She was not afraid of being laughed at when she said this. After staying in Fu Mansion for so long, she had not spent a penny!

There is everything in the Fu Mansion. If she wants anything, she can ask Aunt Fu and she will find it for her quickly, so she doesn't have anything to buy.

Even the 20,000 yuan originally transferred to his adoptive mother was recovered by Fu Xuanyi.

So, she literally didn’t spend a penny!

She also somewhat admired herself for being able to go without spending money for so long, and it was true that there was nothing she needed to spend money on.

But her two babies grow up, she has the urge to shop.

Although the things prepared by the maid at home were the best, they still couldn't stop her desire to buy things for the baby herself.

There are already a lot of baby things in her shopping cart. Some of them have been there for ten days and a half, but the owner has not paid.

When Wei Yuxian saw the man coming, she also exited the shopping page. Fu Xuanyi saw with her own eyes that she did not pay.

He sat down, took the tablet over, and asked while operating it: "Why don't you buy it?"

Wei Yuxian said: "I just took a look at it casually and didn't really want to buy it."

Fu Xuanyi didn't believe her. The expression on her face just now showed that she didn't want to buy it.

After going through the operation, he came to the shopping cart and found that there were a variety of products in it. Looking at it, he saw that they were all for babies.

The total price of these things is just okay. For Fu Xuanyi, they are not even the tip of the iceberg.

But for Wei Yuxian, this is a lot of money, which is her living expenses for one semester!

The things she chose were relatively good, and the prices were naturally not cheap.

But how did she know that the entire contents of her shopping cart were not as valuable as a piece of clothing for the babies?

Fu Xuanyi put the shopping cart page in front of her and asked, "Want to buy these?"

Wei Yuxian's eyes showed the desire to buy, but after thinking about how empty her wallet was, she resisted the thought and shook her head instead.

How could Fu Xuanyi not see her duplicity? He sat down next to her, picked up her hand, and used her hand to place the order and pay step by step.

Wei Yuxian saw his intention clearly and wanted to pull her hand back, saying: "No, no, no, no, I didn't want to buy anything, I just took a look..."

After she finished saying this, the money was paid, all at once, and she spent nearly 5,000 yuan in one go.

She turned to look at the man beside her, bit her lower lip, and said, "We have these things at home, there is no need to buy them."

If she wanted to buy it, she would have to wait until she had money.

Fu Xuanyi turned off the tablet and put it aside. With a strong hand, he lifted Wei Yuxian onto his lap and sat on it. He said in her ear: "Buy whatever you want. The card I gave you is not a decoration."

Wei Yuxian didn't know what to say. She felt that if she said she didn't want to use his card now, he would be very angry.

However, she really couldn't spend his money without any grudges, and she couldn't overcome the hurdle in her heart.

Although she and Fu Xuanyi had the closest relationship and had two children, she still felt that there was a long distance between her and Fu Xuanyi.

It's a spiritual distance, not a physical distance.

Fu Xuanyi knew what she was thinking, and he also knew that she was not a spender, so he could only say: "I am the father of the baby, and you have the right to use my money. Don't be burdened, my dear. What's mine is yours." "

Wei Yuxian understood the truth, but saying it was one thing and doing it was another.

She had been used to being frugal since she was a child, and the most money she ever spent was on tuition fees. That day made her feel extremely distressed. At other times, she would not spend more than a hundred yuan.

Now I spent nearly 5,000 yuan all at once, and it was Fu Xuanyi's money. It was impossible to say that I didn't feel distressed.

Fu Xuanyi's money is money, not brought by the strong wind, but earned by his hard work.

She lowered her head and was thinking about these things. Suddenly, a mobile phone appeared in front of her eyes, and on the page was a mobile banking APP.

She saw lots and lots of zeros! Countless zeros!

In my ears, a man's voice came again: "This is just a card."

Wei Yuxian was shocked. Just as she was silently counting the zeros, her phone was taken away by Fu Xuanyi.

I was even more shocked when I heard the man’s words again!

She knew that the man was rich, but she didn’t know that he was so rich!

So many zeros are money that she will never earn in her lifetime!

What a rich man she fell in love with!

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath, looked up at the man, and asked, "How many cards do you have?"

Doesn't every card have so much money in it? !

She simply couldn't imagine how huge Fu Xuanyi's assets would be combined!

Fu Xuanyi's answer was: "Forgot."

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath again, looked at him in disbelief, and then asked cautiously: "Then do you know... how much money do you have in total?"

The man's answer was: "I don't know."

How could he have the heart to check his account profits every day? Don't exhaust him to death.

Wei Yuxian was stunned and thought, is this the world of rich people? I don’t even know how many assets I have.

Her little expression was very cute. Fu Xuanyi felt so fond of it that he couldn't help but peck her lightly on the corner of her lips.

Wei Yuxian glared at the man lightly, and was about to say something, but when she saw the man's eyes and thought of the conversation the old lady had just had with her, she held back.

This was in the bedroom, and as long as this man didn't do anything too extreme, she could tolerate it.

Moreover, this man's eyes were all about himself, and that moment just now was also the result of him not being able to help himself.

Only she can make this man become like this, and only she has such privilege.

Although she may feel shy when doing these intimate things, she will also feel pleasure.

Besides, it's just a kiss. This is something couples often do, and you can see some on the street.

Today is no longer the feudal era, and her mind should be more open.

Thinking like this, Wei Yuxian suddenly realized that this matter was no longer so shameful.

Kissing Fu Xuanyi felt quite good.

Especially when this man only sees her, her heart will be surrounded by an unknown warmth.

Make her feel that she is very important. In Fu Xuanyi's heart, she is a very important existence!

Their eyes met, Wei Yuxian couldn't help laughing when she looked at the man's handsome face. Uncontrollably, she raised her head, kissed the man's lips, and closed her eyes.

At this moment, she thought of nothing but this man.

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