This afternoon, in this small room, the two met frankly.

Wei Yuxian listened to the man say "I love you" countless times, and every time, it was deeply engraved in her heart.

Only then did she realize how deep the man's love for her was.

Naturally, he didn't go to the afternoon class, and Fu Xuanyi didn't go to work. The two of them were crazy for a long time.

The sun sets in the west, and the beautiful dusk emerges on the horizon. The sun sets in the west, and the scenery is beautiful.

In the small room, Fu Xuanyi was neatly dressed, but his hair was loose, looking much more youthful and energetic.

He walked to the bed and looked at the unconscious person on the bed. His body was covered in sweat and his face was red.

Recalling the madness of this afternoon, the corners of my mouth couldn't help but curl up.

He picked her up under the quilt. In the process, Wei Yuxian squeaked uneasily a few times, frowned, and said, "No more..."

Fu Xuanyi rubbed the ridge between her eyebrows and said softly: "Go to sleep, be a good boy."

Wei Yuxian made no movement, and Fu Xuanyi successfully picked her up. The quilt wrapped her tightly, leaving only a delicate little face exposed.

He carried the person out of the small room, walked out of the office, took the elevator, went to the underground parking lot, and carried the person into the car.

After receiving Mr. Fu's order, the driver was already waiting in the car. As soon as he saw people getting into the car, he immediately raised the fender and started the car.

The car was very quiet. Fu Xuanyi did not let go of the person in his arms, even holding him while riding in the car.

He couldn't bear to let go of his obedience, not even for a second.

Just like that, he lowered his head and looked at the peaceful sleeping face of the person in his arms.

Guaiguai seemed exhausted. He slept soundly. The blush on his face still didn't go away. He looked very attractive.

He couldn't help but think of the way Guobai cried in his arms this afternoon. It was so beautiful that he couldn't restrain himself and loved her harder!

The sweet voice seemed to echo in my ears again.

He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips, without going deep, for fear of disturbing her sleep.

Guaiguai is already very tired. She must have a good sleep and rest without waking anyone up again.

He will feel bad if Guaiguai doesn't get enough sleep.

In this way, he looked at people all the way, and he never got tired of watching them. From time to time, he would lower his head and give them a kiss, his eyes full of pity.

To be honest, when he saw that Guaiguai didn't trust him, his heart hurt a little.

But soon, the stinging pain disappeared.

Guaiguai doesn't believe him, it's just because he shows less love and talks less love.

Then, if you want Guaiguai to believe it, you have to take action and tell her over and over again in her ears.

Love her.

Let her remember it all the time, even in her dreams!

He didn't believe it. After today, his Guaiguai still didn't know how strong his love was!

The driver drove the car back to Daofu Mansion, stopped at the door of the villa, then quickly got out of the car, came to the back, opened the door, and said: "Master Xuan, we're here."

Fu Xuanyi regained his composure, said "Yeah", held the person in his arms firmly, and got out of the car.

The driver lowered his head consciously and did not look around.

After getting out of the car, the driver quickly closed the door, walked in front of Fu Xuanyi, and opened the door for him first.

As Mr. Xuan's driver, you still need to have this bit of vision, otherwise you won't be able to get into this position.

Fu Xuanyi entered the house without any obstruction, and went upstairs to his room without even changing his shoes.

Fu's father, Fu's mother, and Master Xuan were all in the living room. It was almost dinner time, and the two elders were waiting for them to come back for dinner. Unexpectedly, they saw such a scene.

Their son, whose hair was a little messy, was holding a ball of quilt in his hand, and there seemed to be someone inside, so he went home like this.

The second elder quickly got up and walked over, asking Fu Xuanyi what was going on with his eyes.

Fu Xuanyi wanted to send her to the bed quickly so that she could sleep more comfortably, so he whispered: "We'll talk about it later."

The second elder stretched his neck and looked into his arms. When he saw Wei Yuxian's face, he breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, and put the person on.

If he was holding a vixen in his arms, the old lady would turn against him without even saying a word!

The only daughter-in-law she recognized was Wei Yuxian, and no one else could covet this position!

Fortunately, her son made no mistake.

But come to think of it, if Ah Xuan is so passionate about Yu Xian, why would he find another woman?

She should have believed in her son.

I just don’t know why they came back like this today. Yuxian came back wrapped in a quilt.

Suddenly, the old lady thought of something and scolded Fu Xuanyi in her heart for being shameless.

He didn't know how to put some clothes on Yuxian, but he just came back with someone in his arms, and the smell hadn't dissipated yet.

Young people really know how to play.

Thinking back when they were seems that they were no less generous.

Here, Fu Xuanyi carried her back to the room, put her on the soft big bed, covered her with a quilt, straightened her hair, and kissed her on the lips a few more times before leaving the room.

As he went downstairs, he took off his coat, took off his tie and suit, and unbuttoned two shirts, revealing his delicate and beautiful collarbones.

Downstairs, the two elders looked forward to it and finally saw him coming down, so they hurriedly called people over.

Fu Xuanyi was not in a hurry. He changed his shoes first and washed his hands before walking over and sitting down.

As soon as she sat down, Fu's mother pulled her and asked, "What's going on between you and Yuxian? You don't know how to pay attention in broad daylight."

Fu Xuanyi said while eating: "There was a small misunderstanding at noon, and it was resolved."

Fu's mother's mouth twitched, dissatisfied with his conciseness, and asked again: "What's the little misunderstanding that made Yuxian so upset? It seems like you didn't go to work in the afternoon?"

Fu Xuanyi didn't feel embarrassed at all. In Wei Yuxian's words, he was thick-skinned. He said "hmm" and told the elders about what happened at noon in simple language.

Of course, I'm talking about what happened before entering the small room. The second elder doesn't need to know the rest.

He was embarrassed to say it, but the second elder was embarrassed to listen, and his obedient one would blush to the point of exploding.

After hearing what he said, the second elder thought of the way Wei Yuxian came back wrapped up, and Fu's mother said, "Then you can't torture someone like this."

Fu Xuanyi ate his meal with a calm expression and said, "She won't remember it if I don't bother."

Can't remember how much he loves her, can't remember to trust him.

It's hard for Fu's mother to say anything about things between the two of them, especially emotional matters and things in bed. It's even harder for her to say anything.

In the end, Fu's mother could only say: "Then you should be careful and don't torment Yuxian all the time. Her health has improved a lot."

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" to show that he was sensible.

When dinner was almost finished, he said again: "I'll give you a surprise tomorrow."

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