After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 159 Master Xuan has a dark face and doesn’t want to go to work

It turns out that this is the feeling of being unable to help yourself. People really can't help but do some unexpected things.

Just looking at Fu Xuanyi's face made her want to kiss it.

Come to think of it, when Ah Xuan looked at him, he must have felt the same way in his heart.

It's no wonder that Ah Xuan would make intimate gestures all the time. Once a person can't help himself, he can't control himself and becomes unlike himself.

She and Fu Xuanyi's lips were tightly pressed against each other. It was rare for a man to see her take the initiative and be so enthusiastic. He didn't take the initiative, but felt her youthfulness.

Wei Yuxian's movements were very unfamiliar, and she finally managed to pry open the man's lips and carefully went in, taking small steps like an adventurous baby.

She was so alluring, and her movements were so abrasive. Fu Xuanyi couldn't bear it anymore after enduring it for a while. He turned against the guest and kissed the person in his arms until he lost all strength.

After the kiss ended, Wei Yuxian noticed a change under the man. When she looked at the man's eyes again, there was a familiar danger.

She didn't want to do it tonight, not even the previous two she definitely couldn't do it tonight.

Thinking of what the old lady said about communicating more, she gasped: "Axuan... not tonight, I, I don't want to."

"Be good..." The man shouted in her ear in a low and hoarse voice. His voice was so pleasant, like a seductive siren, "I think."

Wei Yuxian took a breath and said, "Can you bear with it for a while? You can't come here every day, it's not good for your health."

When she said this, she was still shy and couldn't say it without blushing and her heart beating.

Also, she won’t be able to bear it.

Fu Xuanyi's eyes were extremely dangerous. Seeing the reluctance in Wei Yuxian's eyes, he suppressed his desire and kissed her hard on the neck, leaving a mark, then got up and went to the bathroom.

Let her go.

Wei Yuxian covered the area where she was kissed, which still stung a little. Looking at the man's panicked back, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She can only let him solve it by himself. If this continues every day, she will really be unable to bear it.

She lay down on the bed and listened to the sound of water running in the bathroom. She couldn't sleep. She wanted to wait for the man to sleep with her and sleep in his arms.

It took a long time for the man to go in. Wei Yuxian felt a little uncomfortable outside, so she picked up the tablet and continued to look at the baby's supplies.

Looking at it, she saw a very cute little outfit and couldn't help but click on it. Then she discovered that it was a brother and sister style!

When Wei Yuxian thought of her two little darlings wearing these clothes, she couldn't help but want to buy them.

She hesitated for a while before clicking to pay, but when entering the password, she paused again, biting her lower lip and continued to hesitate.

She tried to overcome it, thinking about the man's words and the balance of his bank card.

There are so many zeros that she can't spend all in her lifetime.

Moreover, she and Fu Xuanyi have such a relationship, and they have a baby. He is the baby's father, so it is okay for her to spend his money.

From now on... when she gets married to Fu Xuanyi, there will be no distinction between you and me.

She also wanted to have more interactions with Fu Xuanyi. If she didn't want to be too clearly separated from him, she would have to keep entangled with him, the kind that kept getting messy.

It will be difficult to separate in the future.

Thinking of this, Wei Yuxian's heart suddenly felt relieved, and she happily paid with her fingerprint.

When she saw the payment success interface, she felt happy!

It turns out that this is the feeling of spending money without any psychological burden. It’s so comfortable.

Spending money is always fun, especially when you buy something you like.

When she goes out to work in the future, she will also spend her money with Fu Xuanyi.

After finishing shopping, Fu Xuanyi also came out of the bathroom. When he saw a small bulge on the bed, he remembered what he was thinking about in the bathroom just now.

He couldn't help but reveal a doting smile.

He lay on the bed and held her in his arms. He had just taken a cold shower and his body was warm. He asked, "Have you forgiven me, dear?"

He still hadn't forgotten this and wanted to get an answer from the person in his arms.

Wei Yuxian put the tablet aside, turned over and faced him, and said, "Then you can't kiss me outside casually in the future, and you can't lie to me either."

Fu Xuanyi said: "I can't control it."

As soon as I saw her, I wanted to kiss her and be intimate with her.

Wei Yuxian saw that his eyes were so serious and said, "You have to restrain yourself even if you can't restrain yourself... Anyway, try your best to restrain yourself, okay?"

Fu Xuanyi didn't dare to guarantee it, and said, "I'll try my best."

If Guaiguai wasn't so charming, why would he be like this? To put it bluntly, it's all Guaguai's fault.

But he didn't dare to say this. Once he said it, Guaiguai was afraid that he would sleep on the sofa.

Wei Yuxian heard his answer and said, "Okay, I forgive you."

This man's performance tonight was quite good, at least he had held back just now, so she was still very satisfied.

Then, forgive him.

She didn't want to, and she kept quarreling with this man. As time passed, she felt uncomfortable.

The corners of Fu Xuanyi's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at Wei Yuxian with love in his eyes.

Wei Yuxian didn't dare to look any further, fearing that the man would lose control later, so she looked away and said, "It's getting late, let's go to bed quickly."

"Okay." The man responded, turned off the light, and whispered in her ear: "Good night, sweetheart."

"Good night...Axuan."

That night, the two people who had resolved their grudge had sweet dreams, and when they woke up, they both had smiles on their lips.

On weekends, Wei Yuxian didn't go to class and Fu Xuanyi didn't go to work. The two of them stayed at home for two days, always sticking together wherever they went.

In other words, wherever Wei Yuxian goes, Fu Xuanyi will follow.

In short, the two of them just stayed together for two days.

Fu's mother was happy to see them like this and would not go up to disturb them. When she saw them kissing, she would hide secretly and laugh secretly with Mr. Fu.

That smile looked like her third grandchild was about to come out.

After two days of boredom, it was Monday. Wei Yuxian had to go to school early in the morning, and Fu Xuanyi also had to go to work in the company.

Early in the morning, she saw Fu Xuanyi's serious face and thought something bad had happened in the company. When she asked, she found out that the man didn't want to go to work.

Wei Yuxian: "..."

Is this still the workaholic Mr. Xuan? How could he have such an idea?

After thinking about the reason carefully, Wei Yuxian blushed and said, "You pick me up after school in the evening."

Fu Xuanyi didn't want to go to work, not because he didn't want to be separated from her, or because she was arrogant, but the reason was indeed this.

"Okay." Fu Xuanyi said, kissing her on the lips before letting her get out of the car and go to school.

Wei Yuxian got out of the car, and soon after, Lu Chengxiao and four others followed behind her, and they all entered the classroom together.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Fu Xuanyi stepped on the accelerator and left the school.

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