After the last class in the afternoon, Wei Yuxian eagerly picked up her bag, walked out of the teaching building, and got into Lu Chengxiao's car.

As the car drove out of the school gate and turned a corner, she saw the familiar car, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

In fact, Fu Xuanyi wanted to go in to pick her up, but she didn't want to because she was afraid of being too high-profile, so she asked him to park the car here.

After changing cars and getting into Fu Xuanyi's car, she called out as soon as the class started: "Axuan!"

Her voice was high, and you could tell she was very happy.

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm", his voice also filled with joy.

The two of them looked at each other, as if they were about to express their lingering love.

Wei Yuxian couldn't resist his gaze at first, so she fastened her seat belt and said, "Let's go home."

Go home, yes, go home.

She considered it her home.

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" and started the car.

Along the way, the two of them didn't talk much, but the atmosphere in the car was very good.

When she got home, the first thing Wei Yuxian did was still hug her two babies, and then tell them how much she missed them.

She not only missed Fu Xuanyi, but also missed her two babies. These two little guys were her darlings.

Father Fu and Mother Fu saw them coming back with smiles on their faces. The latter asked kindly: "Back?"

Wei Yuxian kissed each of the two babies on their faces, smiled and said, "Yeah," and said, "We're back."

Fu's mother said, "Let's eat when we get back. Shishi and Zhizhi just ate and are very energetic."

Wei Yuxian said "Okay", put Shishi and Zhizhi on the movable wooden bed, and reluctantly went to wash her hands.

As soon as he washed his hands, he immediately ran out and sat down at the dining table to see the two babies.

Fu Xuanyi came out after washing his hands and saw Wei Yuxian's eyes focused on the two babies, and couldn't help but snorted coldly.

These two little things are competing with him!

Master Xuan was in a bad mood just like last week, because these two little things stole his attention.

Obviously when we were in the car just now, Guaiguai was all about him, but now...

Master Xuan was jealous again, and inevitably he was jealous of the two children.

It's a pity that Wei Yuxian was so focused on the two children that she didn't notice anything wrong with this man's mood.

It was Mrs. Fu's sharp eyes that noticed this jealous person. She hit him with her arm and said, "If you want to sleep on the sofa tonight, just keep showing off."

Then he whispered: "You are so old, but you are still jealous of your baby. I always know that I am your child!"

Fu Xuanyi's expression remained unchanged, his hands were clasped in front of his chest, and he looked clearly in a state of indifference.

For this reason, Fu's mother let out a "haha" and said, "Then just wait."

Fu Xuanyi walked over and sat down next to Wei Yuxian with a straight face. The movement was louder than usual.

It goes without saying what the purpose is, it is to attract Wei Yuxian's attention.

But the woman, who only cared about her children, didn't notice the movement and spoke incomprehensible baby talk to the babies.

Fu Xuanyi's face turned darker, and he didn't know what to say about these words that he couldn't understand. The two little things couldn't understand them now.

He couldn't help coughing twice, making his presence even more obvious.

At this time, Wei Yuxian finally noticed the conspicuous bag next to her. He was coughing so obviously that he was afraid that others would not know that he was doing it on purpose.

She looked away from the baby and looked over. She saw the man's face was dark and unhappy, and his eyes were still on the two babies.

Needless to say, I knew why he was unhappy.

For this reason, three black lines appeared on Wei Yuxian's forehead.

Here it comes again, this man is here again, and he is jealous of the babies again.

How can you be so... childish for such a grown man?

Wei Yuxian said she didn't want to pay attention to him and let him sulk on his own, while he concentrated on eating.

Fu Xuanyi's face suddenly turned darker when he saw that she actually ignored him and didn't even want to coax her!

He gritted his teeth and ate, a cold aura surrounding him.

Fu's mother had a panoramic view of everything, and when she saw Wei Yuxian's performance, she almost clapped her hands and applauded!

Let this brat be jealous of anything! Let him not know how to restrain himself!

Yuxian is so good, just like this, we can't spoil him or spoil him!

Father Fu looked at his daughter-in-law looking like she was watching a show, shook her head helplessly, gave her her favorite dishes, and told her to eat quickly and stop watching the show.

This is to avoid chaos in the world.

After dinner, Wei Yuxian pushed the small wooden bed and took a walk in the yard, taking the babies out to breathe fresh air.

The sky is slowly getting dark and the sun has set. It is a suitable time for the two babies to go out.

She was singing as she walked, and you could tell that she was in a good mood.

The two babies were also in a good mood, giggling on the bed and kicking their hands and feet wildly, as if they were excited to finally go out and play!

The only person who was in a bad mood was Fu Xuanyi. He was following Wei Yuxian with a dark face. It was unclear whether his face was stiff or not.

Anyway, Wei Yuxian didn't want to deal with this jealous man.

Fu Xuanyi followed them without saying a word. Seeing that the people in front of him didn't even look at him, he became even more angry. He became so petty that he even scared himself!

Fu's father and Fu's mother were also walking behind. They are older and they need to exercise more so that their hands and feet will not become too stiff, which is also good for the body.

Seeing Fu Xuanyi's appearance, Fu's mother couldn't help but whisper to the people around her: "It's exactly the same as when you were young, with such a bad temper that even the children are jealous."

I think back then, Fu's father was like this. Fu's mother was not used to him. Not only did she not coax anyone, but she also wanted to sleep with the baby, which made Fu Fu so angry that he couldn't sleep all night.

But this is his own wife, what else can he do except pamper her?

Father Fu smiled and shook his head and said, "It's just because I don't dare to mess with you."

Fu's mother glanced at him: "You try to provoke him."

Father Fu quickly begged for mercy: "I don't dare, I don't dare, my wife is the biggest."

Fu's mother was in a good mood at his words. She said with satisfaction, "It's good that you know," and held his arm arrogantly.

In the front, Wei Yuxian pushed the baby for more than half an hour. Seeing that the energy of the two babies was almost exhausted, she pushed the two babies back.

Turning around, seeing the man's dark face, he sighed helplessly and said, "Why are you still angry?"

Even after walking all the way, his face is still so dark.

Fu Xuanyi snorted and said nothing.

Wei Yuxian truly feels that Fu Xuanyi is very childish now, even more childish than the two babies.

It seemed that if she didn't coax him, he would always have this cold face.

But, if he was jealous of the baby every day, would she have to coax him every day?

Then she must be exhausted!

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