After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 163 Master Xuan will never admit to being jealous of two little guys!

She couldn't coddle him like this, so Wei Yuxian decided to ignore the man and pushed the baby straight past him.

Her meaning is so obvious. If you are as smart as Fu Xuanyi, you should understand it.

Fu Xuanyi's body was a little stiff. He couldn't believe that she just ignored him. He turned around and looked at her back without any hesitation, his pupils slightly dilated.

After Wei Yuxian passed Fu Xuanyi, she walked up to Fu's father and Fu's mother and called out, "Master, madam. Do you want to push the baby?"

What she said next was for the old lady.

Fu's mother was very satisfied with her performance just now, but she couldn't spoil that brat. She took the cart with a smile and said "ok".

The baby was handed over to Father Fu and Mother Fu. Wei Yuxian chatted with the old lady as she walked, completely ignoring the man behind her.

Fu Xuanyi clenched his fists and looked at the people in front of him and He Lele, looking even more deserted by himself.

Okay, together we are a family, right?

At this moment, Mr. Xuan didn't realize at all how wrong his emotions were, just like a pitiful little man who couldn't get his wife's love.

He stared at Wei Yuxian's back to see when she would look back at him, but all the way back to the villa, this woman didn't even look back at him!

He didn't even make a move to look back!

Master Xuan is very unhappy! Very unhappy!

And then, Wei Yuxian's actions made him even more heartbroken!

After Wei Yuxian returned to the villa, she asked the nanny to give the two babies a bath. After the bath, she pushed the two babies back to the master bedroom and put the babies on the big bed in the master bedroom.

Fu Xuanyi: "..."

He looked at the two little guys sleeping soundly on the bed, as if they were declaring war on himself!

With a calm face, he pulled Wei Yuxian into his arms, stared condescendingly into her eyes, and asked, "What does it mean to be obedient?"

Wei Yuxian blinked and asked, "What do you mean?"

Fu Xuanyi's eyes were filled with danger. He glanced at the two little heartless boys sleeping soundly on the bed and said nothing. The meaning was obvious.

Wei Yuxian understood and said: "I have never slept with the babies. They were too young before and I was afraid of crushing them, so I never slept with them. Now that they have grown up, I can finally take action." ”

As she spoke, there was a smile in her eyes.

Fu Xuanyi immediately pushed her onto the bed, next to the two babies, and asked, "So, these two little things are more important than me?"

Wei Yuxian didn't like what he called the two babies, "little things", these were obviously her babies!

"They are my babies and your babies. They are not little things. Please speak up."

She accused the man and wanted him not to call him such a name.

But how can a jealous man care about this? It’s a good thing he didn’t throw these two little things away!

He asked again: "So, these two little things are more important than me?"

Wei Yuxian was speechless. She also knew that this man was very jealous, so she didn't care about his title.

She said patiently: "No one is more important. The baby is my child, they are very important, and you...are also very important. This cannot be compared."

Bao Bao and Fu Xuanyi are both equally important. If she had to tell who was more important, she couldn't tell.

Fu Xuanyi was trying to embarrass her, insisting on asking such a question.

Fu Xuanyi was not satisfied with her answer and wanted to hear her accurate answer: "Who is more important, me or them?"

He just wants to compete with the two little guys, compete with the two little guys for favor, and see who is the first in Guaiguai's heart!

Wei Yuxian still answered as before: "Both you and the baby are important. In my heart, you are equally important, okay?"

Why does this man have to decide the winner?

"No!" was the man's answer.

He narrowed his eyes and said, "You have to tell me, who is more important, me or them!"

Wei Yuxian was pinned down by the man and felt a little uncomfortable. She struggled under him to get out so that she could feel more comfortable.

But as soon as she moved, the man increased his strength to prevent her from continuing to struggle, saying: "Don't move!"

Wei Yuxian could only remain obedient, not daring to move, and looked at the man.

"Answer me!" The man urged her, eager to know the answer.

Wei Yuxian moved her mouth, and then said: "Fu Xuanyi, you are so childish."

Fu Xuanyi's expression was stunned for a moment, and he looked even more childish. How could he still have half of Master Xuan's shadow on him?

He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I am childish!"

Wei Yuxian nodded and said, "Yes, look at you. You are jealous of the babies every day, and you insist on asking me to answer questions like that. If you aren't naive, what are you?"

Fu Xuanyi sneered and denied, "I didn't!"

He refused to admit that he was jealous of the two little things!

These two little guys are not worthy of his jealousy!

A tough-talking man will never admit it.

Wei Yuxian: "You still say no? Look at what you look like now? And the question you just asked, think about it yourself."

Fu Xuanyi thought about it carefully and found that he was indeed jealous of the two little guys. When he saw Guaiguai's eyes focused on these two little guys, he was very unhappy!

Okay, he is indeed jealous, but he won't admit it!

He said stiffly: "I just want to know who is more important in your heart."

He wants to be the most important person in her heart.

Wei Yuxian stretched out her hand and stroked the man's stern face, asking him not to be so tense, and said warmly: "I've said it before, you and the baby can't be compared, your identities are different.

Ah Xuan, the baby is also your baby. Can you not always have trouble with the baby in the future? "

She didn't want Fu Xuanyi to dislike the two babies because of this.

She was very afraid that her two babies would not receive their father's love and would not be able to grow up in a loving family.

So, what's the difference from when she was little?

Fu Xuanyi was smoothed down a little by her, but it was just a little, and said: "But you ignored me for them. How many times have you looked at me tonight?"

Wei Yuxian felt that the scene tonight was inexplicably familiar.

That night last week, wasn't the situation similar to today?

How many times will this man feel the same jealousy?

Wei Yuxian's mind turned around and she said, "Who told you to keep a cold face tonight? How dare I talk to you?"

She put all the blame on him.

Indeed, it was this man's fault. If he hadn't been jealous and cold-faced, would she have ignored him?

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