In the baby's room, Wei Yuxian held a baby in one hand and fed them at the same time. Otherwise, the baby would cry so much that it would make her uncomfortable to watch it.

Ten minutes later, both babies were finally full and stopped crying. Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief, put the two well-fed babies down, and tidied her clothes.

After arranging her clothes, she looked at the two babies to see how they were mentally. Seeing that they were still energetic, she thought about taking them out to play for a while.

The small corner in the living room was extremely warmly decorated. Not to mention the two babies, even she liked it very much.

So, she planned to take her two babies there to play for a while.

She just did what she said, and she picked up the two babies without saying a word. One in each hand was a bit heavy, but she could accept it.

Reaching the door, she opened it with her elbow and walked outside.

Outside, the conversation between Fu's mother and Fu Xuanyi also ended. The former saw Wei Yuxian coming out with two babies in her arms and quickly said to Fu Xuanyi: "Hurry up and hold one."

Fu Xuanyi stood up and hugged Zhizhi with a somewhat stiff movement, which relieved Wei Yuxian's burden.

Wei Yuxian watched Fu Xuanyi holding the baby with a worried look. She was relieved when she saw that although his movements were stiff, he was holding the baby firmly.

When Zhizhi came into her father's arms, her little hands moved around unconsciously, as if trying to catch something.

Grasping and grasping, her little hand caught the round Buddhist beads in her father's hand.

Perhaps the touch of the beads was so good that Xiao Zhizhi was unwilling to let go after grabbing the beads. He held the beads tightly and smiled silly at his father while grabbing them.

Wei Yuxian was stunned for a moment when she saw Zhizhi's actions, and then looked at Fu Xuanyi's face to see what his reaction would be.

Although she didn't know what this string of prayer beads meant to him, seeing that he wore it all the time and often played with it, she thought it was something very important to him.

If...he doesn't want others to touch this string of beads...

Thinking of this, she felt a little nervous.

On the opposite side, Fu Xuanyi saw Zhizhi grabbing the beads. He didn't say anything, but looked at Wei Yuxian and asked her with his eyes where to take the baby.

Wei Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I saw that the babies were energetic, so I wanted to take them down to play."

Fu Xuanyi said: "Let's go."

The two of them went downstairs each holding a baby, and the old lady followed them downstairs.

When we went downstairs, the two babies couldn't play right away and had to be burped first. They have just drank milk, and burping can prevent spitting up.

Wei Yuxian handed Shi Shi's hand to the nanny's and said, "burp Shi Shi. He just drank milk."

The nanny said "Okay ma'am" and burped her every now and then skillfully.

Here, Fu Xuanyi also wanted to hand Zhizhi over to the nanny, but Zhizhi kept grabbing the Buddhist beads on his wrist and refused to let go.

Helpless, Fu Xuanyi could only look at his baby daughter dotingly, took off the round Buddhist beads from his hand, and let the baby hold it tightly.

He would not take off the beads easily, but would take them off when sleeping and bathing. The rest of the time, the beads would be in his hands.

Now, for his little baby's liking, he took off the beads.

Wei Yuxian naturally saw it, and when she touched the softness in his eyes, her heart softened.

Fu Xuanyi also likes two babies, which is good.

Her baby will grow up in a loving family, feel the warmth she has never felt before, and experience the perfect childhood she has never experienced.

She is happy for her two babies.

Burping usually takes five to ten minutes. Wei Yuxian first sat down in the corner of the area, placed the soft dolls inside one by one, and then placed herself in the arms of a big bear.

So comfortable.

Fu Xuanyi also sat down in the corner of the area, right next to Wei Yuxian. He saw that he was being hugged by a big bear, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes.

I want to replace that bear and hug him.

What qualifications does a dead creature have to argue with him?

But he could only think about it and didn't dare to take action because he was afraid that Guaiguai would be angry again.

Mother also said that you should take your time, be obedient and thin-skinned, and don't push people too hard.

After Wei Yuxian sat in Big Bear's arms for a while, the two babies were burped and brought over by the nanny.

With a happy look on her face, she hugged the babies into this comfortable place and said: "Come and play with mommy from time to time~"

The two babies were almost three and a half months old and could not crawl yet. When they were placed on the soft mat, they could only giggle and wave their little arms and feet unconsciously.

Wei Yuxian was so cute by the babies, she grabbed the little hands of the two babies and kissed them, saying, "Why are the babies so cute? Mommy likes you so much!"

The two children stared at their mother, as if they were bound by some invisible bond, and the two babies also grabbed their mother's hands with force.

Zhizhi, the little baby is holding the prayer beads in one hand and the mother's hand in the other. Don't be too happy.

Fu Xuanyi looked at this scene from the side, and was touched in his heart. He also reached out and grabbed the little hand that was always empty. A family of four, happy and warm.

Wei Yuxian talked to the two babies and taught them how to call mother, her voice was slow and soft, and she was very patient.

People say that babies can make simple sounds starting from four months old. Now that she has been taught a little earlier, there is no problem.

After teaching for a while, I don’t know how much the two babies listened to or whether they remembered it. These are not important. Wei Yuxian just wants to talk to the two babies more.

This time, it took a long time for the two babies to wake up. Wei Yuxian played with them for an hour, but they were still energetic.

She originally wanted to play with the babies more, but the two nannies said it was time for the two babies to take a bath, so she could only let the nannies hold the two babies for a bath.

She was also tired from playing, so she took a shower after returning to her room. When she came out, she saw a man sitting on a chair with a tablet in his hand, probably doing some work.

When he saw people coming out, he raised his head, and just in time to finish the work, he put down the tablet, stood up and came to Wei Yuxian, lowered his head and asked, "Have you forgiven me, obedient?"

This way, he looks well-behaved.

Wei Yuxian did not answer his question, but said, "You go take a shower first."

Fu Xuanyi could only take a shower first and follow his own wishes.

After washing, he was already sitting on the bed, reading on his tablet, not knowing what he was reading.

He walked over and saw that she was looking at the babies' supplies, such as toys and clothes.

The servants of Fu Mansion will prepare these, and they are all the best, but Wei Yuxian still can't help but look at them.

That's right, she just looks at it and won't buy it because... she has no money.

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