After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 174 Shishizhizhi, take a look! It’s the marriage certificate of mom and dad!

Fu Xuanyi had a panoramic view of her movements, and when he saw the smile on her lips, he couldn't help but curl up his lips and smile.

He started the car and drove towards home.

Wei Yuxian looked at the scenery outside the window and found that Fu Xuanyi was taking the same path just now, and asked, "Do you want to go home?"

From this moment on, she could say the word home without any burden.

Fu Xuanyi said "hmm", his tone rose, and he was in a good mood.

Wei Yuxian opened her mouth, thinking that she had already asked for half a day's leave, so she didn't say anything.

Anyway, I have already asked for leave. I can go wherever I want next, whether I go home or follow him to the company.

Wei Yuxian still felt that it was a bit fantasy and unreal, otherwise, why would she be holding two red notebooks in her hands.

When I just paid, I paid 9.9 yuan!

She opened the red book again and looked at the photo of herself and Fu Xuanyi inside, and then looked at their names, as if confirming it again, before closing it.

Then, she pinched her arm again and found that it hurt, and then she accepted the fact.

The fact that she and Fu Xuanyi really got married!

oh! This is so great!

From now on, she and Fu Xuanyi will be a real family, and she and the old lady will also be a real family!

And Shishi and Zhizhi, no longer have to worry about this or that.

Fu Xuanyi saw the smile on her face getting brighter and asked, "So happy?"

I had to think about who it was just now for a long time. If I hadn't forced myself, I wouldn't have been willing to go in.

Wei Yuxian was a little shy, turned to look at the man, and said "hmm" in a low voice, like a shy little daughter-in-law.

Fu Xuanyi was in a good mood and said, "I should have brought you here a long time ago."

He should have brought her here on the day his darling came of age, so that he wouldn't have to think about her day and night, and have long nights and dreams.

Now, his obedience has become his legitimate Mrs. Fu, and no one can take her away from her.

When Wei Yuxian heard the man's words, she became even more shy and lowered her head, not looking at the man.

At the same time, she felt warm in her heart because she was cared about by this man and was in his heart.

The two of them didn't say a word, and an unknown atmosphere surrounded the car, which was so beautiful.

The home she wants is slowly taking shape.

There's nothing better than this, right?

As the engine stopped, Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi also returned to Fu Mansion and got out of the car. Wei Yuxian asked, "Aren't you going to work this morning too? Isn't it bad?"

Yesterday afternoon plus this morning, Fu Xuanyi didn't go to work for the whole day. Is this really no problem?

The Fu Group is so big and has to deal with a lot of things. Many decisions need to be finalized by him. If he doesn't leave for a day, will he have to work overtime at night?

Fu Xuanyi took her tender little hand and said, "It's okay, let's go in."

Wei Yuxian entered the house with him, changed her shoes, and then walked into the living room when she saw two pairs of shining eyes.

Who are they if they are not Fu’s father and Fu’s mother?

Two elderly people, each holding a baby in their hands, were looking at them with smiles.

The two old men have now guessed what the surprise Fu Xuanyi mentioned yesterday was!

This morning, Yuxian didn't go to class, and this guy didn't go to work. They went out together and came back together. What else could they do?

What else can I do besides getting a marriage certificate?

Mother Fu's eyes were almost blinded by laughter. She shook the little one in her arms and asked, "Have you gone to get the certificate?"

The one with a raised tone is so happy!

Even Father Fu, who never liked to smile, looked at them with a kind smile on his face.

Wei Yuxian felt even more embarrassed. Then she remembered that they had not asked the master and the old lady for their opinions when they received the certificate this time.

However, judging from the old lady's previous attitude towards him and the last conversation, he urged himself and Fu Xuanyi to see that the two elders should also agree to their marriage certificate.

Looking at the mood of the two elders at the moment, it goes without saying that they are very happy. Therefore, they received the blessing of the elders when they received the marriage certificate.

She blushed and followed Fu Xuanyi like a shy little daughter-in-law.

When Fu's mother saw her like this, the smile on her face became even brighter. She seemed so rare to people.

It seemed that Yuxian was speechless and shy.

Fu Xuanyi's face looked normal, but if you look carefully, you can still see a hint of happiness on his face.

He led the person to sit down on the sofa, which was right next to the second elder and much closer to the second elder.

After sitting down, Fu Xuanyi said "hmm" to his mother and answered her mother's question just now.

The second elder got the affirmative answer and was so happy that he didn't know what to say and just kept laughing.

After laughing for a while, Fu's mother said: "Okay! Great! This is really great! I have been looking forward to the day for a long time, and finally I have waited for this day! Ah Xuan, you are so impressive!"

Fu's mother praised Fu Xuanyi. When she looked at Wei Yuxian, her eyes were full of love.

Her favorite Yuxian finally became a legitimate family member with them!

Fu Xuanyi just smiled at his mother's compliment and turned to look at the shy person next to him.

The little guy is still very shy. He keeps his head down and doesn't know if his neck is tired.

He stretched out his hand to lift her head so that her head was coming back, and said, "Don't be tired."

Faced with the man's constant concern, Wei Yuxian said it was impossible not to be moved, and it felt so sweet in her heart.

After returning home for so long and sitting with the two elders for a while, Wei Yuxian gradually adapted to the occasion, raised her head, met the old lady's gaze, and gave her a shy smile.

Then, she took the initiative to take out the little red notebook from her bag, handed it to the two elders, and said, "Master, Madam, take a look."

The voice was a little soft, with a hint of shyness.

Fu's mother looked at her like a treasure, said "good" several times, and took the red notebook.

When I saw the three words on the red book of the marriage certificate, I couldn't help but touch those words on it.

She handed a book to Father Fu, and they both opened it to look at it. Inside, there was a photo of Fu Xuanyi and Wei Yuxian. Wei Yuxian put on some light makeup to look more photogenic.

Fu Xuanyi has always been handsome. When the two of them are next to each other, they create a beautiful scene.

The second elder looked at the photos of the two of them and nodded repeatedly, very satisfied!

Fu's mother not only read it herself, but also put the marriage certificate in front of the little guy in her arms and said, "Look quickly, it's your parents' marriage certificate!"

Seeing this, Fu's father followed his wife's example and put the marriage certificate in front of Shishi and said, "Check it out too."

The two little guys saw something placed in front of them. Although they couldn't understand it, they stretched out their hands to reach for it, which made the two elders very happy.

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