After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 165 I can’t sleep without holding my dear Mr. Xuan in my arms

She blushed slightly, said "Okay" in a low voice, and then said: "You... you close your eyes."

Being looked at so directly by a man made her even more embarrassed and afraid to act.

After hearing this, Fu Xuanyi closed his beautiful eyes and quietly waited for her kiss.

Wei Yuxian became nervous, put her hands on the hem of her clothes, held them tightly, looked at the man's handsome face, and swallowed.

The beauty is alluring.

Under the dim light, the shadows of the two people hit the wall. Their distance was so close, and their hearts were also so close.

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath, and slowly, slowly moved closer to the man, staring at his thin lips, and her breathing became heavier and heavier.

Finally, she pressed her thin lips, and the cool and soft touch came, and her heart softened.

This man will never be satisfied with just a little taste.

Wei Yuxian tried to go deeper, testing bit by bit, but her experience was pitiful and her movements were unfamiliar.

However, she had some experience at least. She recalled Fu Xuanyi's previous actions in her mind, and followed what the man taught him, and tested them on him one by one.

The feeling of taking the initiative was so embarrassing, much, much more embarrassing than being kissed by this man.

Wei Yuxian lowered her hands from the hem of her clothes and raised them to wrap around the man's neck, getting closer to him.

Fu Xuanyi quietly opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. At this moment, his eyes were tightly closed, his face was red, and his movements were unfamiliar and tight, but he was very serious.

Her breathing suddenly became rapid, and the fire in her body was stirred up by her.

He moved his big hand up and put it on the back of her head, turning the tables on her!

The tender kiss suddenly became intense!

Before Wei Yuxian could react, she was led into a certain rhythm by the man.

The temperature in the room rose rapidly, and even the air became ambiguous.

Both of them were immersed in the beauty brought by the other.

I don't know how much time passed before they were finally willing to separate, but their hands holding each other still didn't let go.

Wei Yuxian lost all her strength and fell into his arms as if she had no bones. Not only was her face red, but the tips of her ears were also red. She gasped for air and came back to life.

She was so shy that she lowered her head and did not dare to look at the man.

But the man didn't think it was enough. Looking at her seductive look, he couldn't help but kiss the corners of her lips a few more times.

This made Wei Yuxian even more shy. She gave him a cute look and lowered her head.

Hearing the man's low laughter, Wei Yuxian couldn't stay any longer and hurriedly got up from the man and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

After she came out of the bath, the red cloud on her face had gone away, and she returned to normal. She whispered: "You should also take a bath and go to bed early."

She didn't dare to speak too loudly for fear of waking up the two babies.

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm", got up and entered the bathroom.

Wei Yuxian sat down gently on the bed and looked at the sleeping baby on the bed.

The two babies are also very well-behaved when sleeping. They are white and tender, and their little hands are placed together when sleeping, holding them unconsciously. They have a good relationship.

Wei Yuxian couldn't help but pull out Zhizhi's little hand, put it in the palm of her hand, and compare it with her own hand.

Then I discovered that Zhizhi’s little hands are really small! Super cute!

She then pulled out Shi Shi's little hand and put it into her palm, and was made cute again.

Finally, she couldn't bear it any longer. She took her phone and took various photos of the two babies, recording every detail of them.

Just the little hands of the babies took dozens of photos!

When Fu Xuanyi came out of the bathroom, he saw the person on the bed holding up his mobile phone and taking photos frantically, with a happy giggle on his face.

The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily, and he walked towards the bed.

When Wei Yuxian heard the commotion and looked over, she realized that Fu Xuanyi had already finished taking a bath. She quickly checked the time and realized that she had been taking pictures of the baby for so long!

She reluctantly put her phone away and put it on the bedside table. After the man sat down, she said, "Axuan, let's get some photo albums for the babies. I want to record their appearance from childhood to adulthood.

In the future, when they grow up, they can also see what they looked like when they were little. "

When she was a child, she rarely took photos. Apart from group photos at school or photos required by the school, there were no other photos.

Her adoptive parents don't know how to use her photos on their mobile phones, and her figure has never appeared in their family's photo albums, only their family.

Therefore, she didn't want her two babies to have such regrets.

Also, when the babies grow up, she can take out those photo albums and look at them at any time to remember what they looked like when they were little.

Anyway, there are many benefits.

Fu Xuanyi would not be dissatisfied with this little wish of hers. He said, "I will tell it to Aunt Fu tomorrow."

Wei Yuxian's eyes curled up and she said "Hmm" happily.

She took advantage of the situation and lay down on the bed, lying on the other side of the bed, with the two babies right in the middle. She stretched out her hands and hugged the two babies.

Then he looked at Fu Xuanyi and said, "Turn off the lights and go to sleep."

Fu Xuanyi: "..."

He made no movement, with a "smile" on his face, and shouted: "Be good."

He didn't agree with the two little guys sleeping in the middle!

He also doesn't agree with his obedient holding two little guys!

Wei Yuxian felt a little guilty, but she didn't take her hand back and said, "Just one night, Ah Xuan."

She called the man's name, as if coquettishly.

Fu Xuanyi was unmoved, folded his hands on his chest, and said, "I don't agree."

"Axuan." Wei Yuxian called again, her coquettish tone more obvious, "Just one night."

Fu Xuanyi looked at her and confronted her.

Wei Yuxian opened her eyes wide and pretended to be pitiful.

After a while, the man softened his heart, glanced at the two little guys with squinted eyes, and thought: Just one night.

He was generous and kind-hearted and gave Guai Guai to them for one night.

Fu Xuanyi really felt that he was extremely generous, with a bit of arrogance on his face, so he turned off the light and said, "Sleep."

Wei Yuxian said "good night" to him beautifully and closed her eyes.

Fu Xuanyi also closed his eyes, wanting to fall asleep quickly. He thought it was just one night and he could get through it.

But not long after, he opened his eyes and looked at the other three people on the bed in the dark.

Over there, the elder and the younger were sleeping soundly, with a hint of a smile on their lips, but he was the only one - sleeping, not sleeping!

His hands are so lonely, and his arms are so empty. There is one person missing, and his obedience is missing!

He can't sleep without holding his dear!

Fu Xuanyi was a little depressed. He stared at the sleeping person for a while, and then took action. He carried the person to this side of the bed and held him in his arms. Only then did he feel relieved.

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