After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 177 Sister Mu, how do you want to teach her a lesson?

On the other side of the gym, there are several girls sitting on chairs. They are not practicing, but taking a break.

There are several students like this in every class who sit on chairs and chat when they are not practicing.

When the teacher sees it, he won't say anything, as long as they can pass the assessment, it's just that they usually give less.

Some students look down upon those points and think that as long as they can pass, they don't care about the score.

And these girls are just like that.

The girl sitting in the middle is the most beautifully dressed. It is not difficult to tell that she is the leader of this small group.

The girl had her hair loose and looked to be in her early twenties. She had fair skin and looked breakable. She was a delicate lady.

At this moment, she was looking at Wei Yuxian who was playing basketball over there with unkind eyes.

She held a lollipop in her mouth and asked with disdain in her eyes, "Is that Wei Yuxian?"

A girl on her left immediately said: "Yes, Sister Mu, she is Wei Yuxian, look at the photo, it's her."

The girl also took out her mobile phone, and there was a photo of Wei Yuxian on it.

The girl named Sister Mu glanced at the photo on her phone and then looked at Wei Yuxian over there. After meeting her face, the disgust on her face became even more obvious.

She took out the lollipop from her mouth, threw it into the hand of the girl on the right, and said, "You little bitch."

The girl's name is Qin Zimu. If you look closely, you can see that Qin from the Qin Group is somewhat similar to Qin Junling.

Yes, she is Qin Junling's biological sister. The two sisters have a very good relationship, and Qin Junling dotes on this sister very much.

Because Qin Zimu is the youngest child of the Qin family, he can speak in front of his elders and is loved by his family.

She and Wei Yuxian had different majors, but because they also took badminton classes, they met Wei Yuxian here.

Several girls responded to Qin Zimu: "Yes, yes, she looks like a little bitch to me."

"Such a person looks innocent, but deep down, she's very sexy. Maybe Master Xuan was deceived by her appearance!"

"I don't think she's a good person, she's a naturally charming person..."

Several girls scolded each other, but they did not dare to speak loudly for fear of being heard by other students.

If other students heard this and told Wei Yuxian, they would be doomed.

They scolded each other, but they were still wary of Wei Yuxian's identity. After all, she was Master Xuan's fiancée!

Wei Yuxian and Fu Xuanyi just received their certificates this morning, and they did not announce the news to the outside world, so people outside still think that Wei Yuxian is just Fu Xuanyi's fiancée.

Several girls usually follow Qin Zimu and fawn over her. They smile at whoever Qin Zimu likes, and they bully and step on whomever Qin Zimu hates.

But this time, the person is a bit tricky. She is Master Xuan's fiancée, and her status is too high.

But in order to cater to Qin Zimu, they had to step on Wei Yuxian.

Qin Zimu felt very happy when he heard the words of the girls around him. He still looked at Wei Yuxian with cold and disgusting eyes and said, "Find an opportunity to teach her a lesson."

Her eyes were like those of a poisonous snake.

She is so good-looking, but her words are so vicious.

When several girls heard her words, they couldn't help but look at each other and became cautious.

They didn't dare to teach Wei Yuxian a lesson. After all, Wei Yuxian was also Master Xuan's fiancée. How could they have the courage?

Although the Qin family's status in Kyoto is not small, compared with Master Xuan, it is still far behind.

They can still tell which one is light and which is serious.

But at this moment, they couldn't just say no, because Qin Zimu wouldn't let them go.

Several girls looked at each other, no one dared to speak.

But they have to talk, because if they don't talk, this sister will be unhappy.

This sister is unhappy, and they are the ones who suffer.

They followed Qin Zimu mainly because they wanted to use Qin Zimu's identity to bring more benefits to themselves.

But they also need to be cautious when staying around Qin Zimu, because they cannot offend this sister.

There are advantages and disadvantages, but for them, the advantages are more.

Finally, the girl on Qin Zimu's left spoke: "Sister Mu, you have to think carefully. Wei Yuxian is Master Xuan's fiancée after all. You must not act impulsively."

She has been following Qin Zimu the longest, and she is also the second child in this small group. She usually talks to Qin Zimu the most.

Qin Zimu also trusts her more and leaves many things to her.

She does a good job and does her job beautifully, and Qin Zimu also likes to have her by his side.

When Qin Zimu thought of Fu Xuanyi and his sister, his hatred for Wei Yuxian deepened, and he said, "Who knows whether Mr. Xuan really likes her or pretends to like her? Isn't it just because she gave birth to a child for Mr. Location.

Maybe Master Xuan only gave her that position because she could have children. In fact, Master Xuan doesn't love her at all! "

Her sister has liked Master Xuan for so many years, but she has not received any response from Master Xuan. Why should this bitch do it?

Why did she snatch Master Xuan away as soon as she appeared!

Qin Zimu became very angry when she thought that her sister had worked so hard and excelled for Master Xuan, but in the end she didn't even get a look from Master Xuan!

Mr. Xuan is really blind. He doesn't want her sister, a great beauty, but insists on finding a little bitch like Wei Yuxian!

Master Xuan can only belong to her sister. Wei Yuxian, a little bitch, can go wherever she likes!

Dare to compete with her sister for a man, she is so tired of living!

The girl didn't know what to say, because in her opinion, if Master Xuan didn't like Wei Yuxian, there was no need to give her the status of his fiancée. Anyway, with the status of the Fu family, if the Fu family wanted those two children, Wei Yuxian had no strength to resist.

But Master Xuan just gave it to him, so Master Xuan most likely liked Wei Yuxian.

Girls can think about this clearly, and Qin Zimu can naturally think about it clearly, but she chooses to regard this idea as false!

Except for her sister, Master Xuan cannot be taken away by anyone!

Qin Junling loves Qin Zimu very much, which can be said to be doting, so Qin Zimu also likes his sister very much.

Every time she saw her sister feeling sad for Fu Xuanyi, her heart would clench.

If possible, she wished she could kidnap Fu Xuanyi in person and marry her sister on the spot!

But no, Fu Xuanyi's identity did not allow her to do this.

Not to mention her, not even her sister dared to say a harsh word to Master Xuan!

The girl could only sigh in her heart and asked: "Sister Mu, what do you want to do? How do you teach her a lesson?"

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