After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 168 It’s time to let Guaiguai know how deep my love for you is

Wei Yuxian believed that the reason why he had a dark face was because she interrupted his lunch with Qin Junling.

"I'm sorry..." These three words were spoken without thinking.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably again, blurring her eyes, and she did not see the distress in Fu Xuanyi's eyes.

At this moment, Fu Xuanyi couldn't care less about his cold face. He quickly picked her up, put her on his lap, and wiped her tears.

He whispered softly in her ear: "I misunderstood you."

Wei Yuxian sniffed, and upon hearing his words, tears burst out even more violently, and she couldn't stop them.

While wiping her tears, Fu Xuanyi said succinctly: "She invited me to dinner in the name of the company, and she was the only one there. I didn't want to eat with her."

If it weren't for the project she was working on that made him excited, he wouldn't have gone to the dinner party at noon.

He took someone with him, but when he arrived, she was the only one there. Anyone with a discerning eye could understand what that meant.

He didn't stay to eat, but turned around and left on the spot. On the way back, he received a message from his assistant and ordered someone to speed up and drive back.

Never thought that his obedient mood would get out of control like this!

It's all that woman's fault! If it weren't for her, why would his darling cry so sadly?

Don’t even bother with that project!

The project was very good and he was very excited, but that woman had an impure mind and made his darling so sad and uncooperative, so that's fine!

He stroked her cheek lovingly and wiped away her tears over and over again, but as soon as he wiped them away, new tears welled up again.

He felt that he couldn't tell the story clearly, and since he was the only one, he wasn't convinced enough, so he called Guan Jinyou in.

When Guan Jinyou came in and took a look at the situation, he didn't know what was going on. He glanced at his boss Fu and understood what he meant.

"Madam, Miss Qin invited us to discuss the project together at noon today. Mr. Fu and several of me went there, but when we got there, Miss Qin was the only one, and Mr. Fu left without saying a word.

Don't worry, Mr. Fu will never eat alone with Miss Qin. Don't misunderstand Mr. Fu or hurt the relationship between you and Mr. Fu. "

After saying that, Guan Jinyou looked at Fu Xuanyi, and after receiving Fu Xuanyi's eyes, he left the office.

Wei Yuxian heard Guan Jinyou's words and knew that she had misunderstood Fu Xuanyi. The sadness in her heart dissipated and she did not dare to see him anymore.

Slowly, her tears stopped and she calmed down, but her head was lowered, not daring to face the man.

Fu Xuanyi waited patiently for her to regain her mood, raised her little face, her eyes and nose were red from crying, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"Sorry, you misunderstood." The man said with sincerity.

Wei Yuxian felt a little embarrassed. After all, it was because she didn't believe Fu Xuanyi that this misunderstanding occurred. If she wanted to apologize, it wasn't Fu Xuanyi who should apologize to her.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say it didn't matter, but she couldn't say it, she was too embarrassed to say it.

After Fu Xuanyi apologized, he began to settle accounts with her, saying, "Don't believe me, dear."

His eyes narrowed dangerously, looking at Wei Yuxian as if he were looking at prey on a plate.

Wei Yuxian felt even more guilty. She turned her eyes aside and said, "I...I...I..."

I couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

There was nothing to say. She did not believe Fu Xuanyi just now. This was a fact. She would be wrong no matter how this man wanted to punish her.

Fu Xuanyi leaned his head against her forehead and asked, "Why don't you believe me? Do you think my love for you is fake?"

Wei Yuxian suddenly became flustered and said: "I, I didn't... I didn't... I think it's fake..."

Fu Xuanyi continued to press: "Does Guaiguai think that I am not dedicated?"

Wei Yuxian really thought so, she felt extremely guilty and said: "No, no..."

Fu Xuanyi held her hand with more strength, brought her closer to his arms, and said again: "Don't believe me, dear."

He chewed on this sentence, as if he wanted to think it through.

Wei Yuxian heard the dangerous meaning in his words and said: "I, I just... feel that the temptation outside is too great. You... you stand in such a high position, the temptation is even greater..."

Before she finished speaking, Fu Xuanyi interrupted her: "Guaiguai, do you know how many people wanted to send someone to my bed before I met you?"

Wei Yuxian shook her head blankly and looked into the man's eyes.

"There are so many, you have to queue up." The man said, "But I'm not interested in those people. Only you are different. Do you understand?"

He didn't touch any of those people, or even look at them.

Except for his obedience, he is sexually frigid to all women.

Wei Yuxian nodded ignorantly. In this way, it was really no different from that pure white little white rabbit.

Fu Xuanyi's eyes darkened, with fire burning in his eyes.

He said in her ear: "It seems it's time to let Guaiguai know how deep my love for you is."

After saying that, he picked up the princess with a big hand and walked into the small room.

Wei Yuxian was afraid of falling, so she wrapped her arms around the man's neck. She saw the danger in the man's eyes and became a little scared.

She intuitively knew that this man would not let her go so easily!

She quickly said: "Axuan, I, I haven't eaten yet..."

At this moment, Fu Xuanyi just wanted to let her know how much he loved her, but when he thought that her health was not very good and it took a long time to nurse her back to health, she finally got better, so he still resisted his desire and hugged her back.

He opened the lunch box silently and fed her.

Wei Yuxian wanted to eat by herself, but once she caught the man's gaze, she didn't dare to say anything and silently accepted the man's feeding.

Fu Xuanyi fed her food, and while feeding her, he kissed her ears from time to time, trying to relieve his desire.

But the closer we get, the more intense the desire becomes! Want more!

It was almost done, so he only fed the person half full, fearing that overeating would cause trouble.

He picked her up again. This time, it was not the princess who hugged him, but Wei Yuxian holding his waist and holding her hips, and walked in while kissing.

The man's breath became hot, and the breath he sprayed was so hot that it burned Wei Yuxian's delicate skin.

She was a little scared, but she didn't dare to resist because she was in the wrong and had to quell the man's desire.

She knew that the man would not let her go easily next, so even though she was afraid, she gritted her teeth and persisted, trying to coax the man.

On the bed, while being kissed in a daze, she suddenly remembered that she had another class in the afternoon, so she quickly grabbed the man's hand and said, "Axuan, I have another class in the afternoon."

Fu Xuanyi's voice was low: "Pay attention, be a good boy..."

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