When Fu's mother heard this, her curiosity arose and she asked, "What surprise can't be told now?"

Fu Xuanyi: "Now that I have said it, it won't be called a surprise."

Fu's mother still wanted to know, and said, "If you know it sooner or later, you will know it. It's okay for you to tell me now. Your dad also wants to know."

She punched Father Fu next to her, who responded with a "hmm" and said, "Yes, I want to know too."

He had to think about his wife's orders even if he didn't want to know.

Fu Xuanyi had decided not to let go. No matter what the two elders said, he did not reveal the surprise.

The second elder began to guess what the surprise was. After guessing it over and over, Fu Xuanyi shook his head.

After not staying in the living room for long, Fu Xuanyi went back to the room. He glanced at the person on the bed, but he still didn't look like he was about to wake up, and then went to the study with peace of mind.

Sitting in his office chair, he turned on his computer, clicked through emails, and took out his cell phone to call Guan Jinyou.

As Fu Xuanyi's special assistant, Guan Jinyou is on call 24 hours a day. Especially since Fu Xuanyi didn't go to work this afternoon, he knew he would have to work overtime in the evening.

Soon, the call was connected, and Guan Jinyou asked, "What are Mr. Fu's orders?"

Fu Xuanyi's voice was cold, not as gentle as when he treated Wei Yuxian, and said: "Give up Qin's project."

"Yes." Guan Jinyou said cheerfully without saying anything more, "I will communicate with the Qin family as soon as possible."

It seems that Master Xuan is really angry about what happened today. Otherwise, how could Master Xuan give up such a good project.

However, Mrs. Qin deserves what she deserves. If Miss Qin doesn't do any tricks and happens to be tricked by Madam, then there is still a need for cooperation in this project.

Without Fu's support, it would have been difficult for the Qin family to start this project, and it could basically be said to have been abandoned.

Spending a lot of money on beauty, Master Xuan is so generous!

Here, Fu Xuanyi said again: "In the future, there is no need to cooperate."

Guan Jinyou was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses and said "yes".

You know, the Qin family is also quite a wealthy family in Kyoto. Although there is still a big gap compared to the Fu family, it is still among the best!

Mr. Fu said that if we don’t cooperate, we won’t cooperate. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

But the people below them just do what the people above them say, and there is no need to ask anything else.

After explaining this, Fu Xuanyi hung up the phone and started working seriously.

This process took several hours. When he looked up and looked at the time, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

He rolled his neck to relax, turned off the computer, walked out of the study, and returned to his room.

The room was dark and quiet. Apparently, the person on the bed still hadn't woken up.

The energy consumed in the afternoon has not recovered after sleeping for so long. I can only say that Master Xuan is powerful.

Fu Xuanyi did not turn on the light, walked in slowly and quietly, sat down by the bed, and after his eyes adapted to the dark environment, he could see the person on the bed clearly.

He reached out and touched her face gently, then stood up and entered the bathroom.

Not long after he entered the bathroom, there was finally movement from the person on the bed, and he slowly woke up.

The first thing she saw was darkness. Her mind had not yet awakened, and she had no reaction when she saw the familiar bedroom.

After a while, her brain turned on and she realized that she was actually in the bedroom at home!

Why did she wake up and come home? Isn't she in the company?

She held her waist and slowly sat up. When she heard faint movement from the bathroom, she knew what was going on.

Needless to say, it must have been that man who brought her back, but I didn't expect that she would sleep so hard that she didn't even know when she would come home.

And the reason why she slept so hard was because of that man.

Thinking of the ridiculous things that happened this afternoon, Wei Yuxian blushed.

She endured the pain in her back, picked up the quilt, and covered her face.

This was the first time for her to do such a ridiculous thing in broad daylight.

In the past, even if Fu Xuanyi wanted it, she would insist on doing it at night, but today's situation is special...

Doing something like that during the day makes people even more embarrassed!

Moreover, it was still in Fu Xuanyi's office. Although it was in a small room with good sound insulation, he still felt twice as shy.

From now on, she will never question Fu Xuanyi's love for her again.

Because Fu Xuanyi told her that he loved her many times.

He also told her that she would be the only one in this life.

Not only that, this man also forced himself to say many words of like and love.

All in all, this afternoon was very ridiculous!

Just when she was in a daze, the movement in the bathroom disappeared. Not long after, Fu Xuanyi walked out of the bathroom.

With sharp eyes, he noticed that the person on the bed had woken up, sitting on the bed, covering his face with the quilt, feeling shy.

He turned on the light, and instantly, the dark room became brighter, but the light was warm yellow and would not hurt the eyes.

He considered that Wei Yuxian had just woken up and had been in a dark environment, so he turned on a warm yellow light.

Wei Yuxian looked in the direction of the man. At this moment, the man only had a large bath towel tied around his waist, and his upper body was naked.

Smooth muscle lines, strong and powerful muscles, so good-looking, full of sexual tension!

Wei Yuxian was stunned for a moment. When the man walked up to her, she came to her senses and quickly lowered her head.

The man chuckled, reached over, and raised her head so that she looked at him.

How could Wei Yuxian have the nerve to stare at his body? Although it was very beautiful, she was also very shy!

She quickly closed her eyes, as if she didn't want to see anything wrong with her.

The smile on the man's lips became more obvious and he said: "Open your eyes."

Wei Yuxian quickly shook her head, saying no, and said, "Hurry up and put on your pajamas."

Fu Xuanyi had no choice but to get up and put on his pajamas. Now, Wei Yuxian opened her eyes without him having to speak.

But her eyes were still full of embarrassment because of what happened this afternoon.

Fu Xuanyi hugged her, lowered his head to kiss the tip of her red ears, and asked, "My dear, do you know now how much I love you?"

Wei Yuxian's heart beat rapidly, and she nodded and said "Yeah" in a low voice.

"Will you still disbelieve me in the future?"

Wei Yuxian quickly shook her head and said: "...Never again."

Fu Xuanyi was satisfied. Although he had heard these answers many times this afternoon, he still felt happy when he heard them again now.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "But Guaiguai's reaction today also shows that Guaiguai has me in his heart, right?"

Wei Yuxian didn't nod or shake her head, she was extremely shy.

Fu Xuanyi seduced her: "Speak out, say what's in your heart."

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath, and in the man's arms, she said in a voice as small as a mosquito: "With you..."

It's all you.

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