After Getting Pregnant, The Celibate Buddhist Fiercely Dotes on His Beloved Wife

Chapter 178 I already got the certificate, how can I not be in a hurry!

Qin Zimu said: "It's the old method, aren't you the most familiar with it?"

The girl nodded and said, "I understand, Sister Mu, but now is not the time. We have to wait for the right time."

They also knew Wei Yuxian well, and knew that the four people around her had been following her to protect her.

As for the identities of these four people and whether they were real bodyguards, they had no idea.

If Wei Yuxian didn't have these four people by her side, it would be much easier for them to move around. They could just put people in sacks and do whatever they wanted!

But now that's no longer possible, they still have to be wary of the people around Wei Yuxian.

Qin Zimu also knew that this matter could not be urgent, so he had to keep it secret. It was best not to let anyone know about it, so that even Fu Xuanyi could not find out.

This is a bit more difficult and requires more preparation.

But she can afford to wait. What she lacks most now is time.

Qin Zimu was extremely excited at the thought of teaching Wei Yuxian a lesson. He wished he could tie her to the toilet right now and give her a severe lesson!

She clenched her fists and gritted her molars tightly.

"Leave this matter to you, don't let me down. After success, I will give you 100,000 yuan, and the rest of you will also receive 10,000 yuan."

When the girls heard this, they were very excited and immediately responded happily.

Especially the girl on the left, she was laughing so hard that she couldn't even see her eyes!

Anyway, as long as this is done secretly and Master Xuan doesn't know about it, nothing will happen and you can still get 100,000 yuan. Why not do it?

Several girls fell into the eyes of money, and they thought that since they had done such things so many times, nothing would go wrong. They did not think about what would be waiting for them if they were discovered.

They followed Qin Zimu just for money. As long as they had money, everything would be easy.

And Qin Zimu was also happy to give them money.

This small amount of money meant to her, the Qin family had such a big property, and her family and sister loved her so much, her monthly living expenses were a large sum of money, and she couldn't even spend it all!

Not to mention, she still owns 3% of Qin's shares, and her annual dividends are too large to count!

As long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

Wei Yuxian, just wait and see if you can smile so happily again!

Qin Zimu's eyes when looking at Wei Yuxian were still so vicious.

Here, Wei Yuxian had no idea that she was being watched. At this moment, she was happily playing badminton with A Kong.

Ah Li came off the court and rested on the sidelines, leaving Ah Kong and Wei Yuxian to play badminton.

Ah Kong's skills were not as good as Ah Li's, so he was beaten to a pulp by Wei Yuxian. He begged Wei Yuxian again and again: "Madam, can you be merciful? Let me win a few goals."

Wei Yuxian laughed twice and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you... pay attention, the ball is coming!"

Akong stared closely at the ball flying over. This ball was relatively gentle, and even the parabola was very beautiful. When the ball was approaching in front of him, Akong swatted it hard - it missed the ball.

The ball fell to the ground. Akong made a sad face and said while picking up the ball: "Madam, you are so awesome!"

Wei Yuxian put the net side of the racket into her other hand, bounced it a few times, and said, "My serve has been very slow. Why can't you catch it, Kong?"

She doesn't know many ball games, but she is relatively good at badminton. Because she was exposed to it in school when she was young, and she has some talent, she is naturally better at badminton.

Ah Kong straightened up, with a badminton lying on his hand, he sighed and said, "Oh, it's all because Madam is so powerful. Ah Li, why don't you teach me how to play?"

A Li over there tilted his head and said, "Okay, you can do it as I say."

Later, A Kong fought with Wei Yuxian again. This time with A Li guiding him, A Kong finally lost less miserably.

After playing for almost an hour, Wei Yuxian was sweating and tired. She handed the racket to A Li who was resting over there and asked her to play with A Kong while she sat next to him and rested.

Lu Chengxiao and Lu Cheng fought together. If they got tired from playing, they would take a break and regain their strength before continuing.

After Wei Yuxian sat down, she took out a towel from her bag, which she brought specially for physical education class.

She wiped the sweat from her face, neck and arms, opened her mouth slightly, and gasped.

After she was out of breath, she took out the thermos cup and took a sip of the warm water inside.

The doctor said that you should not drink ice water after exercise. It is best to drink warm water, which is good for your health.

Even though drinking ice water can instantly relieve the heat, it is too unfriendly to the stomach, and Wei Yuxian doesn't want to ruin her body.

After that, Wei Yuxian didn't play anymore. She just rested on the sidelines and watched A Kong and A Li fight.

It was almost time for get out of class to end. When the heat in her body subsided and she adjusted her condition, there were still five minutes until get out of class ended.

The teacher gathered everyone to where they were and called their names. After finding no one sneaking around, he let them go.

Everyone cheered and left the arena in twos and threes.

Wei Yuxian just walked out, got in the car, and waited for Lu Chengxiao to drive into the alley outside the school gate.

A few minutes later, Lu Chengxiao drove the car to where Wei Yuxian wanted to go. The latter almost immediately got out of the car and walked to the car over there.

She opened the door and got in the car by herself, with an unconscious smile on her face.

"Axuan!" she shouted.

"Yes." Fu Xuanyi responded, looking at Wei Yuxian, his eyes full of tenderness and doting, "I'm home."

Wei Yuxian smiled and said, "Yeah! Go home!"

The car started, merged into the endless traffic, and disappeared.

Lu Chengxiao's car followed closely behind him, and together they drove into the Fu Mansion.

Wei Yuxian chatted with Fu Xuanyi all the way and told him what happened in class this afternoon.

Fu Xuanyi listened patiently, without any sign of impatience.

Back home, at dinner time, the two elders sat at the dinner table early, waiting for their return.

Wei Yuxian had just finished washing her hands when she heard Fu's mother over there: "Yuxian, come here quickly, come here quickly and see which one you like."

She looked over and saw the old lady waving to her, motioning for her to come over.

She also saw Fu's mother holding something in her hand, but she didn't know what it was.

Walking over, she sat down next to Fu's mother. When she poked her head around, she saw that the notebook in her hand was full of pictures of wedding dresses.

Wei Yuxian: "..."

So, what does mom want to do when she sees the wedding dress? Have a wedding?

Mother Fu put the book in front of her and said, "These are the wedding photos I sent over today. Which one looks better? What kind of photos do you want?"

Wei Yuxian pursed her lips and said, "Mom, this shouldn't be urgent."

Mother Fu: "How can we not be in a hurry? We have already received the certificate, so of course the wedding must be held as soon as possible!"

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