After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 172 Handsome guy and beautiful girl, do you want to apply for a marriage certificate? Today

Wei Yuxian's mind was full of doubts: "What should I do now? If I don't go to school, I will be late."

Fu Xuanyi gave her a reassuring look and said, "I'll give you a half-day leave."

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips and said, "I only go to school for a few days, and I ask for leave every day."

All in all, she only had five classes in total this semester, which was really pitiful.

"Guaiguai is so smart, missing a few classes is nothing."

Wei Yuxian: "This is not a question of smartness or not, but a question of attitude. What if the teacher thinks I am an arrogant person? Forget it, I'd better take less leave in the future."

"I understand." Fu Xuanyi said, "As long as you don't provoke me."

Wei Yuxian turned her head to look at the man, then turned her head back silently, saying in her heart: I am the one who provoked you, it is obviously you who thinks about those things every day.

Not ashamed either.

She yawned. She was obviously not sleepy, but she still tended to yawn in the morning. Maybe this was the norm for early eight people.

She didn't know where Fu Xuanyi was going to take her, and wanted to ask him, but thinking that he might not tell her and that he would know where he was going soon, she didn't ask.

The car has become quieter, but the atmosphere is still good and not as stiff as it was a year ago.

Maybe this is the power of emotion.

About twenty minutes passed. Fu Xuanyi finally drove the car to the place. Wei Yuxian looked at the store in front of her. It was a mobile phone store.

She asked: "Do you want to change my mobile phone? My mobile phone is still very good, there is no need to change it."

Fu Xuanyi said "no", got out of the car, came to the passenger side, and opened the door for her. Wei Yuxian got out of the car and asked, "What are you doing?"

Later, Fu Xuanyi took her hand and arrived at the real destination.

When Wei Yuxian saw the words written on the building in front of her, she turned to look at the man next to her in disbelief, with a look of astonishment on her face!

She couldn't even speak for the time being!

It turns out that Fu Xuanyi just saw a parking space in front of the mobile phone store and drove there. His real target was the Civil Affairs Bureau diagonally opposite the mobile phone store!

Wei Yuxian admitted that when she saw these three words, her brain couldn't function!

How could she have imagined that a man would actually bring her to this place, and even ask for leave to bring her here!

Today is a working day, and now it is working time. The staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau have already gone to work.

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath to calm down the shock in her heart. She opened her mouth several times before asking, "Are you serious?"

Fu Xuanyi looked serious and his tone could not be more sincere, saying: "Of course I am serious. What, you don't want to do it?"

Wei Yuxian didn't know how to answer this question. If she said she wasn't willing, of course she was willing. She wanted to be with Fu Xuanyi.

If she was willing, she felt that now was not the time. She was not ready yet and had never thought of marrying this man so soon.

She still felt that the distance between them was too far and she was not worthy of Fu Xuanyi.

So, she didn't know how to answer this question.

Fu Xuanyi narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have you forgotten what I said yesterday?"

Wei Yuxian thought about what she had said yesterday. She just loved him and would never distrust him again.

She shook her head and said calmly: "No."

Fu Xuanyi held her hand, looked down into her eyes, and said, "Guaiguai said yesterday that he loves me very much. I also said that I will only love Guaiguai in this life."

Wei Yuxian nodded, a little embarrassed to hear this man say such words.

After all, this man doesn't seem like someone who would say such a thing.

He used to be so aloof, so taciturn and sullen, and he never seemed like someone who could talk about love.

But the fact is that this man not only knows how to talk about love, but he also knows how to talk about love very well. He can also talk about love without hesitation!

In the past two days, she had deeply realized this man's ability to talk about love.

Fu Xuanyi continued: "Yesterday, Guaiguai didn't believe me. In order to make Guaiguai feel at ease, I made this decision."

After getting married, he is a married husband. This person is his family's darling, and he also gives his family's darling the greatest sense of security!

Wei Yuxian felt extremely warm in her heart and said, "I understand. I now know what kind of person you are. If you want to get the certificate... I haven't thought about it clearly yet."

Fu Xuanyi raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, "It's 8:03 now, five minutes, is it enough to consider?"

Wei Yuxian: "..."

This man seemed to be joking with her. After five minutes, what could be thought of?

She said: "I think there is still a big gap between us. You are so good, but I am so... anyway, five minutes is not enough."

"My dear, those are not things you should consider." Fu Xuanyi said, "Five minutes is not enough. Is ten minutes enough?"

Wei Yuxian: What’s the difference? Five minutes or ten minutes, can such a major life event be considered clearly in this small amount of time?

She was very hesitant in her heart and said: "You also know that the Fu family has such a good background, but I...have nothing. I, I...I am not worthy of you."

Fu Xuanyi: "Then tell me, who can be worthy of me?"

Wei Yuxian thought about the people she knew, but she didn't expect anyone who could be worthy of Fu Xuanyi. For such a proud man, it seemed that no one could be worthy of him.

She shook her head and said: "I can't think of it, but at least he must be a very good person, preferably with a background similar to yours."

When she said this, her heart was blocked, as if she was pushing this man away with her own hands.

Fu Xuanyi chuckled disdainfully, disagreeing with her words and said, "I said you deserve it, so you deserve it."

Wei Yuxian was silent. She lowered her head and twisted her fingers together, thinking seriously.

In fact, she was very happy about what Fu Xuanyi said. After all, the person who said such words was the person she loved.

They are connected and like each other. Is there anything better than this?

Fu Xuanyi pulled the person into the Civil Affairs Bureau and said, "Go in and think."

Wei Yuxian could only follow his footsteps, walked in, and sat down on a chair.

When the staff saw someone coming in, they all looked over. When they saw a pair of extremely good-looking people, their eyes flashed with surprise!

The staff at the marriage certificate window asked with a smile: "Handsome girl, do you want to apply for a marriage certificate? You are the first couple today~"

Fu Xuanyi looked at the staff and said, "She still needs to think about it."

The staff obviously did not recognize Fu Xuanyi, but thought that the appearance of the newlyweds was too incredible, and said: "What are you hesitating about, beauty? Of course such a handsome husband should seize the opportunity!"

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