After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 176 Congratulations, Madam! I wish Madam Xuan a happy marriage!

The person driving the car was still Lu Chengxiao, and the people in the car were still the four bodyguards. When Ah Kong and Ah Li saw Wei Yuxian being so happy, the former asked, "Madam, has something happy happened to you?"

Wei Yuxian nodded twice and said "hmm".

A Kong spent a few days with Wei Yuxian and knew that she was a talkative person, so he asked, "Can you tell me what happy things happened?"

Wei Yuxian was hesitant whether to tell her about getting the certificate with Fu Xuanyi.

If you don't say it now, you will have to say it later. Maybe soon, everyone around Fu Xuanyi will know about them getting the certificate.

So, what she says now is no problem.

Moreover, this is a fact, not a lie.

Thinking like this, Wei Yuxian looked at the two of them and said, "I went to get a marriage certificate today."

Her voice was not loud, but to the ears of A Kong and A Li, it was shocking news!

What! What did the lady say? !

A Kong and A Li looked at each other in pairs, and apart from seeing shock in each other's eyes, there was nothing else!

This is really shocking news!

A Li took a deep breath and asked, "Are you married to Master Xuan?"

Wei Yuxian's lips widened a little wider and she said, "Yes."

Besides Fu Xuanyi, who else could she get the certificate from?

If she had obtained the certificate from someone else, Fu Xuanyi would have caught her on the spot and taught her a lesson!

As for how education is done...that cannot be said.

After receiving the answer from the rightful owner, Akong Ali, Lu Cheng and Lu Chengxiao were stunned for a while, and then there was a burst of applause!

Wei Yuxian looked over after listening to the commotion and found that it was Lu Cheng who was applauding. This young man in his early twenties had a decent appearance and was a bit handsome.

At this moment, with a youthful smile on his face, he said: "Congratulations to Madam, Madam! Congratulations to Master Xuan too! I wish Madam and Master Xuan a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

This young man's mind was quick and his words were sweet, which made Wei Yuxian laugh.

"Thank you." Wei Yuxian covered her mouth and smiled.

A Kong and A Li also reacted and clapped together, saying: "Congratulations, Madam! I wish Madam and Master Xuan a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

Lu Chengxiao, who was driving, couldn't applaud and could only wish him well: "Then I also wish Madam and Master Xuan a happy marriage!"

Wei Yuxian smiled and said, "Thank you everyone. I also hope you can find the right person for you soon."

The car drove all the way to the school and stopped in a parking space in front of a certain teaching building.

Several people got out of the car, which attracted the attention of the people around them. Many people looked over. When they saw it was Wei Yuxian, some couldn't help but look envious.

They were envious of Wei Yuxian's good fortune, which happened to be that she met Fu Xuanyi, became his fiancée, and gave birth to two heirs.

She is simply a winner in life!

In the days to come, you no longer have to worry.

Of course, there are some people who are jealous of Wei Yuxian and wonder why Fu Xuanyi is attracted to her instead of Fu Xuanyi.

Then he couldn't help but compare himself with Wei Yuxian, feeling that he was even more powerful than Wei Yuxian.

In this Kyoto, many people who know about Master Xuan want to marry Master Xuan. Not to mention ordinary people like them, even President Qin of the Qin Group wants to marry Master Xuan!

But who would have thought that the person Xuan Ye fell in love with was Wei Yuxian.

Wei Yuxian ignored everyone's gaze. Under the gaze of everyone, she walked into the teaching building without any stage fright, came to the elevator, and waited for the elevator with a group of classmates.

She is not qualified to care about what others think of her, and other people's thoughts and opinions are also irrelevant to her.

Too many people care too much about other people's opinions, so they will live a very tiring life.

Sometimes, life can be easier if you don't care about other people's opinions.

Life is your own. How you want to live it depends on you. As long as you live comfortably, you can live however you want.

When she went to the classroom, Wei Yuxian chose a seat in the middle and sat down. Because the seats at the back were already occupied, they had no choice but to take a seat.

In this position, Lu Chengxiao and others are also very satisfied. After all, they cannot force the students behind them to get up. They are good students.

Not long after I sat down, the teacher entered the classroom and worked on the multimedia computer on the podium for a while, and then it was time for class.

The teacher began to follow the PPT lecture, and Wei Yuxian's expression became focused and undistracted.

A class lasts eighty minutes, plus ten minutes for a break, a total of ninety minutes. Some people are on pins and needles, while others feel that time passes too fast.

This is the case with all aspects of life.

After class, Wei Yuxian took Lu Chengxiao and others out of the classroom and took a look at the class schedule. The next class was physical education.

Physical education is an elective course. Wei Yuxian originally chose badminton because she was not good at anything else but badminton.

Needless to say, Lu Chengxiao and the other two also chose badminton classes, so Lu Chengxiao drove to the badminton hall where the teacher was teaching.

The school is very big, and the parking spaces on campus are also very large, which is very convenient.

Wei Yuxian is taking badminton class for the first time this semester, and she doesn’t know who her classmates are.

Because of the elective courses, their major was taken together with other majors, and she didn't recognize any of them except the classmates in this class.

The students came to the badminton hall one after another, and there were several classes in total. Wei Yuxian took pictures of sports to find the teacher, and went to where the teacher was.

The teacher was a middle-aged uncle, and it was not yet class time. He was chatting with a few classmates with whom he was close and playing with his mobile phone. The atmosphere was quite good.

Wei Yuxian found a chair and sat down, without interacting with other students.

Mainly, I'm not familiar with it either.

As time passed, more and more people poured into the badminton hall, and class time was approaching.

Wei Yuxian took a quick glance and found that she didn't recognize many people.

Soon, everyone came and it was time for class. The physical education teacher first called the names and confirmed that everyone was here before starting the lecture.

The teacher gave lectures and demonstrated at the same time, telling the students some basic knowledge of badminton.

The lecture lasted about ten minutes, and the rest of the time was for the students to practice badminton on their own.

There are many people in the badminton hall, but the venue is also large and has complete facilities. At least it can give every student a place to play.

Wei Yuxian went to get a pair of badminton rackets and a new badminton, and asked A Kong and A Li: "How about the three of us taking turns playing?"

Naturally, Ah Kong and Ah Li had no objections. The latter said, "Okay, okay, Madam can do whatever she wants. I'll practice with Madam first. I'm pretty good at badminton."


Wei Yuxian was playing badminton with A Li seriously and didn't notice that someone on the other side of the gym was looking at her with an unkind look.

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