After walking in, she thought she could see Fu Xuanyi eating, but to her surprise, there was no one in the office.

She was a little disappointed, not seeing the person she wanted to see.

She walked in with her meal and stopped in front of Fu Xuanyi's desk. She sat down on the chair, thinking that Fu Xuanyi would have gone to a meeting after a while.

The company is so big and has many things to deal with, so it is possible to postpone the meeting for a while.

She waited quietly in the office for more than ten minutes, during which she looked in the direction of the door countless times.

Every time, she expected the door to open and the person she wanted to see to walk in, but every time, she was disappointed.

Not once did the door open, and not once did the person she wanted to see walk through.

After picking up her phone and taking a look at it, she finally couldn't wait any longer, got up and walked out of the office, going to the assistant's office next door.

As soon as she walked in, she saw several assistants sitting together to eat, playing with their mobile phones while eating, not looking too leisurely.

When several people suddenly saw Wei Yuxian walking in, they were all stunned while eating. One of them reacted first, put down his rice and came to her.

"Madam, why are you here?" the assistant asked with a smile.

Several other assistants also came to their senses, quickly put down their meals and walked over.

Wei Yuxian got straight to the point and asked, "Where are you, Mr. Fu? Is the meeting delayed?"

The assistant standing at the front said: "Madam, Mr. Fu went to have dinner with Miss Qin, about half an hour ago. I will tell Mr. Fu now that you are here."

Upon hearing the word Miss Qin, the first thing that came to Wei Yuxian's mind was Qin Junling.

She was stunned for a moment, and her heart skipped a beat. When she came to her senses, she saw her assistant holding her cell phone, as if she wanted to send a message to Fu Xuanyi.

Somehow, she hurriedly said: "No, don't tell him!"

She didn't know what was wrong with her, her mood immediately became depressed, and she became a little panicked.

He didn't want Fu Xuanyi to know that he had come to the company.

The assistant looked at her with some confusion, seeing that her face was a little pale, and asked: "What's wrong with you, madam?"

Wei Yuxian forced a smile and tried to force out a smile, but the smile turned out to be uglier than crying. "It's nothing, I just... don't need to tell him, I'll just wait for him in the office."

After saying that, she said "thank you" to her assistant, left the office, and walked back to Fu Xuanyi's office absentmindedly.

Several assistants looked at her like this and were a little worried. One of them asked: "Did Madam misunderstand something?"

"But Mr. Fu is indeed having dinner with Miss Qin."

"But Madam's face is pale, will something happen?"

"How about we tell Mr. Fu."

"Didn't Madam say you don't need to tell?"

"But look at the way Madam looks like, what if something happens? We can't even eat and walk around!"

"Then let's tell Mr. Fu."

The few people discussed the result and quickly typed to inform Fu Xuanyi about Wei Yuxian's presence in the company.

Here, in the CEO's office, Wei Yuxian's face was still so pale. She didn't even know how she got back to the office.

She sat on Fu Xuanyi's chair and stared blankly at the lunch box on the table, with the words the assistant just said echoing in her mind.

——Mr. Fu went to have dinner with Miss Qin.

——Mr. Fu went to have dinner with Miss Qin.

——Mr. Fu went to have dinner with Miss Qin...

Over and over again, it was recalled in her mind and struck on her heart.

Why does Fu Xuanyi want to eat with Qin Junling? Is it to discuss cooperation, or is there some other reason?

Qin Junling...

She knew that she shouldn't think about Fu Xuanyi so much. She should believe that Fu Xuanyi was not that kind of person. If Fu Xuanyi was interested in Qin Junling, he wouldn't have delayed it until now.

However, she just couldn't help but think about the worst consequences.

As for why you think so?

Probably because she liked Fu Xuanyi more and more and was afraid of losing him.

I am afraid that my charm is not enough to keep him, and I am also afraid that the temptation outside is too great and attracts him.

He is standing in such a high position, with so many people of all kinds around him, and there is no shortage of great beauties, so the temptation is not small.

If one day he doesn't like himself anymore and likes someone else...

Wei Yuxian covered her mouth, not daring to think further. Tears slowly gathered in her eyes.

She was immersed in sadness, thinking only about the worst outcome, but she never thought about how deep Fu Xuanyi's love was for her.

She was still too unsure of herself, underestimated her importance in Fu Xuanyi's heart, and overestimated the temptation outside.

It had been a long time since she had been in such a low mood, and Wei Yuxian felt unfamiliar with such a mood.

She hasn't been so sad since she cried last time when she learned the news that her biological parents were gone.

Obviously you shouldn't, you shouldn't think about Fu Xuanyi like this, you should believe him, but when you think of him eating with other women, your heart aches!

Even breathing became painful.

She was sad alone in the office. After crying for a while, she began to wonder whether she should stay in the office any longer.

If Fu Xuanyi comes back later and sees her like this, will he dislike her even more?

From then on, her position in Fu Xuanyi's heart plummeted.

Then... it would be better to leave. She remained silent, pretending that nothing had happened. She had never been to the company, and she didn't know that Fu Xuanyi had dinner with another woman.

This seems better.

Thinking like this, Wei Yuxian wiped the tears from her face, prepared to clean herself up, and left the company silently.

Suddenly, the office door opened. She thought it was Special Assistant Guan or an assistant coming in. When she looked up, she saw Fu Xuanyi.

This man looked tired, his steps were hurried, his face was not very good, and he walked towards her step by step.

Wei Yuxian's heart skipped a beat and she looked at the man. She quickly wiped the tears on her face and forced a smile.

This smile made Fu Xuanyi's heart twitch!

Just now, after receiving the assistant's message, he immediately set off and rushed back without saying a word. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the door, he saw this little guy secretly wiping tears.

His heart immediately rose, and his expression became cold unconsciously.

He knew that Guaiguai must have misunderstood his relationship with Qin Junling. Otherwise, why would he secretly hide here and cry?

He finally walked up to her and looked at her condescendingly, thinking about how to speak.

His silence and cold face had another meaning in Wei Yuxian's eyes.

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