Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi couldn't help laughing when they saw the performance of the two babies.

Wei Yuxian's eyes were very gentle, and she felt the strong atmosphere of home, and her heart felt sweet and warm.

After coming to Fu's house, she often had such wonderful feelings.

Make her feel that she is really a part of the family.

But now, she is indeed a part of this family. They are a real family.

After the second elder read the marriage certificates for the two babies, Fu's mother took both marriage certificates in her hands and said, "I'll keep them for you, so you can rest assured."

Wei Yuxian didn't know what the old lady meant, so she smiled shyly and nodded without any objection.

Fu Xuanyi had no objection even more. He left it to his mother to keep, so that his obedient child would not want to see this thing again.

Very good, anyway, he will never have the idea of ​​divorce in this life, and his dear, he is not allowed to have it either!

The old lady waved and called Aunt Fu over in the living room and said, "Put it in my little box."

Aunt Fu also had a smile on her face, not a polite smile, but a sincere smile, sincerely happy that Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi were getting married.

After taking the two notebooks, she went upstairs and put them in the old lady's small box. Inside were all the old lady's important things.

After Fu's mother told Aunt Fu, she began to fiddle with a jade bracelet on her wrist. It looked a little old, but the quality was still very good. It seemed that it had been carefully maintained.

She asked Wei Yuxian to take out her hand, and the latter obediently did so. Then, a jade bracelet appeared on her wrist.

She quickly said: "Old madam, no need."

As she said that, she was about to take off the bracelet from her wrist. Fu's mother held her hand down and prevented her from taking it off, saying: "Yuxian, this is the bracelet passed down from the ancestors of the Fu family. It was passed down from Ah Xuan's grandmother." Mine, now, I pass it on to you and you keep it.

Also, don't call me "Master" or "Mrs." from now on. Now that we are a family, it's time for you to change your name. "

Father Fu also said, "It's time to change your tune."

The second elder didn't like that title very much. It was too unfamiliar, so he asked his parents to come and kiss him.

The second elder has been waiting for Wei Yuxian to change her story for a long time. She had not received the certificate before and knew that she was thin-skinned, so he could not let her change her story.

Now that they have received their marriage certificate and they are truly a family, they can now bring up the matter of changing their confession!

The second elder looked at Wei Yuxian with an expectant look on his face, as if there was light in his eyes.

Wei Yuxian looked at the eyes of the two elders, two red clouds quickly floated on her face, and she was thinking about changing her words in her heart.

Indeed, it is no longer appropriate for her to call her "Lao Lao Madam" and she needs to change her name.

However, she looked at the two elders and couldn't scream for a while.

She still had to make some preparations and muster up the courage.

The second elder did not urge her to scream immediately, but looked at her lovingly, as if he were his own child.

Fu Xuanyi had been holding her hand. At this moment, he put her hand in his and played with it, saying softly: "Good boy, just scream."

Fu Xuanyi's words and Fu Xuanyi's actions gave Wei Yuxian great courage. She took a deep breath, looked at the two elders, and opened her mouth.

After brewing for a while, she finally called out: "Mom, Dad!"

The voice was neither too quiet nor too loud, and there was no excessive hesitation.

After hearing this, the second elder smiled from ear to ear and said "Hey" happily!

Fu's mother even held her other hand and said, "Good boy, such a good boy!"

Wei Yuxian seemed to have run out of courage. She lowered her head with a shy smile and leaned towards Fu Xuanyi.

Fu's mother teased her and said, "Why are you still so shy? In our family, you can't be so shy. We are all a family, so there is nothing to be shy about."

Wei Yuxian said "Hmm", slowly raised her head, looked at the old lady, and called out again: "Mom."

"Hey!" Fu's mother responded and gave her an approving look, "That's how it should be! Our Yuxian family is great!"

Fu's mother praised Wei Yuxian as much as she praised the baby.

Wei Yuxian also enjoyed the treatment of a baby. She had a sweet smile and was very beautiful.

Fu's mother praised her again: "Our family, Yuxian, looks so pretty when she smiles. She should smile more at ordinary times. She looks so pretty when she smiles. And the same goes for Ah Xuan. He doesn't usually have such a stern face as his boss. He's just like your dad. If What should I do if Shishi and Zhizhi also imitate you?”

Fu Xuanyi and Fu's father were regarded as negative examples and did not dare to say anything. Fu Xuanyi could only say "hmm" to express that he understood.

After Fu's mother finished speaking, she lowered her head to look at little Zhizhi in her arms and said, "Zhizhi, you must never imitate your father and grandfather in the future. Do you know that you should smile more? We know how beautiful it is when you smile. ”

The little guy didn't know what his grandma was talking about, but when he saw the smile on his grandma's face, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

As soon as she smiled, it affected Father Fu's hand, and the little guy also laughed. The two little guys laughed happily.

The family spent the morning happily at home.

At noon, after lunch, Wei Yuxian had a full class in the afternoon, but it was lunch break now and the school was also lunch break, so she took a nap at home.

Fu Xuanyi couldn't take a nap at home. He had to rush to the company and handle the work early so that he wouldn't have to work overtime for so long at night.

During this nap, Wei Yuxian slept with her two babies. She held both babies in her arms, smelling their fragrant milky scent, and slept very peacefully.

After taking a nap and getting up, it was time for her to go to school. The second elder personally walked her to the door, really treating her like a child.

The old lady also warned: "Don't be tired, do you know that your body is the most important thing?"

Wei Yuxian wore a fisherman's hat on her head, which made her look full of energy. She said, "I understand, Mom. You and Dad can go in quickly."

After changing her words, it became smoother for her to call these two names. From now on, she will only call them more smoothly.

The relationship between their family will also get better and better.

Fu's mother said, "You get in the car first. We'll go in after we watch you get in the car."

Helpless, Wei Yuxian could only get in the car, lower the window, and wave to the elders.

The second elder also waved to her, with a little worry in his eyes, worried that she would not be well fed or clothed at school.

But it was clear that Wei Yuxian would be back in the evening, but they were still worried.

After all, being at school is not as good as being at home. Parents at home can't help but worry when their children go out.

It's just that the second elder's situation is more serious.

Nowadays, Yuxian and the two babies are the golden ones in the family, and nothing can happen to them.

Here, in the car, Wei Yuxian closed the window, but the smile on her lips did not go away.

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