When Wei Yuxian woke up the next day, she saw the two babies in front of her. She didn't react yet. When she felt the warmth coming from behind, she started to get confused.

There was also a strong big hand around her waist. With this familiar feeling and smell, Wei Yuxian knew who it was without looking back.

Who else could it be besides Fu Xuanyi?

She continued to be confused and recalled last night. She remembered that she slept on the other side last night!

The two babies were in the middle, she would definitely remember it!

But now, how come the two babies are here? How did she end up in the middle, in Fu Xuanyi's arms!

She sat up with a puzzled look on her face, looked at the man behind her, and then at the baby in front of her, unable to think of a reason.

Could it be that she rolled over here while sleeping last night?

Impossible, if she rolled over, she would definitely crush the two babies, and she was very calm when sleeping, so she would not roll around.

Then, there is only one possibility left, it was Fu Xuanyi who brought her here!

Thinking of this, she turned around to look at the man behind her. At this moment, the man also woke up and looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wei Yuxian became more sure of what she was thinking. It was this man who carried her over.

Now, it's hard for her to say anything about men. Things have already happened, and it's useless for her to say anything else.

She looked at him helplessly and said, "Don't do this next time. The reason why I put the babies in the middle is because I was afraid that they would roll to the edge of the bed. Fortunately, nothing serious happened."

The two babies are also peaceful when sleeping, they don't roll around, and nothing bad happens.

Hearing this, Fu Xuanyi said: "There will be no next time."

What he meant by this was that these two little guys would never have the chance to sleep in this bed again.

But Wei Yuxian understood that he had agreed to what she just said, so she felt better and got up happily.

She first handed the babies to the nanny and asked the nanny to take care of the babies who were about to wake up, and then she went to wash herself.

After washing and eating breakfast, she went to prepare the day's rations for the babies, and then she went to school.

Today, Tuesday, Wei Yuxian has three classes. The time is the same as yesterday. There is no class in the first period in the afternoon.

When she got to school, it was Fu Xuanyi who sent her downstairs. When they parted, she and Fu Xuanyi had a passionate kiss. In the end, it was too late, so the man let her go.

Wei Yuxian went to class with her slightly swollen lips. She kept her head down the whole way and didn't dare to raise it up at all!

Now everyone knows that she is Fu Xuanyi's fiancée. I think everyone can guess why her lips turned like this.

This made a thin-skinned person scold Master Xuan for a long time.

Fortunately, after she sat down, the situation became much better, because she had no time to care about others and only thought about class.

After a morning of class, Wei Yuxian had an extremely fulfilling life and learned a lot of knowledge.

Studying feels really good, especially studying without distractions and without too much pressure. This is the best feeling.

This is Wei Yuxian's idea, not the idea of ​​most people.

After getting into the car driven by Lu Chengxiao, the four bodyguards were still following her closely, protecting her dutifully.

At this time, she should go back to the apartment to eat.

But when she thought that there were still more than four hours before the next class, she had other thoughts.

I had this idea yesterday, that is, go to Fu Xuanyi's company, give him a surprise, and then have lunch with him.

After lunch, it wouldn't be a problem for her to take another nap, there would be enough time.

With this idea, she felt itchy in her heart. After arriving downstairs in the apartment, she suddenly said: "Lu Chengxiao, go to the company."

Lu Chengxiao and the other three people looked puzzled and asked, "Madam, why are you going to the company? It's noon, and there are classes in the afternoon."

Wei Yuxian said: "The afternoon class is still a long time away, I just want to go to the company."

At this time, Lu Chengxiao and others also guessed her intention.

I don't have a meal at noon, but I have to go to the company to see Master Xuan. What else can I do besides eating with Master Xuan?

The relationship between Master Xuan and his wife is really good!

Akong immediately smiled and said, "Then I'll go find Housekeeper Fu to get some food. Madam, I'll wait for a while."

Aunt Fu's car was right next to them. Ah Kong got out of the car, explained the situation to Aunt Fu, took the food, got in the car again, and said: "Boss, let's go."

Without saying a word, Lu Chengxiao started the car, drove out of the school gate, and drove towards the Fu Group.

Several people had a tacit understanding and did not report to Fu Xuanyi that his wife was going to have dinner with him.

Madam made this out of the blue, she must have wanted to give Master Xuan a surprise. If she had said it out, there would be no surprise.

Wei Yuxian looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and her heart beat slightly faster. The closer she got to the company, the faster her heart beat.

She was a little nervous, this was her first time doing something like this.

There is not much distance between the school and the company, and there are no cars at noon, so the car quickly drove into the underground parking lot of the Fu Group.

Lu Chengxiao smiled with eight big white teeth and said, "Madam, we are here, do you want us to accompany you up?"

Wei Yuxian shook her head and said: "There is no danger here. You can go and have a rest. Come pick me up around four o'clock."

This is Fu Xuanyi's territory, what danger could happen? Even if there was real danger, who would be stupid enough to act under Fu Xuanyi's nose?

She made plans to eat here with Fu Xuanyi, sleep here for a while after eating, and then go to school.

I picked her up around four o'clock, just in time.

Lu Chengxiao said "Okay", got out of the car, opened the door for her, and took her to the elevator himself.

This point is a meal point. Most people in the company are eating. The employees cherish this rare rest time.

Wei Yuxian watched the elevator's floors rise one by one. The numbers slowly became larger and closer to Fu Xuanyi, and her heart accelerated uncontrollably.

It's like I'm about to do something bad, I'm very nervous.

She was holding a box lunch in her hand, taking a deep breath in the elevator, looking at herself in the elevator, and arranging her hair.

As soon as they were sorted out, the elevator stopped at the floor of the president's office.

The elevator door opened, and a familiar place came into view. Wei Yuxian took a deep breath again, walked out of the elevator, and walked towards Fu Xuanyi's office step by step.

She wanted to surprise Fu Xuanyi, so she even walked much more slowly when she walked. When she came to the office door, she didn't knock on the door. She opened the door gently and walked in without making any sound.

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