After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 161 How dare you like Wei Yuxian! Do you know who she is?

He wanted to know, but no one would tell him the answer because he was not qualified to know.

He could only accept this unfamiliar title, and changed it under the watchful eyes of Lu Chengxiao and others.

His Adam's apple rolled, and with a forced smile on his face, he asked, "Classmate Wei, how was your year?"

Wei Yuxian said politely: "It's pretty good. Classmate Cheng seems to be doing well too."

Cheng Jingyao laughed twice, not knowing what to say.

Obviously during class, he was full of questions to ask her, but now, he couldn't ask her a single word.

In fact, he also vaguely knew some facts, such as why Ding Nana targeted Wei Yuxian in the first place. It was precisely because Ding Nana liked him and he liked Wei Yuxian that she was hurt so much.

He was also the one who indirectly hurt Yuxian.

Therefore, it is normal for Yuxian to keep her distance from him now.

He originally had some hope that he could maintain his previous relationship with Yuxian, but now it seems that it is impossible.

He was immersed in his own world. He didn't know how long it took, but Wei Yuxian reminded him that he came back to his senses.

Wei Yuxian said: "Classmate Cheng, class is about to begin, please go back quickly."

Cheng Jingyao couldn't say a word except "Okay".

He returned to his seat in despair. His roommate looked at him and asked, "Do you still like Wei Yuxian?"

Cheng Jingyao looked at him with a wry smile, as if to say: What do you think?

The roommate took a breath and said, "How dare you like Wei Yuxian! Do you know who Wei Yuxian is now?!"

Cheng Jingyao said he didn't know and asked: "What is her status now? Why don't I dare to like her? I just like her."

The roommate patted his shoulder and said, "Then you are pretty awesome. Wei Yuxian is different now from before. She is now Master Xuan's fiancée!

Do you know why she took a year off from school? Because she was pregnant and gave birth to two heirs for Master Xuan! "

When Cheng Jingyao heard the news, his mind exploded! unbelievable.

Master Xuan!

As a native of Kyoto, of course he knew who Master Xuan was.

That person who makes the whole of Kyoto fearful!

Yuxian is actually his fiancée! She even had a child with him!

His breathing was a little short, and he couldn't believe it. He turned to look at Wei Yuxian behind him, then turned his head back and asked his roommate: "Are you lying to me? How could Yuxian be related to Master Xuan!"

His roommate knew that he wouldn't believe it, so he took out his phone, found the original news and put it in front of him. It was the news from the day of Shishi and Zhizhi's 100-day banquet.

He said: "See for yourself, I didn't lie to you. What the news said, Master Xuan also admitted it himself."

Cheng Jingyao took the phone over with trembling hands and looked at it all the way. If you don't believe it, you have to believe it!

Regarding the news about Master Xuan, those newspapers would not dare to write random information. Without Master Xuan's instruction, they would not dare to publish these things.

Therefore, everything is true. Yuxian is really Master Xuan’s fiancée, and she has two children with Master Xuan!

Putting down his phone, Cheng Jingyao took a deep breath and figured out why Wei Yuxian had just kept a distance from him.

According to Master Xuan's temperament, how could he be willing to let his woman get too close to other men?

It is really impossible for him and Yuxian.

There was no hope at all.

His family has a little money, but compared to Master Xuan, it is as dust.

He didn't dare to compete with Master Xuan, so he could only kill the love in his heart.

In the classroom, many people were paying attention to the conversation between Wei Yuxian and Cheng Jingyao just now, because this was the first person who dared to take the initiative to talk to Wei Yuxian!

Of course they pay special attention!

When everyone saw Cheng Jingyao walking back to his seat with a look of despair, they all took a deep breath.

I thought that Wei Yuxian had indeed become different. After becoming the wife of a wealthy family, even her former friends didn't look down upon her.

Then how can they get closer to her?

Could it be that they are destined to just watch this sweet cake?

Everyone was feeling itchy, regretting that they would never have the chance to interact with Wei Yuxian in the future.

Sure enough, after people get rich, their tempers become different.

Wei Yuxian didn't know what the classmates around her thought of her. If she knew, she would probably smile helplessly.

They don't understand the situation and are just making random guesses.

The situation between her and Cheng Jingyao is more complicated, and these people don't know about it, so let them think what they want.

The next class went smoothly, and Wei Yuxian didn't take Cheng Jingyao's incident to heart.

After the first class, there was still class in the next one. Wei Yuxian got into the car driven by Lu Chengxiao and went to the next classroom.

In the car, she was holding her mobile phone and replying to Fu Xuanyi's message.

Just now, Fu Xuanyi sent her a message: [Are you adaptable to class? 】

Wei Yuxian: [I feel very good, very adaptable. 】

Fu Xuanyi: [That’s good. 】

These two short sentences made Wei Yuxian feel warm in her heart, and she couldn't help but bring a happy smile to her face.

She took the initiative to ask him: [How are you in the company? Are you busy at work? 】

Fu Xuanyi: [Not bad. 】

There is work every day, and there is no way we can finish it no matter how hard we deal with it.

Wei Yuxian: [Pay attention to your rest, remember to drink water, and don’t drink coffee all the time. 】

When she went to Fu Xuanyi's office, she found that he preferred to drink coffee. It was not good to drink too much of this thing, but it was better to drink less.

When Fu Xuanyi saw that she cared about him, a smile appeared on his lips and he replied with the word "good".

At this moment, Wei Yuxian arrived at the next classroom and sent him a message: [I have to go to class, so I won’t tell you anymore. 】

There was another reply with the word "good".

Wei Yuxian put her mobile phone into her bag, with a beautiful smile on her face that couldn't go away.

The thought of that man still thinking of me while working was extremely sweet, sweeter than eating honey.

She has always been in a good mood. This time she came to the classroom relatively early, there were not many people there, and most of them were still on their way here.

She was very successful and sat in the second to last row. Lu Chengxiao and the others were even happier, much happier than Wei Yuxian.

Not long after I sat down, people started arriving one after another, and it was time for class.

This class is a separate class for their class. There are not many people, and the teacher is much more relaxed when teaching.

The morning passed like this. Wei Yuxian had no class in the first period in the afternoon, but only had class in the second period. From now on to the afternoon class, she would have more than four hours of free time.

She was thinking, should she go to the company to have dinner with Fu Xuanyi?

Go secretly and surprise him.

But after thinking about it, she gave up the idea, honestly enjoyed the lunch sent by Aunt Fu in the apartment, and went to sleep beautifully.

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