Wei Yuxian looked at the enthusiastic staff, smiled awkwardly, and said nothing.

Fu Xuanyi sat next to her, held her soft little hand in his, and waited for her to think clearly.

When the staff saw this, they stopped disturbing them and looked at them with aunty smiles.

Seeing how good-looking they were, a staff member secretly took out his phone and took a few photos.

This staff member was just about to send a message to Moments to share about the handsome guys and beauties he saw. Suddenly, his phone was pressed by a colleague next to him!

She looked at her colleague with a puzzled look on her face and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you covering my phone? This is my baby, please don't cover it."

The staff member looked at her precious mobile phone with a distressed expression, and then glared at her colleague, as if the colleague had done something heinous to her mobile phone.

The colleague didn't care about her look now and said: "Do you know who the person you photographed is? You dare to post it on WeChat Moments. I'm afraid you don't want to live long!"

The staff wiped their precious mobile phones and asked nonchalantly: "Who is it? Which big shot? I opened my eyes today."

As she said that, she laughed a few times, in a silly way, not caring at all.

A colleague came close to her ear and said, "The person you photographed is Master Xuan!"

When the staff member heard the last two words, her hands shook and she almost dropped her little baby to the ground!

Fortunately, she had a steady hand and held the phone firmly.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the person sitting on the chair over there. Then, with a face full of disbelief, she looked at the colleague next to her and asked: "Who do you think this is?!"

Who do you think this is?

Someone please tell me this isn't true!

Now, it was the turn of her colleague Lao Shen. She picked up the ceramic jar and calmly took a sip of the freshly brewed tea. She said calmly: "I said, this is Master Xuan."

The staff has gone absolutely crazy!

She quickly deleted the copy she had just edited, opened the photo album on her phone, and deleted the photos she had just taken. She even deleted her seniority, not even leaving any information behind!

Please! That's Master Xuan!

Except for Master Xuan, no one else in Kyoto dares to call him Master Xuan!

She is a little person, but she dare not offend Master Xuan!

I originally thought that I would be so lucky today to take a photo of a handsome man and a beautiful woman. Who would have thought that it would be Mr. Xuan who brought someone to collect the certificate!

But she was lucky today, just in time for Fu Xuanyi to come to collect the certificate.

Not long after, news spread throughout the Civil Affairs Bureau - the people sitting in the hall were Master Xuan and his little wife!

Everyone was extremely curious and wanted to see what kind of person Mr. Xuan, the little wife of a big shot, was like.

But I was afraid that I might offend Fu Xuanyi somewhere, so I could only look at it cautiously, not daring to look openly.

Here, Fu Xuanyi glanced at the watch on his wrist from time to time, and spent the rest of the time focusing on Wei Yuxian.

Finally, ten minutes passed. He was a little tormented by waiting and asked, "Have you thought clearly?"

Wei Yuxian took out her phone and took a look at it, only to realize that ten minutes had passed.

These ten minutes were torture for Fu Xuanyi, but fleeting for Wei Yuxian.

Of course she didn't think clearly in such a short time.

She looked at the man in front of her, her lips moved, but she said nothing.

Fu Xuanyi asked: "Hey, dear, don't you want to get the certificate from me?"

Wei Yuxian lowered her head guiltily. At least, not now.

Fu Xuanyi narrowed his eyes, with a flash of danger in his eyes, and asked: "What you said you love me, was all a lie?"

Wei Yuxian didn't dare to raise her head and whispered: "...No, it's all true."

"Then why don't you marry me?" His question was too fatal.

Wei Yuxian took a deep breath and said, "The reason... I just mentioned it."

Fu Xuanyi sneered: "Is that considered a reason? Darling, I said, those are not problems, you don't need to think about those."

Wei Yuxian also knew that she didn't have to think about those things and could only do what she should do with the people she liked.

But she couldn't help but think about it.

Fu Xuanyi seduced her in her ear: "After we get married, you will tie me up, don't you want to?"

Wei Yuxian slowly raised her head and looked at the man beside her, and suddenly a strong voice appeared in her heart: Marry him! Get the certificate from him! Make him yours!

After receiving the marriage certificate, Fu Xuanyi is yours alone, and no one can compete with you anymore!

This impulse has been rushing to my head!

Fu Xuanyi continued: "My dear, don't you want Shishi and Zhizhi to have a perfect family?"

The impulse in Wei Yuxian's heart was even more rampant! Impacting her sanity!

she thinks! Of course she does!

This is what she has always wanted!

So, why does she still think so much? How many lovers wanted to be together but couldn't. Now that she had the chance to be with Fu Xuanyi, why did she have to think about it so much?

She and Fu Xuanyi are in love, and they have two children. Even if they don't get married now, they will most likely get married in the future.

So, what does it matter if it's earlier or later?

She knew that the man's actions today were to give her a sense of security and to tell her clearly that his love would only be given to her!

Then she couldn't let this man down.

The relationship between two people cannot rely on the efforts of one person alone. It must be maintained by two people together in order to go further.

Whatever the background, whatever the background, go to hell! She never thought that anyone could be worthy of Fu Xuanyi.

Since she doesn't deserve it, she doesn't need to think about it anymore.

After thinking for a while, the courage in Wei Yuxian's heart reached its peak. She felt braver than ever before. She looked at Fu Xuanyi. With the encouragement of the man, her eyes became firmer!

All I heard was that she said softly: "Axuan, let's get married."

Fu Xuanyi raised a slight smile on his lips and said "Okay".

Then, he picked up people and went to go through the formalities.

He was fully prepared today and brought all the materials needed for the wedding.

In this way, Wei Yuxian followed Fu Xuanyi ignorantly. She did whatever the staff asked her to do, and she was extremely obedient.

The Civil Affairs Bureau has been working for so long, except for them, there is no one else.

Now that the staff knows their identities, their work efficiency is extremely fast!

After a while, their marriage certificate was released!

Until she got two red notebooks and sat in the car, Wei Yuxian was still a little confused. She opened the red notebook in disbelief and looked at the photo of her and Fu Xuanyi inside. The corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

All this is too fantasy.

She and Fu Xuanyi actually got married!

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