After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 156 She felt that the former Fu Xuanyi did fit the image of an ascetic Buddhist.

Fu's mother couldn't help but laugh out loud and said: "What kind of ascetic Buddha are you? Wearing a Buddhist bead on your hand means you are called an ascetic Buddha? But it is true that this kid is abstinent. As for the Buddha, it is completely fabricated by netizens. from."

Wei Yuxian also laughed when she heard Fu's mother's explanation and said, "Actually, I think he fit that image quite well before, very similar to what netizens said."

"Since it sounds like it to you, then so be it, but now, this title doesn't suit him." Mother Fu said.

Wei Yuxian thought about this man taking advantage of her anytime and anywhere, kissing and hugging him whenever they disagreed, and not being able to refuse. She nodded silently and agreed with Fu's mother.

Fu's mother took a sip of warm water and continued: "You don't know how worried Lao Fu and I were about Ah Xuan's temper in the past. We were afraid that he would be like that all his life, and that we would all be dead when I was gone. I can’t see my grandchildren.”

"Old madam, isn't this...sometimes and Zhizhi, you don't have any regrets."

Fu's mother sighed and said, "Yes, fortunately, our family now has two little babies, Shishi and Zhizhi, and the curse of a single generation of the Fu family has been broken.

Yuxian, this is all thanks to you. Without you, there would be no two precious grandchildren of mine. "

Wei Yuxian couldn't help but smile as she thought of the two cute little babies and said, "This is probably fate."

She also didn't expect that one day she would give birth to these two cute little guys.

Giving birth to a child has always been very far away for her. She is a little girl herself and never expected to become a mother so soon.

However, fate is such a wonderful thing that brought her and the babies together.

Fu's mother agreed with what she said, "Yes, it's all fate. No one thought that A Xuan would meet you when he was twenty-nine, have a child with you, and even fall in love with you.

Ah Xuan has never liked someone before, so due to his personality, maybe he is not a qualified lover.

In addition, he had never been enlightened before meeting you, so it is normal for him to want to be intimate with you now. "

Wei Yuxian understood the meaning of Fu's mother's words immediately.

Fu Xuanyi is thirty years old this year. Before meeting him, he had never had any experience with men and women, but after he became enlightened, he became more aware of the taste.

A man of this age is when he is full of lust, and since he is the person next to him, he is naturally...

Thinking of this, Wei Yuxian thought of those intimate things and that man's handsome face.

When I thought that that man would only become like that because of me, my anger towards that man seemed to disappear in an instant.

She could understand that Fu Xuanyi had normal physiological needs, but she... really couldn't stand his constant intimacy.

Especially since this man has to be in a place other than the bedroom...

Also, he was not trustworthy and promised to do nothing, but ended up doing everything.

The more Wei Yuxian thought about it, the redder her face became. She was so shy that she lowered her head, not daring to look at Fu's mother.

Fu's mother squeezed her tender hand and said, "I'm not saying that you should do everything according to Ah Xuan's wishes. This is too much and is indeed not good. You can try to express your opinion to Ah Xuan. Let him know what you think too.

Any conflicts between two people should be communicated in time. Life is like this. There are no two people in the world that are completely compatible. No matter how good the relationship is, there will be small disputes. "

Wei Yuxian nodded and whispered "Yeah".

After a while, he said again: "I know, old lady, I will... talk to Ah Xuan."

Let this man stop doing inappropriate things in inappropriate situations.

After chatting with the old lady, Wei Yuxian's anger towards Fu Xuanyi was completely gone.

Because she thought that she was either raising a baby or being in confinement some time ago. During these times, she did not let Fu Xuanyi touch her.

Come to think of it, he was holding back too much, and only people do this these days.

Fu's mother not only enlightened Wei Yuxian, but also said in the end: "Of course, I will also ask Old Fu to tell Ah Xuan and let him pay attention."

At this moment, not only Fu's mother was instructing Wei Yuxian, but in the master bedroom on the other side, father and son were also talking, but their conversation was short and ended early.

Wei Yuxian finally raised her head, looked at the old lady, and said, "Thank you, old lady."

"No matter how you say thank you, I don't want to see you get into trouble. It's better for the family to be harmonious."

Hearing the word "family", Wei Yuxian's nose felt sour again, and tears were about to well up again.

Fortunately, she looked up at the sky in time and held back her tears.

It was at Fu's house that she truly felt what it was like to be at home. She remembered all the kindness Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu had shown her.

Compared to the cold Wei family, the Fu family is heaven.

After she stayed in such a beautiful place, she never wanted to leave.

This time the conversation ended with the crying of the two children.

In the quiet room, a child's cry suddenly came from the sound. The sound was Zhi Zhi's, and he didn't know when she woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Shishi was woken up and started crying too.

How could Wei Yuxian and the old lady bother to talk? I quickly picked up the two babies to see what was going on.

The old lady has been taking care of two babies with the nanny these days. With her experience in her youth, she can also see why the baby is crying at the moment.

She smiled and said, "Shishi and Zhizhi are hungry."

Wei Yuxian's face turned red and she said "Oh" and said, "Old madam, please go out first and I'll feed them."

Fu's mother stopped staying, said "Okay", got up and walked out of the room.

As soon as he went out, he met Fu Xuanyi who was guarding the door of the room. He didn't know how long he had been standing here.

When he saw his mother coming out, he asked, "How is it?"

Fu's mother said, "Shishi and Zhizhi are hungry. Yuxian is feeding them inside. You can go in later."

Fu Xuanyi said "Yes" and continued to be the doorkeeper at the door.

Fu's mother also stayed at the door with him, but she was sitting on a chair by the door. Seeing such a big man standing here, she patted the place next to her.

Fu Xuanyi heard the sound, looked over, and sat down next to his mother.

Fu's mother said, "Your father has told you, right?"

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" again and said very little.

"Yuxian is a shy child. Do you know that you can't push too hard at the beginning? You have to take it step by step and let Yuxian slowly accept it."

Fu Xuanyi said "Hmm" again, and Fu's mother didn't know if he heard it.

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