After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 160 I think it’s better to call me Classmate Cheng

The first class on Monday is a big class, the kind that several classes take together. The classroom is large and there are many seats. The teacher has to use a microphone to teach.

When Wei Yuxian entered the classroom, there were already many people sitting in the back row, and the empty seats were occupied by people using things.

Such a large class is the best place to take a break, and the teachers in the large class are more tolerant and good at making money.

Therefore, many students can leave their jobs with peace of mind and are not afraid of failing the exam.

Wei Yuxian did not go to the first row this time. Instead, she sat down in the unoccupied row, still a little distance from the teacher.

Normally, she would sit in the front row because she could concentrate more there.

But why is she sitting in this row now? Of course it was because she found that the little guys around her didn't like being in the first row.

Just in last week's class, she could tell that none of these people were interested in reading. It was harder for them to sit in the classroom with peace of mind than to make them run five kilometers!

After a class, I felt like I was sitting on pins and needles.

In order to be considerate of her friends, Wei Yuxian chose to sit a little further back so that they could play with their mobile phones with "peace of mind".

They were not students to begin with, they had to take classes with him just to protect themselves, so Wei Yuxian was very considerate of them.

Sure enough, when several people saw that Wei Yuxian had chosen the location here, they all breathed a sigh of relief and sat down happily.

After they sat down, many more students came to the classroom one after another.

It's eight in the morning, and everyone is not energetic. In the classroom, they are either playing with their mobile phones or chatting.

There were also a few people who were silently paying attention to what was happening on Wei Yuxian's side, keeping their eyes on Wei Yuxian.

They were still observing whether Wei Yuxian was worth getting to know.

Her identity is really alluring, and many people are staring at her.

Everyone wants to live a better life in the future. College is a good time to make connections. This is equivalent to a small society, and connections are also very important.

Wei Yuxian had no time to care about how many people were looking at her. She focused on studying.

Soon, the teacher also entered the classroom, and what followed was the ringing of the school bell.

Class officially started, and Wei Yuxian devoted herself to learning, following the teacher's footsteps and immersing herself in the ocean of knowledge.

Around them, Lu Chengxiao and others took out their mobile phones early and looked at things they were interested in. They couldn't listen to this lesson at all.

Their mission is only to protect the wife and does not include studying, so they just have to do their part.

In the front row, Cheng Jingyao and his roommate arrived relatively late, so they sat in the second row. When he entered the classroom, he didn't find Wei Yuxian yet. He only found out that Wei Yuxian came to class after listening to his roommate.

Hearing this, he quickly turned his head to the back to see where Wei Yuxian was. Sure enough, he saw the person he had longed for.

After taking a year off from school, he missed her every day and always wanted to see her, but he didn't know where to find her.

Every time I asked her out, she would always decline, and there were very few times where we could chat.

He really missed her, and he finally made it to the beginning of school. He thought he could see the person he missed so much, but when he saw someone in the same classroom with her, he was so happy!

Now that he finally saw someone again, he was extremely excited!

This is the person he cares about.

It's been a year, but his feelings for her haven't changed, and have even gotten deeper.

He quietly stretched out his hand and waved it, trying to attract Wei Yuxian's attention and make people look over, but the position he was sitting in was a bit off, and Wei Yuxian was paying attention to the lecture again, so she didn't see him.

He waved once and was touched by his roommate on the arm. He turned around and saw the teacher looking at him, and he immediately dared not make any more moves.

Teachers can tolerate people playing with mobile phones in class, and they can tolerate people sleeping in class, but they cannot tolerate such small actions.

Cheng Jingyao lowered his head, not daring to look at the teacher in front of him, and his face was a little red.

After finally taking the teacher's attention away from him, he breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took out his phone and sent a message to Wei Yuxian.

After sending several messages in a row, he turned around to look at the person behind him, only to find that the person was focused on class and had not even taken out his cell phone in his bag.

Involuntarily, I felt a little disappointed.

He also put away his mobile phone and listened to the teacher's lecture in agony, mentally calculating when get out of class would end.

After class, he was going to find Yuxian!

Wei Yuxian didn't know that someone was thinking about her so much. Without noticing, it was time for recess.

After a ten-minute break, Wei Yuxian took out her phone and saw the message Cheng Jingyao sent her. Just as she was about to reply, someone came to her.

The voice sounded familiar: "Yuxian!"

She looked up and found that it was Cheng Jingyao. She hadn't seen him for a long time, and he didn't seem to have changed much.

"Classmate Cheng," she called, with a polite smile on her face.

After not seeing each other for a year, her friendship with Cheng Jingyao, which was not much as a classmate, seemed to have faded even further.

Furthermore, she was wondering whether she should have a deep friendship with this person.

He was her first friend in school, but because of him, she was bullied by Nana Ding.

Maybe Ding Nana just didn't like her at first, but later on, Cheng Jingyao must have reasons why Ding Nana treated her like that.

Ding Nana liked Cheng Jingyao, and Cheng Jingyao liked herself, so Ding Nana took out her anger on herself.

It is better to keep a distance from someone who likes you.

She has someone she likes now.

In the past, she was too embarrassed to refuse, so she accepted the title A Jing, but now, this title is no longer appropriate and she can no longer call him.

It’s better to call me Mr. Cheng.

When Cheng Jingyao heard her name, he was stunned for a moment, sat down in front of her, and said, "Yuxian, just call me Ajing."

Wei Yuxian shook her head gently and said, "I think it's better to call her Classmate Cheng."

Cheng Jingyao wanted to ask her why she suddenly distanced herself from him, but before he could speak, he noticed several looks from Wei Yuxian's side directed at him.

A sight that no one can ignore.

He looked over and saw Lu Chengxiao and others looking at him expressionlessly.

Cheng Jingyao didn't know why these people looked at him like this. He clearly didn't provoke them.

Soon, he knew the reason, because these people didn't have the aura of students at all, and they looked like they were here to protect Wei Yuxian.

He wanted to know what happened to Yuxian in just one year, and why she was so different now from a year ago.

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