuxian couldn't believe it and asked, "Is this A Xuan when he was a child?"

Fu's mother took a look, nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, when A Xuan was a child, do you think he looks a bit like Shi Shi and Zhi Zhi?"

Wei Yuxian compared it carefully and found that it looked a bit similar, especially Shi Shi, who was almost carved out of the same mold as Fu Xuanyi when he was a child!

This is amazing!

And Fu Xuanyi looked really soft and cute when he was a child! They are as cute as her two babies!

It makes people want to soften his fleshy little face!

She was completely unable to connect the little cutie in front of her with the current ice-faced Fu Xuanyi!

She reached out and touched Fu Xuanyi's face on the photo, as if she could feel the fleshy feeling.

The old lady said softly: "If you scroll further, there are many more at the back. These are all photos of A Xuan."

When Wei Yuxian heard this, she nodded, said "hmm" softly, and turned back.

Turning through page after page, every page is about Fu Xuanyi, and there are also photos of the master and the old lady holding Fu Xuanyi when they were young.

Turning through the pages of the photo album, I witnessed Fu Xuanyi's growth day by day.

Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu loved this hard-won child, so they took many photos of him.

Wei Yuxian saw Fu Xuanyi as a baby looking at the camera with his big eyes open every time, with confusion on his face. She was so cute by him.

The key point is that Fu Xuanyi has been very good-looking since he was a child! Even as a baby, he was much more handsome than others!

The first photo album records Fu Xuanyi when he was three years old.

Then came the second photo album. Wei Yuxian looked at it with gusto and smiled from time to time.

Fu's mother sat quietly aside and did not disturb her. She only answered her when she asked some questions.

Soon, I finished reading the second photo album, and then came the third one.

There are four photo albums in total. Starting from the third one, there are photos of Fu Xuanyi when he started elementary school.

At this time, Fu Xuanyi was about six or seven years old, but he was already a cool and handsome boy. The baby fat on his face had receded, and he no longer liked to smile.

He looked aloof and cold, and when he looked at the camera, he had a strong sense of aggression.

At a young age, he has a strong aura that no one else has.

This photo album contains not only Fu Xuanyi's solo photos, but also photos with Fu's father and Fu's mother, as well as some photos with friends and classmates.

On the next page, she turned to a group photo, which was taken when Fu Xuanyi was in first grade.

There are not many children in the photo. They are wearing aristocratic school uniforms, small shirts, trousers and skirts. They look very noble.

Fu Xuanyi's identity meant that the elementary school he went to was not an ordinary school.

The children in the photo are young ladies and young masters from various wealthy families in Kyoto.

Among all the little carrots, Fu Xuanyi's aura is the most distinctive, because his face is cold and his eyes are very sharp, unlike the expressions that a child of this age should have.

The first thing Wei Yuxian saw was Fu Xuanyi, because this man was too hard to ignore.

She stayed on his childish face for a while, raised her head, and asked, "A-Xuan doesn't like to laugh at such a young age?"

Speaking of this, Fu's mother was a little helpless and said, "Yeah, I don't know where this kid learned it from. He keeps a straight face all day long, just like a little old man. He was cuter when he was younger."

Wei Yuxian lowered her head to look at little Fu Xuanyi again, and found that Fu Xuanyi was so unique and handsome!

Next to Fu Xuanyi stood a child who seemed familiar to her. She looked at it for a long time before turning to the back to see the name.

Sure enough, it was the person she had guessed in her mind - Lin Chengyuan.

It turns out that they have known each other since they were young, and their relationship seems to be very good.

At this time, Fu's mother said again: "Xiao Cheng and Ah Xuan have known each other since they were very young, even before they went to school together. There are also photos of them together in the previous photos. They may be too young for you to see."

Wei Yuxian really didn't notice it. To be honest, she didn't notice it much even now, because when Lin Chengyuan was young, he was a chubby little boy and very cute.

She said: "I really didn't see it, and I didn't expect that he was so different when he was a child and now."

Fu's mother recalled the time when Fu Xuanyi and Lin Chengyuan were young, and said, "Xiao Cheng is a lively child since he was little. He has a very sweet mouth. He is nothing like Ah Xuan. I didn't expect him to be like Ah Xuan." Xuan played so well.

If it weren't for Xiao Cheng, Ah Xuan's temper would have been even more boring when he was a child. He wouldn't say a word all day long and would have to keep a straight face, leaving you to guess what he wanted to say. "

Hearing this, Wei Yuxian couldn't help but imagine in her mind that Fu Xuanyi's aloof appearance when he was a child was like...a little tsundere.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and he turned to the next page. The next page was still a group photo, but this time, Wei Yuxian saw a familiar person in the photo.

She turned to the back and looked at the name, and the words "Qin Junling" were written clearly.

As soon as she saw this name, the smile on Wei Yuxian's face froze, remembering what happened this morning.

This woman, with no self-awareness at all, not only broke into someone else's office, but also sat in someone else's chair.

There was obviously no shortage of sofas in the office, but she seemed to have no eyes for it. She insisted on sitting in the best seat, without any sense of being a guest.

Later, when Ah Xuan was about to come back, the woman got up from Ah Xuan's chair. It seemed that she was not as courageous as she thought.

If she was so brave, she should sit there until A Xuan came back!

A posturing paper tiger.

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